whats the best cardio workout
and why is it a few games of pickup hoops?
whats the best cardio workout
and why is it a few games of pickup hoops?
>whats the best cardio workout
sex with your wife
i'd rather not associate with niggers
>best cardio
/lgbt/ is that way
too late, you're speaking English.
>"Nigger speak English"
Were you born retarded or was it a gradual decline?
top zozzle.
if you are in the English speaking world the most influential people in culture, music, fashion and coolness look just like this.
They are why your kids dance in the street and your whore sisters and mothers workout to get their behinds more plump.
If I'm lying....I'm crying and I aint shed a tear
>"if you are in the English speaking world the most influential people in culture, music, fashion and coolness look just like this."
Imagine thinking this lol
>if you are in the English speaking world the most influential people in culture, music, fashion and coolness look just like this.
Go look at the trending topics or whatever social media platform you choose right now.
Count up how much are about or are "nigger" related as you say
-Did Kanye say something about Trump again?
- Did some superstar athlete (of any and all major sports) do something bad/good or say anything?
- Did some political matter that effects the Black American community come to light, up for discussion whether economic/political or civil? Is there a heated discussion about it?
at 13% of the population this is DOMINATION
OY VEYYYYYYYY I'm calling my cousin Moisha and he'll get this place shut down!
>at 2% of the population this is DOMINATION
Since Africa is still mostly a third world to second world country, do people really think that Americanized blacks like gambino would even exist if it wasn't for the slave trade?
>at 13% of the population this is DOMINATION
do people really think that Americanized blacks like gambino would even exist if it wasn't for the slave trade?
imagine getting baited as hard as these retards
oh kek
dont wanna feel inferior to the superior race?
The only thing niggers dominate is prisons
>do people really think that Americanized blacks like gambino would even exist if it wasn't for the slave trade?
i use any opportunity to spread redpills, senpai
>do people really think that Americanized blacks like gambino would even exist if it wasn't for the slave trade??
what does "world" mean in this context for you?
Cause for me it used to represent the cold war countries aligned with either USSR or the USA.
I'm guessing it's some measure of economic power or prosperity, then you are gonna link that to durr hurr white power. All them leaps of logic to deny an obvious and self-evident truth...
and sport and music etc
>All them leaps of logic to deny an obvious and self-evident truth...
the truth that niggers are utterly incapable of relatively simple tasks like upkeep on already-functional farms and equipment?
>the white men took their magic with them, that's why the farms don't work anymore
this is what apefrican niggers actually believe
Can we just all agree that he's juicin super hard? those delts arent natty
He's right though. The best athletes are black and since hip hop is the defining music of the new generation so are the most popular musicians.
>answering a question with a question
If people are going to use gambino, kanye, etc. as examples of culture, music, fashion, etc, why is it only blacks from white countries instead of where they originally came from? Why is America supposedly culturally superior despite being less than 250 years old, when Africa and the Middle East are supposed to be the origins of civilization? Your pathetic attempts of making arguments about how to define a "world" and avoiding the obvious answer will not fool anyone.
That you care enuff to collect Jow Forums infogrrraphics on niggers prove that they live rent free in your brain.
Black American culture is probably most deeply ingrained in the mind and soul of any idiot who's entire existence against hating them
look at the man that made his political career hating niggers and running on a segregationist party, where did his noble genes end up going?
now we are back to Africa.
what's this have to do with the English speaking world?
If you are involved in the English speaking world your are involved in Black culture, full stop.
>ad hominem
not an argument. feel free to argue against my sourced facts, statistics, and evidence. looks to me like you can't
>13% Domination
>At least 3% of that in prison
>Other 3% not old enough for prison, but soon
>85% are obese
>.0001% are famous because Jews decide who gets famous.
Imagine being a proud nigger.
>hip hop is the defining music of the new generation so are the most popular musicians.
imagine how we came to this. the defining music of the new generation is a 3-second boring and unoriginal jewish-produced beat consisting of 2 bass notes repeating ad-nauseam with an illiterate nigger tunelessly mumbling aggressively ignorant and boring lyrics which is autotuned by the same kike producer. wew lad.
reminder that modern rap is simply jewish hypnotism:
go to
you all suck
>thinking that Jow Forums and Jow Forums are different
back2rebbit you go, newfag
none of that matters and is cope....save the shit about genetics for your white power jerk off sessions.
Whatever the reason Blacks dominate those areas of American thought and life. If you are American you are thereby influenced and touched by those things. American culture dominates the world.
ergo.... if you speak English in the modern world you are seeped in things important to or relating to NIGGERS, period.
you forgot your sources, evidence, facts, and statistics again, sweetie. anyone can just handedly make things up and try to use them as "arguments" but that doesn't work here, sweetie.
Oh fuck yeah
HGH specifically
all the rich older dudes are gone off that shit
walk outside your mom's basement brah, turn on a tv or as I suggested browse social media.
Even your beloved Jow Forums
all that shit in reaction and relation to niggers
>ad hominem
not an argument. you forgot your facts, statistics, sources, and evidence, sweetie.
Post more images about Blacks to prove you don't care about Blacks.
Do it again
your thick brain pan is almost about to get it....
do it again
>to prove you don't care about Blacks.
strawman. i care very much. niggers commit hugely disproportionate amounts of crime (); niggers are black-holes to public social funding (); niggers have proven themselves incapable of even maintaining functional equipment (, , detroit, flint); and everything niggers touch turns to complete shit ()
keep using babyshit-tier fallacies, friend. it's just more opportunity for me to redpill lurkers and newfags
Oh so you deeply care about and involved with thinking about Blacks. Your flavor of which is to hate them.
cool, glad you agree with me.
Start posting some from your sexy folder brah
show me the ones you beat your meat to
Holy shit get your fucking Jow Forums pseudo science shit out of here and back to your containment board. No one gives a shit about Red pills here.
lol @ proud black ppl
no thanks i don't fantasize about getting genital hsv-2
>pseudo science
>facts and statistics are raysiss
feel free to post your own facts, statistics, and evidence, sweetie.
also feel free to explain how this is sourced data "pseudo science." i'm waiting.
>thinking music actually has a big impact on the world
proud or not
if you speak English their interests, their lives and thoughts remain in the forefront of conversation.
How often are say the plight of the Gypsy/Roma discussed in European countries?
>if you speak English their interests, their lives and thoughts remain in the forefront of conversation.
it's hard to ignore when they make your country demonstrably worse by every measurable metric
>I was only joking!
Did you turn red?
yeah, that's crazy to think huh?
So you agree you spend your considerable and great brain power fixating on niggers?
Ok, we agree again.
thx for the bump
I'm really not sure who starts and populates these automated race bait threads.
The JIDF who're fomenting racial hatred for their own ends or the NSA/CIA who're trying enforce race based class devisions because of fear of the niggers and white trash and border jumpers realizing that they are seen as a singular slave class to control and manipulate.
I have no idea who's doing it or why.
What do they get out of this?
What is their reason for doing this.
>fear of the niggers
wrong. why do you lefty kikes always default to fear?
>you're afraid of blacks
the correct visceral response is disgust; not fear.
go to Jow Forums you huge faggots, probably can't even layup
>go to Jow Forums
hating on niggers is a time-honored Jow Forums tradition, newfag
>fucks off without providing a single sourced fact, statistic or piece of evidence
looks like i won another one
victory bump