Would you a gf that used to a total whore?

Would you a gf that used to a total whore?

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Other urls found in this thread:

spankbang.com/nyrc/video/young riley reid dancing
spankbang.com/syn8/video/riley reid and trinity clair dancing

Jesus fuck even the black dudes are disgusted

>black dudes
your a fucking disgrace


Of course they are. They were sharing a used up skank and not even a great one at that. Riley is just a used up basic bitch with a thin body. Those niggers should be feeling miserable for sticking their dicks inside her used up sperm soaked holes.

Absolutely not. I know for a fact I'd rather be alone.

Riley is an absolute semon demon with literally the perfect body type.

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I can't post just "no" so I'll call you a faggot.

Only of it was her job.
>Most girls cheat on you anyway
>Might as well get one that gets paid for it
>Her pussy ass and mouth are yours for free

She is caked in makeup here and while her body is hot for whiteboi standards big dick niggers prefer thick women. When niggers think of hot white girls they always envision them with thicc bodies and dat ass.

Me on the right.
Really me.

I'd marry the shit out of Riley.

>likes thick girls with big tits and a big butt
Absolutely plebeian taste

Riley is top cute though.

we are not all pedos

Adult women have thin bodies with inexistent tits, therefore it's not pedophilia to like that body type. You can't refute this.

original source of said photograph?

My gf was a total whore. There are even videos of her in xvideos with a guy with a huge dick. She told me lots of stories of her fucking random guys raw and sucking them off. She cheated on me 4 times.
Funny thing is that she always want me to eat her out and doesn't reciprocate.

Honestly, I don't mind.

ya. of course. she cut

Im sorry you have no self respect.

Yea, but not one that mudsharked

No. That should be the only answer.

I got taught to do sex by a girl who used to be a total whore. Don't knock it until you've tried it.

Sure, just makes fucking her and using her up before ditching her when I get bored all the easier, even enjoyable.

It's when they come across as potentially qt and/or vulnerable/innocent that you actually risk falling for them and caring for them.

I was a mess and on the brink of suicide after breaking up with my first gf, she had red flags and I could not trust at all while with her, but she stuck to her non-whore story until the bitter end, and seemed so weak and needy.

I just had to see what a disgusting whore she was when we broke up, she only reveaaled herself when I pretended I would take her back in the future regardless of what she did while we were apart, and that I could never stop loving her, only then did she open up about being a common Tinder thot since we broke up.

As far as I know she didn't even do anything sexual with anyone since we broke up, she just flirted and went on dates.

That was all I had to hear. Suddenly she was worth absolutely fucking nothing to me anymore.

You're a fucking disgrace.

Absolute fucking cuck

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idiot. glad people like you will never breed

Riley is like the blandest actress in porn, everything she does is boring a'f, in fact porn in general seems to be more boring than ever since they just hire random sluts off the street with no really acting skills

fuck no

I spy a new type of porn parody

>Would you a gf that used to a total whore?

yeah when you're into a girl bad, you just learn to accept what she's done.

>pic related
>knows I like her
>while knowing this, went from virgin to getting pounded regularly by her bodybuilder man
>couldn't turn off my crush on her despite that
>if I got a chance I'd still go for it

that'd make me a cuck maybe?

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spankbang.com/nyrc/video/young riley reid dancing
spankbang.com/syn8/video/riley reid and trinity clair dancing

it's like night and day in enthusiasm

What were they thinking in this moment?

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Doing it right now. Ask away

how much does an used gf cost?
is there an online shop with free shipping?

Story. How ? Greentext ? Pics ? EVERYTHING

>Asking where the white women were at was a mistake

>be me, 22 yo anxiety-ridden drug addict
>have had a few GFs but depression always gets the best of it
>dry run of about two years due to drugs and paranoia
>meet a fucking 24 yo S T U N N E R
>no impulse control whatsoever so fall in love immediately
>get to fuck her pretty easily, raises some concern
>three months into our relationship she tells me she's had sex with numerous (understand too many to keep count) people (women included)
>she'd fuck at least one different guy a week, sometimes even going up to 3 in a weekend, regular hookups with guys she met in clubs
>coping with this is an infernal struggle
>months later I realize she's just in need of a male figure in her life since her dad left early, she has no clue how to handle men
>turned my shit all the way around so I could provide her with that kind of presence
>now 24, drug free, almost anxiety free, about to graduate from college
>her conduct has been almost nothing short of perfect, it you dismiss a few anger issues
>been together for 3 years now, moved in together etc
>and the sex is BOMB

Fuck I replied to my own post

yet no matter how good it gets with this girl, it will always be at the back of your mind, the doubt of "but..... her past". the fact that you're in this thread and shared this shows this. sorry user, but it's inevitable. despite everything you've been through with this girl, that one thing will keep nagging at you, until one day you will can't help yourself and sabotage the relationship.

Riley absolutely defiled.


