White boys were built to serve brown girl soles

white boys were built to serve brown girl soles

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disgusting and racist


I wouldn't mind serving her soles honestly. They look great for worshiping

race traitor, u should be ashamed

>brown girl soles
>posts pic of a white girl in a dim room
what did he mean by this?

op stupid af

I hope your mouth is warm. Start kissing.

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Post more, I'm in.

kys you fucking losers lmao

open your mouth and do your job

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tfw no cute brown gf who lets me worship her feet for hours just slowly stroking my cock and prolonging it for as long as I can before I cum

Im waiting queen.Post more

yes Mistress, it is my natural place to serve your soles. I am meant to serve you.

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Name? She's a cutie.

Stare into them and pray to them. Don't worry about anything else ever again. You will never find any sight more beautiful than my soles. My bare feet are the peak of your life.

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>tfw technically white, but not socially white

Sucks that I'm being left out.

what are you, some cuban or other type of living meme?

Iranian. USA makes me mark white on all applications, but no one actually looks at me and thinks I'm white.

fuck off footfag

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i have some iranians in my classes. a few of them i would say look legit white (just with black hair) but most look paki/ay-rab

Thank you Goddess for showing me my place, your divine soles are my place in life. Please bless me by allowing me to worship you, thank you for giving me meaning!

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This is very underrated.

If the mods/jannies cared they'd stop things that were obvious spam rather than stop only what they personally don't like.

This being race bait on top of it makes it doubly bad.

Yeah, it depends on the region of Iran. Certain parts are pale skin, blue eyes, blonde hair. My mom has pale skin and green eyes. And then certain areas have darker skin.

shut the fuck up you retarded nerd.

It isn't betraying my race if we don't reproduce. Reproduction is saved for being with white women.

sauce me mommy

Your life would be 1000x more meaningful, rewarding, and pleasurable if you were one of the flip flops serving underneath each of her divine soles.

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she does have really nice feet


Not an argument you ironic moron.

>tfw had a gf that would sit down on my bed and have me on my knees lick and kiss her feet
>tfw anytime she was horny she would rub her feet against me
>tfw she left me and i know for a fact i will never have this again

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i said shut the fuck up and stop posting. this isn't a spam thread or a race bait thread. it's a feet thread for footfags, gtfo. the white/'brown thing is to get attention and gather the crew. get out of this thread you zoomer.

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Bark like a puppy and beg to give them one kiss.

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fuck OP I'm not trying to fap right now

You're not allowed to fap until you can make them disappear in your mouth. Come on, boy, open up your throat and show me your're willing to serve.

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I'd much rather they sat on my face and refused to get up until I passed out

W-who is this foot temptress user?

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Your new addiction. Dedicate your life to her soles.

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There is a chance I may cum in my pants, hands free from her. I'm unironically in love with her feet. I NEED HER NAME

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Is it bad that I want to nofap for the health benefits but end up just edging and denying myself over and over instead of not fapping at all? These feet are seriously getting to me.

Imagine them on your tongue

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maybe don't go on Jow Forums (or Jow Forums at all) if you're trying to nofap

It makes me shiver thinking about it, I want to worship them badly. Makes me feel weak and submissive.

It is too difficult even though I want to. I have a chastity and denial fetish so nofap literally turns me on, putting me back to square one.

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>not fapping makes me want to fap
well thats normal, did you try to find something to occupy your mind? I don't want to make assumptions about your life but if your consists mostly of dicking around and daydreaming its basically impossible to nofap, the lewd thoughts are gonna come to you

basically a neet, except I lift and do exercises a lot. way more than I would be able to if I was working, internet is for rest. But I don't mean that I just want to fap because I am not fapping, but that not being able to fap is actually hot and thus makes me want to fap due to that, and the more I deny myself that the hotter it gets and it keeps building until I either melt or cave or something.

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Brown soles make life worth living. Brown soles are superior.

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Stay away from our women wh*Te subhumans

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One drop of sweat from a brown woman's foot is worth 10000000000000000000000000000000000 brown "men"

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My kind of thread


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autism spectrum disorder
also anything by tarantino is kino af, he's the michael jordan of films

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Yes please... I want dark femdom gf.

I-is that OP? Seriously guys I need to know who this is. I need these feet in my life

Is it bad that I like that those qt brown feet are more powerful than I am?