>want to vacuum
>put cat in room
>pick her up after i'm done vacuuming but didn't put away sweeper
>she pisses on me
>try not to smash her into dust
this is why i can't get a job or have a life
how am i supposed to treat people in a way that won't get me fired when i can't even not get world-endingly mad at my cat that i love
Want to vacuum
I think anybody would get mad if their cat pisses on them.
What kind of monster cat pisses on someone for not putting away a broom though?
Have you tried getting anger management or therapy or stuff like that
shes just scared of it because I beat her with it sometimes
fuck no
I hope that's only a joke
Go fuck yourself OP you should be locked up
>beats cat with broom
>wonder why it pisses on him
fuck you, you deserve it then. Give your cat away to someone with a soul.
I hate cats and even I wouldnt beat them
Nice bait tho bound to gets lots of yous
its only when shes being bad though
she wasn't supposed to see it today
>Stray cat hangs around our neighborhood and constantly sleeps/ shits on roof of my truck
>Only hangs around our neighborhood because 70 year old boomer leaves out food
>I collect the shit in a trash bag over time
>One night, catch the cat asleep on truck
>Shoot it with pellet gun meant for squirrels n shit
>Dismember its small stupid body
>Dump that and the cat shit on neighbor's doorstep
Throw that fleabag into your shitmobile and drive it atleast 10 miles away and dump it into the wilderness.
You stupid fucker, you train cats with a squirtbottle, not by beating them. I sincerely hope your cat cuts your jugular tonight.
Put it in the vacuum where the collected dust goes
Suck up a bunch of sharp objects like staples, nails, etc
What, a slap isnt enough you gotta use a weapon?
Naa poor bait nigger you are a psychopath
i use the soft side of it obviously
it helps extend my reach so she doesn't scratch me when i hit her
no thats mean
What does the cat do that warrants a beating? Why have a cat if it pisses you off for doing cat stuff? Has it ever occured to you that you ruined the cat's personality by being an autistic faggot?
If your pet fights back over light discipline youve failed as an owner
My dog never misbehaves, probably because I dont beat her like a psycho
>thats mean
Says the psychopathic cat abuser.
>roleplay about abusing animals
>recieve plenty of (you's)
Damn.. I've been doing this wrong all along.
Niiiice. Trips and a story about killing a cat.
Sicker than your average feline killer
>have cat for four years
>have maybe had to actually squirt water at it about three times, just had to brandish the bottle after that
>haven't even used it in two years at alll
>behaves pretty well
>never shits or pisses on carpet
>lays on me for fifteen minute belly rub sessions
>cuddles up with me at night
>never been hissed at or clawed
>never been hit
>stepped on her paw once accidentally when she got under foot, but after the initial surprise she was back to normal in five seconds
Get on my level.