I'd hang out with RR and smoke weed, maybe try and get some oral.
It wouldn't be serious though

Yeah I'm sure dating a whore will result in a healthy, committed, loving relationship.

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no. ofc not. id prolly lie to her that i would though and fuck her

>yet no matter how good it gets with this girl, it will always be at the back of your mind
True. But not in the way you're assuming. Sure I will never think of her as "a pristine flower", but be honest, are you ? I'm quite fucking sure I'm not, so I'm fine with it. I did some sketchy shit under the influence as well, who am I to judge ?
>the fact that you're in this thread and shared this shows this.
Actually, no. The reason I'm sharing this is because I believe in what I have and if I can make a difference where one of you doesn't miss out on something great because of their insecurities I'll have made the world a better place.
>until one day you will can't help yourself and sabotage the relationship.
Three years and counting, man. The coping is over I'd say

>Most women are whores "secretly"
>RR/pornstars are openly whores

Nice job user. Godspeed for the rest.
>anger issue
Latina tier ?

>r9cuck on display once again
>same picture posted every day
got you "people" are pathetic

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would you pathetic cucks ever grow a brain and stop bumping this shit?

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Thanks man, I appreciate it. Hope it works out for you as well.
>Latina tier ?
No, no, no. I've had that, cutlery thrown at my face and shit. She's more the "I've never had a manly figure in my life to tell me to shut the fuck up and hug me when I've calmed down" type. So that's what I do.


Thx m8
What do you want next, kids, wedding. She met your family ?

>She met your family ?
I introduced her to my family a little after our first anniversary IIRC. All went well, they all love her DESU. My family is german, so they respect nothing but hard workers, which she happens to be (no pun intended).
>What do you want next, kids, wedding.
Nah, not yet. Nothing to do with her personally, I've got some major trust issues that won't allow me to commit to something like that just yet. Maybe in a year or two we'll take about some lighter form of civil union (I'm assuming you're American, and I don't know if these things exist across the pond)

why do you autistic cuckolds post in nigger lover threads that want it degrade your existence as a white male?

>wh*Toids.. were a mistake

Am nigger. For me, I would take a cute white girl any day over a fat-ass.

Let me dream. Even if his story is fake i want to read something positive in my shitty life.
Did you meet hers ? they know about her past ?
(i'm french btw)
Think about you belongings for the civil union check the contract with a good lawyer of course

My wife is a virgin. My ex girlfriends were virgins. Everyone I've ever dated (save for my first girlfriend) were virgins.

Turns out I get disgusted with the thought of my SO having sex with someone else.

I don't blame anyone for thinking that's weird. It might be. But that's who I am.

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>Even if his story is fake
I assure you it is not. I couldn't be bothered making this shit up at 3AM.
>Did you meet hers ?
Her mother, yes. As previously mentioned, her father fucked off when she was 3 or 4. Mother is bat-shit crazy but has a good heart, so I can see where her daughter's behavior is coming from.
>they know about her past ?
Nope, and to be honest, why should they ever ?
>(i'm french btw)
Congrats on your english mate, you guys have a pretty bad reputation on that side.
>Think about you belongings for the civil union check the contract with a good lawyer of course
Sure, I used to be a very paranoid fuck, some things (like this) stuck

I feel like this conversation has some therapeutic value, if you have more personal questions I'd be happy to answer

>My wife is a virgin
Err. Was a virgin when I met her, obviously.

I used to be like that. And please don't take what I'm about to say as condescending, but I just "grew out of it" at one point. IMO, it all comes down to either insecurity or a pretty conservative (understand judeo-christian) background. Thoughts ?

Have you ever spied on her (following in the street, phone...) ?
Can you tell how you dealt with the depression and anxiety (if you're comfy talking about it of course)?

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I'm an atheist. I think it's more of an evolutionary trait. Only being attracted to virgins lessens the chances of STDs and whatnot.

IMO that narrative is nothing more than a coping mechanism. It's 2018, use protection until you get tested, once you do, get treated if something comes up. If you're dealing with something serious like AIDS, figure out if you're willing to embrace that lifestyle.
There are a few interesting books on primal sexuality which indicate that most of our species' time on earth was dominated by sharing sexual partners across whole tribes. Hence why I don't see anything evolutionary about monogamy/pursuing virgins. Remember:
>It takes a village to raise a child

>Have you ever spied on her (following in the street, phone...) ?
Yes, I have. I used to check her phone while she was sleeping at the start of our relationship. To be honest there are certain things I'd like to unsee. But it was all past conversations, before we got together, so in the end it worked out well.
>Can you tell how you dealt with the depression and anxiety (if you're comfy talking about it of course)?
Sure. One thing you have to keep in mind though is that I have had GAD for twenty years because of some abuse that was inflicted on me when I was a child (nothing sexual, rather physical/psychological), so the lines get blurred.
At the beginning my thinking was basically in line with r9k's.
>She's a worthless whore, why am I doing this ?
>She's had so much chad cock, is she only interested in me because I'll provide (my degree makes me a potential high earner) ?
I used to play scenes in my mind where she was getting wrecked by some drunk guy she met in a bar, I could almost smell the sweat on the sheets.
Then I gradually understood where her behavior was coming from and what I could to about it, because I believed in her as a whole.
I started working on my own fears because I couldn't be a pillar to her if my demons were still lurking around. The work I did on myself comforted me in thinking she was worth it and I stuck with it. (Continued)

