Why is it so hard to find a women who is equal to me in most ways?

Why is it so hard to find a women who is equal to me in most ways?
Are guys really willing to put up with someone who has no job, car, life just because theyre pretty?

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>equal to men

my gf makes like 15k more than me and has a 2017 car

Your grammar is shit faggot.

Aside from that, of course men don't care about how much she's achieved.

>Why is it so hard to find a women who is equal to me in most ways?
Because you are so unworthy that it's hard to find people in the gutter with you

She makes 4 times what I make and pays all the bills, i just pay my own stuff and utilities. She also buys me food all the time because she likes feeding me.

Its a shame because im losing my attraction to her and she was overweight from the start and hasnt done anything about it.

no, I think you just have to get lucky

I see those really mundane domestic couples at the grocery store where the girl is super cute and fit but the guy is a skinnyfat numale.

It happens; maybe not to you and I but it does certainly happen.

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yeah my gf makes probably 20k more than me and pays for everything

I help out by buying groceries, cooking, and splitting a power bill here and there but she is still the main provider

>Are guys really willing to put up with someone who has no job, car, life just because theyre pretty?

Yeah no shit what are you fucking 12

Was thinking this earlier, OP.
I'm 25 and make 80k a year. Most men my age cant even tie a tie.
I have my own place, my own car, my own very successful independent life. I clawed my way out of an abusive childhood and poverty.

Women in my age range are saddled with immense debt from pursuing useless degrees. They wageslave away at Starbucks wasting their youth. No hobbies or interests or passions.

And all because I'm ugly that means I have to kowtow to THEM?! They're fucking losers but because they have a sopping hole between their legs that means they're above me?

what job bro
hookers in thailand btw

I'm a small business owner.

>Why is it so hard to find a women who is equal to me in most ways?
>Are guys really willing to put up with someone who has no job, car, life just because theyre pretty?
uh yeah that's the whole point of women and has been the whole point of women for millions of years

they look pretty, smell nice, and gossip with each nice while the men go on hunts

>Are guys really willing to put up with someone who has no job, car, life just because theyre pretty?
Yes. After spending my youth (teens through twenties) trying to find girls who were "equal" to me and having one miserable failed relationship after another, I've revised my standards. I am no longer interested in any of the following:
>ambitious career or life goals
>patrician taste in art or literature
What I now look for in women is:

Job/car/life is not important to me. I can supply these things to the right girl but you can't make a girl kind or loyal no matter how smart or successful she might otherwise be.

>Women in my age range are saddled with immense debt from pursuing useless degrees.
Then don't date women in your age range, you dummy. I'm in my mid-thirties making something like 25k a year and my gf is 20 years old. If I can do it I'm sure you can too.

hey thats my dream job
how much did you need to save up for starting

you don't have to associate with them my guy

that's what MGTOW is all about

A lot. I spent years slaving away at something I hated. Saving every penny i could. I was well above the poverty line but lived as if I was destitute.

20 year old girls are in my age range. They have the same financial and attitude problems as the 25 year olds.

>I spent years slaving away at something I hated

do u think I could get a business w/ 40k yr salary

You know the universe comes full circle comedy when the spoiled cunt finally cheats on her hard working provider.

Of course.

I work a "real job" and I'd easily date a girl who had nothing going for her as long as she made my pee pee feel tingly just by her appearance.

Yes. You'll have to live like someone who works part time at walmart, but you can definitely save up with that kind of money.

>20 year old girls are in my age range. They have the same financial and attitude problems as the 25 year olds.
Ah, so you're just one of these Jow Forums stereotypes who thinks that any woman who isn't a 13 year old virgin isn't worth having. Good luck with that.

No, retard. I don't care if a girl is a virgin or not. I care if she's going somewhere in life and most of them aren't. The wander aimlessly from retail job to retail job, man to man, until they're old and shriveled.

thanks bro that really helped

>Are guys really willing to put up with someone who has no job, car, life just because theyre pretty?
Yes, dudes are stupid and horny

>Why is it so hard to find a women who is equal to me in most ways?
because women aren't supposed to be equal to you, you dumb faggot, they are supposed to complement you, give you companionship, someone to confide in, be vulnerable with, someone to release all your of pent up sexual desires with, grow old w/, but most importantly someone to pass on your genetic information with.
Beside it's just biologically ingrained in us to want to provide for them and our family, it's a great incentive for many men to get their shit together.

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I only want a female equal at work and in academics. And DONT SHIT WHERE YOU EAT is in full effect in those instances.

I do not want an equal in my bed or in my relationship.

>Why is it so hard to find a women who is equal to me in most ways?
Because women aren't equal. If you want someone like you, you should become gay.

Yup, this user gets it.

How do I find more aesthetic cigarette girls? Is there some sort of search term?