What is it like to have a woman sit on your face?

what is it like to have a woman sit on your face?

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dunno but why dont girls from four chan let us find out?

10/10 if you can get her to relax and actually put all of her weight on your face. The feeling of your girl's cheeks pressing against your face and forehead while you force your tongue up her asshole is truly marvelous.

>what is it like to have a woman
Could have asked that and got the same response

your mouth starts to get tired quicker. your tongue has to do all of the work. whereas if you go down on her if she's on her back, you can use your neck muscles.

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>not taking his time and enjoying small breakss just breathing in her musky aromas while your tongue and mouth rest

That is how you get pink eye my man

Son you can be exercising your tongue literally every waking moment of the day. There is absolutely no excuse to be a tonguelet.

>having such a pathetic immune system that you get diseases reserved for small children
how sad

she doesn't like edging

i can do like 30 minutes of pussy eating in other positions but i struggle underneath her. im more of a breathlet than a tonguelet. i run out of oxygen.

It's pretty great. My girlfriend has only done it twice. She's pretty self conscious about it. She prefers standing with me on my knees eating her out.

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It love it. It is one of the few things I let a woman do that could be considered dominant. Although several times with my oneitis, I almost shaved her clit off because she was slamming her fucking pussy in my face and grinding really hard because she was probably drunk or some shit fucking retard it made my face hurt

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Nice. Try having her stand on your hands with her heels while you do it too.

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The concept of face sitting is truly barbaric

its okay theres better positions to perform cunnaligus/analingus

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Ass eating is a stepping stone for fucking traps. Eating ass means you're gay.

Pretty good, gotta do the other way though.

Because they'd probably crush your face and suffocate you.

It's pretty great, although I prefer if she face towards me instead of away. My wife doesn't like to do it very often because she's self-conscious about her weight right now, but when I get it I'm grateful for sure.

Wow holy shit thank god I saw your post, bro. I guess I better go rethink my life now and probably break some unfortunate news to my gf.

Fucking dumbass.