
6' 155 and still skinny fat

one day

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Where's the fat part?

You're not skinnyfat, just skinny my dude. Get off this board before your body dysmorphia develops even further. Also eat more.

it's just a generous picture. I still have bitch tits and lower back fat. Trying to cut to Auschwitz before bulking forever

Just stop eating then

look at my legs and a less flattering angle. I'm coming down from 260 I just want to cut to 10%. If you think even in this I look not skinny fat then maybe I do have a problem but I don't see it

looking really good esp for height

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Can't really tell from that image, maybe you're a little pudgy/have some loose skin. Either way, do what you think is best for your own body image.

Nah you gotta bulk my dude

5'9" 189, about 9 pounds up from my competition weight for powerlifting.

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Here is my back as well. Left was 3 days ago and right was April 28th or so.

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dang mang 189? what are your lifts at?

i've asked a few times but no such luck, can a brother get a body fat estimate, 6' 180

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also here's me a year ago to show my progress i'm proud of (^^v) ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

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Are you sucking your gut in? I want to say you're around 13%

Ohp:190, just missed 195.
Bench: 305, working on that 315
Squat: 479.5(meet squat).
Deadlift: 540, stalling cause mentally psyching myself out.

Overall it's okay. Still got a ways to go though.

nope, unfortunately i have a huge rib cage

nice, im 27 and have been liftin/dicking around in the gym w bad form since 18 and read SS maybe 9 months ago. As a result I have a pretty good bench and OHP, but I have so much to unlearn and strengthen when it comes to squat and ded.


agreed with the other guy, you have body dysmorphia and need to bulk now.

you're relatively lean right now but you have little muscle so it doesn't appear that way, look up dexas of some really skinny dudes without abs and you'll be shocked at their bodyfat

i say this as someone who's been 6' 140, you do NOT want to go any lower than you currently are

You look the same but with a stomach vacuum

Any hope for this weird-ass combifridge torso of mine?

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that's just hurtful and completely not true (ಠ_ಠ)

Allright buddy

Got a pic of you at 140?

>6'2" 215lbs
Trying to cut some weight before august

Just build more shoulders, you'll be fine.
nice cut, progress, probe around 12% or so
Nice, whats your total?
You're not skinnyfat, just really skinny, you need to eat, its not the angle.
nice progress, you need to learn to pose if you want to pull bitches though.

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Probably stay in my weight class. But bench goal is 315, squat 500, deadlift 550+.

actually probably more like 135 here, i'm the guy who posted at 180 above, this is the pic i've got available. not shirtless but i can assure you i didn't have a shred of abs at this weight still because i had no muscle

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Recovering super fat. 6’0 28 year old. In March I was at my leanest, might’ve got down to 165 or so, then went on vacation and gained around 10-15lbs. Started a bulk 4 weeks ago when I was 185lbs, and am now at 203.

Strength is up, all my lifts are going up and I really like the feeling of being stronger, but I’m worried I’m getting fat because of how easy I’m putting on weight.


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you are bulking way way way way too quickly. past being a beginner even a pound a week is probably excessive and you're going at four pounds a week. cut back down, then bulk sensibly at 0.5-1lbs a week, the additional surplus does not translate to additional muscle; you are just putting on fat and a lot of it

I'm down to 78 kilos from a 100 at my worst. I'm a 20 year old male and I feel my body is proportioned weird. Right now I do calisthenics and running a few times per week, but ideally i would like to a smaller figure. It's really hard to lose weight past this point, my BMI is 22. Anything I can do other than be hungry for most of the day and get used to it? If I just keep working out and maintain weight, is it possible for my figure to get slimmer?

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you're not lifting weights so i'm going to start with do that

Ok I’ve heard this before and I’m going to work on that. I’ve cut down on my carbs and reduced my daily Cals by 200 each day, as well as added in some light cardio. I’ll try for 1lb per week or so.

170cm, 66kg, lost about 17kg in two years
What should I do about my pecs?
My routine looks like this:
- 4x 10 dumbbell presses, 10 dumbbell flies, max push ups
- 4x same as above but inclined
- 3x max dips
1 minute rest between sets

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Thanks G

You need to stop cutting and start lifting weights man.

PS. miring those hands, do you do physical labour?

What the fuck are you doing running and doing calisthenics when you have literally no muscle

I’m 2 inches shorter than this lad and not all that much smaller than him, where’s that extra 45 pounds stored on this guy? He’s obviously leaner/denser than me, but does muscle density really make you that much heavier?

