Im balding

Im balding

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me too. how old are you?
i'm 20, full NW 2,5
fucking rip


NW3 with some crown thinning
Still clinging onto the COPE cut

>what are we going to do on the leaves?!

Full head of hair
Looks like I'll keep if for life looking at how both sides of the family hair is.
but I threw my good genes away by being a fat fuck


Get on that propecia and Rogain, saved my fucking life at 24, didn’t get any side effects too

where's the problem?
if you are not losing height at the same time you are fine

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I’m 5’10, can’t afford to lose more

>Got shit skull shape

Edward Norton doesn't have a very masculine face and his jaw is weak af yet he rocks the shaved look very well

He has body and neck

What's the cope cut?

How bad is this? Its worse on the other side

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The sweep forward to cover the hairline

fucking retard

So what just cut it all off

You have three simple choices
1) Accept it
2) Struggle futile with 5a-reductase inhibitors
3) 100 mg Progesterone/4mg Estradiol/50mg Bical

>just shave it bro women love that shit



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There is, but you have to give up your masculinity for it.


Is it possible that I'm balding because I'm angry all the time or is that a myth?
Gonna stop reading the news I think

Pls respond.
Am i balding?

You can try to prevent DHT synthesis with reductase inhibitors like finasteride and durasteride, but effectiveness varies, and it may also have some unpleasant side effects (some related to feminization). So you might as well just take proper HRT. Bicalutamide with prevent testosterone and to a lesser extend DHT from binding to receptors, and progesterone will use up reductase enzymes in its metabolism, preventing the synthesis of DHT (also feels really nice), and estrogen would then be needed as a replacement hormone other wise you would suffer problems from low sex hormones, on the plus side however it also encourages hair growth. :^)

Bruh u look fine

why do this shit when you can just use minioxidil?
and why the fuck hasn't someone invented something better when theres a cure for aids but not this shit. How hard is it to invent something that grows hair?

The problem isn't growing hair user, the problem is that sometime's men's hormonal profile signal the shutdown and death of those hairs. A selective androgen receptor modular that would only target your head hair cells, would be very hard to engineer, if not impossible. The next best thing is preventing DHT synthesis, which is currently a thing, but those drugs have certain problems. Or you could give up, and swing it in the other direction with metaphorical sledgehammers.

not to scare you, but i have no balding history in my family on either side until around age 60. Hairline receded a bit when i was 21, but still overall thick.
Now im 23, and every time i take a shower i lose over 100 hairs. The top of my head used to be insanely thick but now its see through when i shower.
Thought it was the creatine in my PWO, so stopped that but didnt change anything
Thought it was a vitamin deficiency, got tested, had a vit D deficiency but ive been taking that for over a month now and still losing tons of hair daily.
Thought it was a thyroid problem but got a full hormone panel done and the endo said im healthy.
On minoxidil and ketoconazole shampoo and still losing tons. I know theres supposed to be a rogaine "shed phase" but its been about 3 months since i started.
I started taking biotin with my D3 but still no change in loss

I brought this up to tell you that your family history doesnt always matter. Odds are youre fine, but i thought i was too.
I must have inherited some wildcard recessive gene from some ancestor multiple generations ago that somehow survived multiple DNA recombinations. Im just hoping i dont have to "JUST SHAVE IT BRO" before 30.
Im pretty good looking face wise but i dont think i have the head shape for a baldo.

>In August, 1988, the FDA finally approved the drug for treating baldness in men[22][26] under the trade name 'Rogaine' (FDA rejected Upjohn's first choice, Regain, as misleading[27]). The agency concluded that although "the product will not work for everyone", 39% of the men studied had "moderate to dense hair growth on the crown of the head".[27]

39%, heh

better off with durasteride, but even that may fail

>Still only 77%


Finasteride at a dose of 1 mg/d has been reported to show no significant improvement in 30-50% of patients with androgenetic alopecia (Androgenetic Alopecia). Dutasteride, a dual inhibitor of both type I and type II 5 alpha-reductase, inhibits the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which is the key contributor of Androgenetic Alopecia.