Have you considered that trying to make the rest of the world not care about virginity is a coping mechanism for not obtaining a virgin girl yourself?

as long as you only had sex with one romantic partner total, it's okay
you're probably another hypocritical boomer though

Bit by bit, the obsessive thoughts I mentioned earlier started to wind down. There were getting progressively less intense, and more spaced out. I still kept getting triggered by threads on here or /b/, scenes in movies, discussions I had with friends, but it all just got dimmer and dimmer over time.
After a few months of this I, for the first time in my fucking life, started trusting someone: her. She has been nothing but perfect for me, she takes care of me when I have panic attacks, we have loads of fun sharing common hobbies (namely playing MTG at stores and whatnot), she has helped me get clean, eat better, work out more. It's a blast to be honest. But I wouldn't have if I hadn't gotten my shit together.
Bottom line is that I simply pushed through it because I believed in what I had. And if this situation ever applies to you, just be careful with the kind of talk people throw around on here since it's mostly based in insecurity.

I'm 29. My wife is 20. And of course I wasn't virgin when I met my wife. In my experience, those who care about virginity tend to only be men.

If I had, at any point in my life, met a woman who cared about virginity I might have considered keeping mine. It would be an unrealistic expectation to ask a man to be a virgin desu. In contrast, there are plenty of men who seek virgins, so it's not like women don't know there's guys out there who care about that sort of thing.

Yes, I have absolutely considered the possibility. Thing is, my first three girlfriends were virgins before me, because like many people on here I couldn't stand the thought of my partner having had other sexual encounters. And when I say they were virgins, I mean that I specifically chose them as partners because of that. I turned down a handful of promiscuous girls during that period.
Hence why I said "I grew out of it". For me, it was linked to them having known other sexual partners so there was a chance they'd be disappointed with my performance. I wanted to keep in control. What I got out of it is that sometimes giving up control is pretty fucking fun.

remember the 90s they were the good ol days

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Beautiful story really

I think childhood is just fun in general (assuming you were raised in a good environment). Doesn't have anything to do with the 90s per se.

Thanks man. I'd be lying if I told you I'm not somewhat proud of the work the both of us have done on ourselves and on the way we live our life. Fingers crossed that it'll keep going in that direction
All the best to you my friend

Stay strong and focused. You did well till today and it will better tomorrow i hope. We all gonna make it bro
Gonna sleep. Have a great night

>Stay strong and focused.
Exactly what I'm doing (or at least I think I'm doing, you know how it is)
>Stay strong and focused.
Pretty much why I'm on these kinds of threads, to remind people of just that

Have a great night yourself, thank you for the conversation

You're an uncle top piece of shit, and you should take Jow Forumss advice and rope yourself.

>still believing the "niggers are capable of sentient thoughts" meme

Fuck, this was supposed to be the second quote, it's getting late
>We all gonna make it bro

I want to do porn.
I'm built have a night ten inch dick and I'm well built
I know that I'm going to end up having to to fuck some director in the ass or end up as the as another dick in a gangbang like in the op
This is why I'm going to Japan to be one of the handful of black porn stars in japan

I don't think having a S/O that hasn't had some "fun" is a good idea. I've met and slept with a lot of woman that have only had their husband or one other guy. They cheated on them with me.

I really hope your wife and others are NOT the same as the woman I've dealt with, but it seems common. When there's financial issues, or stress in the relationship, they seem to go after the young guy at work.

The world is divided between those who still believe their wifes were virgins, and those who know they weren't.

I tried to but she didnt want to date me so here we are

They are being degraded by being seen as a humiliating sexual partner

no what the fuck? what kind of question is this? disgusting trash.

OP please stop switching your IP and talking to yourself. It's really weird and creepy.


This user is a faggot.

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That's every femnoid though.

what do you mean by perfect body type?
she looks like a 12 year old.

Actually, she looks like a 26 year old.

do you mean whore as in did it for free or someone who got paid?
a jav actress gf might be fun

Have some self respect. Not just for youself but all men. You're selling us all out when you allow yourself to be treated like this.

Make some money and pimp her out.

women aren't humans
join our r9k discord
we post wimmin's thighs

I wouldn't gf a whore, but I'd keep her around as a fuck buddy. My friend's sister got around in high school but she's a fit latina so I'd still hit it given the chance.

if she's really good at sex and not a complete piece of shit then maybe