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i'm not interested in building muscle. i enjoy fashion and would like to have a smaller body that would look better in clothing. i do calisthenics because i don't have to pay for a gym membership - i have 3 different routines i switch up that cover my whole body. it's a way to use my muscles and push myself that's convenient for me right now. and for the running, i enjoy the cardio a lot

>do you do physical labour?
rarely, to help my family, i don't work as i am a student



you're delusional

1 inch = roughly 7lbs muscle difference, he definitely looks 30lbs of muscle bigger than you

>6' 155
>6'2 185
Maybe my scale is broken, I'm 150 apparently, at 6'3 but I look like 185-dude.

>not all that much smaller than him

My legs are pretty thicc as well. So that adds quite a bit of weight.

he has a five hundred pound squat, i'm going to say that his are pretty significant rofl

This is truly delusion. Dude is dense as fuck and actually filled out. I need to hands to list out all the places you're lacking size in.

What part of looking at that skeletal frame each day makes you think “I don’t need to lift weights, I should run”

I, too, work the shit out of my chest but no matter what it won’t grow. We are chestlets 4 life friend.
>inb4 ur fat
I know, working on it

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You should prob work more in your pecs. You look pretty good so far.

The poster you responded to was 180lbs guy

What kind of routine should I do?

I did get a bigger chest last year while doing a routine I'd done a few years back with a rugby player.
I decided to cut after that because I don't wanna be a buff manlet and summer is coming.


5'8 ~150lbs
am i athletic ottermode yet?

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What's your chest routine like m8?

So I think this answered my question. I was saying that in terms of volume we seem proportionally similar but his muscle is much denser which accounts for the extra weight.

Yes. Pls be bf

Sunday is my main bench day where I do an altered version of 5/3/1 percentages. Tuesday is overhead press and 3 second pause bench. Then Friday is my weakness day, which is mostly a bench day. I can screenshot my program if you want it.

5’6” 167 165/280/365/465
Just looked at a pic from 6 months ago and realized I have barely made progress in that time. Would really appreciate some advice.

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Dude there’s no fucking way you’re 155 at 6’ in that.

any before pics? asking for a friend

Try weighted dips if you're just doing them at bodyweight now.

19 years old 5”3 165

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it wasn't, because i'm 180lb guy haha

A fellow manlet appears
HH brother

Looks like we’ve got a shadow poster on our hands.

Yeah, I'm interested in building a bit more of muscle from July onwards.
Do you do cardio? I run maybe 18km a week, idk if that would kill my gains.

Thanks for the advice.

>+2 bonus to strength stat

Only positive aspect of being this height

I totally agree. The relationship between height and strength over size is inversely exponential, short guys tend to be way stronger than they should be.

Here is what I'm currently doing.

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How would you fix my physique? I just keep spinning my wheels. Almost a year lifting. 6'1 176 lbs

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eat more?

focus more on lats and delts

You're Auschwitzmode not skinnyfat

Thanks m8

I freak out when I gain some weight and look fat. Then I stop eating a lot.

OP Buchenwald is that way

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>Two rest days in a row
This is... controversial...
Have you ever tried putting your two rest days in between two segments? If so, how would you compare the two methods?

>wow, what a nice bod..

bulk or keep cutting. I've been cheating on my diet a lot

what's life like at that heigh? I feel short sometimes and I'm almost 6'1

Two rest days in a row is conventional not controversial unless you've spent too long on here and think 6x/week PPL is the only way to make gains

It's like a giant fucking meme, I unironically love being this short

I just realized I messed up on moving the days around. My current rest days are Thursday(work reasons) and Saturday for friends/active activities. Friday is the weakness day/in-between day.

bulk imo. you're low enough bf and you've got prominant obliques so you might want to get a bit bigger to look more proportionate

Having been an athlete for most of my life (started running in the 4th grade, ran six days a week since, up until about 6 months ago) I have a pretty good sense of my recovery time and recovery cycle, but I’m not sure if “being able to do a workout” recovered is the same as “getting the most muscle growth out of your workout” recovered. I’m currently on pic related schedule, what kind of changes should I make/do you think it’s working? This is 4 month before pic for , I was same height obviously and 134lbs.

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Forgot second pic

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6ft 174.
What body fat percentage do you guys think I'm at?

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5'11" 143lb, mostly been doing the rowing machine and bodyweight core exercises. Need to start focusing on my chest,i do pushups but I'm going to start doing weights pretty soon

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who cares?

NIce purse.


Posting from the other thread because why not.
Starting PSMF on Monday for 5-6 days a week.

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you haven't gained mass, only lost fat. if you want that that's fine but i'd feel kinda bad if that is my progress in a year

6’ 180lbs.

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I guess chest is my biggest weakpoint?