Our aim is to evaluate clinical efficacy and tolerability of dutasteride in men with Androgenetic Alopecia who do not show clinical improvement to the conventional finasteride treatment. A total of 35 Korean men with Androgenetic Alopecia who had not shown significant clinical improvement when treated with finasteride 1 mg/d for at least six months received dutasteride at a dose of 0.5 mg/d for six months. Efficacy was evaluated by global photograph assessment and phototrichogram. Safety assessment was performed through physical examination and adverse event report.

Of the 31 patients who completed the treatment, 24 patients (77.4%) were improved by the global photography (17 were slightly, six moderately, and one markedly improved) compared with the post-finasteride treatment. There was no significant change in seven patients (22.6%), and aggravation was not reported. Hair density and thickness significantly increased by 10.3% (87 ± 12-96 ± 12/cm(2)) and 18.9% (0.053 ± 0.012-0.063 ± 0.011 mm), respectively, in phototrichogram assessment. Side effects included transient sexual dysfunction in six patients (17.1%).

Dutasteride is suggestive to be an alternative treatment option to patients with Androgenetic Alopecia who do not clinically respond to finasteride in six months.

trust me i tried, but fin made me suicidal and retarded every day i took it until i stopped. Not even a "nocebo' i didnt even know about the mental sides until i stopped. Went away within 2 days. I think im just meant to be a baldlet. Loss hasnt slowed down in the last 6 months, and from what ive read online my loss is super accelerated. Even for balding, apparently 100 hairs in the shower alone is kinda bonkers. Im gonna ride on minoxidil until 1 year has passed and if the loss doesnt slow down, im gonna stop buying this jew-foam. 9 months to go i guess.

Yeah, 5a-reductase is important for regulating neurosteroids, so you're going to get unpleasant mental effects if you try to eliminate it. Fin is also only effective for one of the enzymes. So DHT is still going to get synthesized.


Honestly, you should try at least progesterone as it helps regulate both androgen and estrogen receptor expression.

Ive began to accept the balding. I have a medical background so I know a decent bit about hormones. Its easy to just think "hey if i take some of this my hair will stop falling out" but realistically our hormones all work in feedback loops and taking any one hormone (if not deficient) will lead to over or under production of another. It would be nice if hormones could be taken safely but i would no sooner take progesterone for hair loss than i would exogenous testosterone. Hair isnt worth having completely endocrine dysfunction later in life. Im praying for a more "mechanical" solution, in the form of an advance transplant technology (please japan). Any pharmaceutical solution will be bad for you long term, because the hair loss mechanism is way too generalized to target safely.

>complete endocrine dysfunction later in life
preddy much :^)
tho, its not *that* bad, and you can add more drugs for a proper replacement regiment
you just have to not mind being weak/soft

im already prone to depression and anxiety anyway. I dont wanna fuck with hormones that destabilize mood. If i had to make a wild reach, i would assume people prone to depression or anxiety are also more likely to experience negative sides from Fin (mentally). Im probably sensitive to changes in levels of certain Neurotransmitters, which is the same reason i easily fall into depression.
Ill take my pulitzer now.

>25 year old boomer balding

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Try living with a small dick

Shit. The neck meme is real.

>tfw when both.

lmao, you still have enoug hair to cove it,
if it gets any worse just shave it completly

I'm actually 5'7... I lied to myself for so long, I have so much pain inside my heart

what about aromatase inhibitors? Will they help with hairloss

if anything theyd probably make it worse. I believe aromatase inhibs stop the conversion of test into estrogen. I think that would probably result in a DHT spike because youd have more free test. Im not entirely sure, but probably a bad idea.

Yep, you want reductase inhibitors and more estrogen instead

Anyone's hair fall like crazy when they shower or even after showering? My scalp is usually extremely dry and i got dandruff/seb derm.

