Why do a lot of geeky looking dudes that I know in high school become better looking in college?

This one friend of mine was such a butt ugly dork in high school when i graduated high school 3 years ago. Fast forward 3 years to now, I ran into him through a friend and he's attending university. Dude is a completely different person. Before he used to be pale, skinnyfat, shitty haircut and had really bad grooming and a pudgy jaw. Now, he's tanned, buff, has that Instagram chad hair, and such a sexy man that confidence oozes from him (no homo brah). literally a virgin to chad transformation

for reference, dude now look like the guy in this picture except with longer hair

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Hahaha it was good seeing you the other day man.

Who is laughing now faggot?

thanks chad


It's called being a late bloomer and not peaking in high school

Not everyone develops at the same time, and being lacking earlier in high school can be big motivation to shape up

It's called being a late bloomer.

dudes with less social gains work harder to develop their social skills than other people because they have bad experiences and they want to stop experiencing them

He got his shit together. Try doing the same.

Because they get sick and tired of being losers and try to improve themselves while a lot of people who weren't losers get complacent in their status and go down hill from lack of effort.
Survivor bias too. Most of them probably turn into incel hermits, but you'll never see or interact with them.

It's because if/when you're intelligent, and you don't fuck up, you peak much later in life. If you capitalize on it and read the game right, you realize that if you're fit AND intelligent, you become a demigod amongst your peers. Now keep in mind that you also won't be a fucking dick like all meatheads, which makes people look up to you and you inspire them, instead of being a douche.

Essentially, you can combine the positive effects of both without any of the downsides.

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> dudes with less social gains work harder to develop their social skills than other people because they have bad experiences and they want to stop experiencing them
Wrong, they just cut off their social connections so they wont experience these again

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High IQ

Lmao. Half of the good looking athlete from my high school became pudgy dadbods in college. they were the shell of themselves.

The stacies/high tier beckies from my school either

1.) stayed attractive because of makeup, fitness and dieting
2.) got more fatter in college due to alcohol and not checking diet
3.) became SJW feminists and fuck their shit up by dressing weirdly, having fuck my shit up hair, and being weird as fuck

The third one is the weirdest one. I've seen cute athletic girls become ugly hipster feminists in college. I seriously hate feminism because of that lmao.

first step is this, then you realise that everyone else is not an asshole and that you are pretty worthless

THEN you try to better yourself

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But they were.
I didnt better myself, yet i have friends who take me for who i am and dont bully me.
Those fucktards in school were assholes.

Ideally, a longer, i.e. delayed growth period leads to more growth.

im the same, everybody i've seen since high school (4 years ago) doesn't recognize me. Im leaner, have different hair, dress differently, talk different, am much bigger, and have a shit load more confidence

>Those fucktards in school were assholes.
No shit. I was told all my life that your boss will be an asshole, your coworkers will be idiots, and you will be bullied around all your life. Biggest fucking lie ever. My coworkers are genuinely nice people, we crack great in-group jokes and references all the time. My boss is also a total bro. Sure, we're there to work, but he never bullies anyone or never orders anyone around, he asks nicely and goes out of his way to make sure we feel comfortable.

But yeah, I'm obviously not working at a dead-end job. But if after 20+ years of "free" public education, that's the highest job you're qualified to do, then you fail at life so hard that you fucking deserve it. Karma is a bitch.

selective friendships can be a trap. Don't get me wrong I also have little to no people I actually like but I expose myself to average circles of people because isolating yourself within 2-3 people that all live the same and think the same way will quickly become a circlejerk where noone pushes each other to develop

Social pressure at a small rate ( not bullying ) is actually a normal thing and will help you see how other people percieve things and why they are saying the shit they are saying about you, gives you perspective and motivation IMO

it is just an age thing, people are more autistic on their teenage years. They can still be judgemental assholes when they grow up and you will probably know alot of people like this but they are not taken seriously or actually physically hurt people

You're done with puberty by age 18, he met the dude at 21, what are you yalking about

It can actually last into your early twenties.

>puberty ends at an exact date, when the law says that you have become an adult
Wew lad. I know brainlets like you exist, but it always buffles me how you are able to breathe and type at the same time.