My hairline temples recede after i get out the shower, however they grow back to normal. My hairline isnt an issue what so ever anyways its a NW1/NW1.5

shit is pissing me off because in the front of my head you can see like bald spots

I got the same problem dude, do you have telogen effluvium? My hairline is alright but once i get out the shower or in it gets real fucked up.

How long did you have this problem for? Is your temples receeding ?

Probs, but i was hinting at taking more general HRT, of which one drug has anti-depressant properties, another which has anti-anxiety properties.

You aren't even balding you stupid fuck, that's a normal male hairline.

And you think that is bad??

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You can salvage most of that with an anti-androgen, and an estrogen desu...

>doing a residential in a career program
>involves various activities like surfing
>there is an instructor to help us
>instructor looks incredibly handsome with piercing blue eyes, all the girls in the group love him
>notice he's always wearing a hat
>go surfing
>instructor has to take off hat
>balding badly
>later other guy in program asks girls what they thought of him
>"oh I thought he was good looking until I saw the hairline"


Well i actually don't care that much, which is strange considering how insecure i am, i've been shaving my head for 3 years now, didn't do it for the past 2 weeks and that's the result, i got kinda shocked seeing how bad It got though

Rip OP. I was blessed with good hair genes. My great grandfather is 94 and still has most of his hair

>At work with co-worker friend
>his gf is also a co-worker
> he's balding. I am too, and mines worse
>him and her go through a break
>She's talking to me about it and says
> "w/e ew he was balding anyway"
>Give her a "wtf?" look
>She realized she just said balding is gross to a guy who's balding
>quickly tries to save face by saying she doesn't actually mind
>She knows she fucked up

They still smash though. If it makes any balding bros feel any better she's an absolute literal whore. it over?

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no, the balding has just begun


I thought the nips just recently came up with a cure for balding.

I didn't much attention because I have a full head of hair.

the japs made progress on transplanting hair grown from stem cells, still very much in research

Hello Friar Tuck

If I thought I needed a whole head of hair to fuck women, I'd kill myself right now

Women care about one thing and one thing only: attention

Do interesting things
Get out and socialize
Always be cucumber

When the attention is on you, pussy will come out of the woodwork just to soak up some of that attention. Like little, cock sucking, ass fucking leaches... Lord mercy

When you start balding does your hair also get very brittle and come out very easily?

>extremely dry and i got dandruff/seb derm
No shampoo and use apple cider conifer every once In a while

A really good way to know if you're balding or not is to look at your male relative's hair texture.

For example, my grandfather from my mother's side had straight, light brown hair. His son, my uncle, had a very similar texture. Grandpa is now bald, and uncle is in his early 30's and has lost most of his hair.

On the other hand, my father and his brother both have very dark brown, almost black, slightly curly hair. Father is now in his mid forties and still has a full head of hair.
I inherited my father's hair texture, and have yet to lose any hair. I'm 99% sure I'm safe.

>tfw nearly 32 and no sign of thinning.
I think I'm gonna make it!

It's pretty bad user. I think you are dying or something.

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Good bro science material here

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Fuck you for making my sore abs flare up and chuckle. Bastard.

kek this is your head on creatine

>looks at Twitter DP
>fat ugly black female
Oh okay

Honestly you're missing the point.

might be low iron, chronic stress

Ooff... F

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I started going bald at 16 and it fucking sucked, still not happy about it but I am over it. I am NW5 now, I shave it or just keep it short.

I don't understand why anyone would risk fucking there dick and hormones up over it though. Get a hair transplant if you are that butthurt about it, the ones I see on celebs look great.

Literally me when it’s windy

nigga own it, get yourself some minoxidil and everything will be fine.

Looking like that is just fucking pathetic.

>Qwan into wh*teoids

>satanist rothschild-dickriding incest babby


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holy fuck

good post user don't kys

I don't care about my hair and I don't want it back anymore
is there a way to get permabald ?
I'm tired of shaving it.

Baldness Gene originates on your x chromosome, as in from your mother's side.

hair too spicy for wypepo