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Sexual awakening. Not everyone is conscious about how they look or dress as early as high school. And if they didn't take care of themselves during that time, they haven't reached their limits yet when it comes to attractiveness.

not everyone reacts the same. Some commit sudoku, some dont do anything and some tryhard to improve themselves.

your 20ies matter more than late game though

why would it

as a woman, but not as a male

> cope - the post

just admit it, i do even though i'm on the short end of the stick

you're only coping so you don't have to bear the responsibility of bettering yourself.

i am working on bettering myself, i'm just feeling sorry for the time i've lost along the way and will keep losing until i make it while admitting objective truth

Most successful self-made success stories occur after 45. Your 20s are still the baby phase of your life. If you peak in your 20s you done goofed and need to get you shit together. If by age 30 you think "I had a good run" you've decided to waste the last three quarters of your life. Well done.

>be in hs
>fat dork with no friends, /b/tard, depressed, totally non-athletic
>summer after senior year work at Walmart as a cart pusher
>lose 75lbs from being outside, get a nice tan, sun bleached hair
>also grew an inch taller
>now tall and skinny with long golden hair and a decent jaw
>go to college that fall
>first day of class waiting to go inside
>this girl bumps into me on purpose, doesn’t say anything
>after class she apologizes profusely
>asks if I have a girlfriend and invites me to her dorm room to hang out
>oh shit oh shit oh shit
>go to her place
>hands and voice are shaking
>as soon as we get inside she pu S her hand on my chest
>instantly rock hard
>she leans in and shares kissing my neck
>shaking like an epileptic
>she puts a hand up my shirt and teases my nipple
>I don’t know what to do with my hands so I have them in my pockets
>she reaches into my shorts and squeezes my dick (first time anyone has ever touched it)
>shaking uncontrollably
>she undoes my pants and they fall down (too big because I lost weight lol)
>teases my dick
>let out an uncontrollable moan and start to cum
>she strokes me three times and I shoot the biggest load of my life all over her floor
>super embarrassed but she is smiling and still kissing me
>end up laying around her place fucking and talking all day
>she is clearly insane and has issues but I am happy to have lost my virginity so I stick around and enjoy it
>we had sex all semester but next semester she was inexplicably gone and I never saw her again (never had Facebook or even her phone number)

thanks for getting me to remember that OP, gonna go jack off now.

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who said anything about peaking? i said it's the most important time of your life, you keep evolving latter on but it's not the same. you won't have the same amount of freedom, your body will start working against you instead of for you everyone in your age group will be more jaded and cynical it's not the same anymore

that retarded graph shows how happy weirdos are when they are in their 60ies and above as if those years have something to offer besides declining health and looking more and more like a corpse with each passing day


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>blow your load early
>she smiles and keeps things going

Literally the best possible outcome. Congrats dude, that woman's patience saved you from a lifetime of potential psychological complexes and anxiety. We should all be so lucky.

Nice boomer cope graph lmao. Life for ugly, nerdy men is NEVER better than for women or most people in general.

Forgot of mention she was 10 years older than I, so she was 28 and plucked a gawky 18 year old out of class to make him into a man. Not sure if she’s an angel, demon, siren, or what

horny hiv+

usually used condoms, never got an STD as far as I know.

Imagine someone was a 3/10 in high school because they neglected their body and didn't care about fashion.
Let's say, after they graduate and go to university, they become a 6/10 just because they take care of their body and start wearing better clothes.
It's not as if they're suddenly amazing, but just are much better than what they looked like before.
OP, that guy could've been a total Chad as a teen too if he'd taken care of himself. It isn't being a late bloomer as much as it is finally unlocking your good looks.

tfw this will never happen to me

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jesus christ

>tfw the first time I got a handjob I came in three pumps and the girl made fun of me for the rest of the day and made jokes about it for the rest of our six month relationship
>tfw i had anxiety over premature ejaculation for my entire teens/early 20s which caused me to have more PE

>first time i fucked chick had high e2 from roids, couldnt cum
>we make jokes about me taking a while

>more fatter
High IQ


>needing to be pressured to improve
beta af

shit graph