This is what drugs have done to me

This is what drugs have done to me.
>be too lazy to create a budget
>pay the internet bill for the house with 3 other roommates
>other day the internet goes out
>login to comcast and realize I haven't paid it in 2 months
>$300 due right now
>Repeat with other bills I forget
>Be in the hole practically every single paycheck
>lol just another $30 overdraft fee fuck it
>spend $20 ever 1 1/2 days on small amounts of weed
>don't even bulk buy because "lol last time I swear"

Attached: budget.png (1541x802, 92K)

Wait, by "drugs" do you mean just weed? Nigger, if weed is what has derailed your life then you weren't going anywhere anyway. The weed is just an excuse for being inherently worthless.

the fuck. This spreadsheet doesn't make sense at all.

You withdraw $50 but the amount goes up by 50 instead of down? And it does it on the next cell????

This is some fucking amateur tier level book-keeping.

dates go from bottom to top

how can you keep a running revenue/expenditure with the order being reversed like that?!

American finance logic is well dumb.

It's not the entire spreadsheet you fucking mong

Honestly user it's ok there is help for you. I started going to narcotics anonymous because I couldn't stop smoking weed no matter what I tried. Five years clean now and it's an amazing life. You should consider it

nigga i'm not the one in debt. I'm actually able to control my finances and only have outgoings once a month, by taking out the amount i need for that month.

What the fuck are all these $5 and ~$13 withdrawals constantly? The weed spend is bad, sure, but from this very poor, incomplete and ambiguous data set it still only looks like it makes up about 50% of the expenditure.

I use a debit card so those are all food purchases. I don't cook at home

what do you mean by food purchases? Be more specific.

Are you buying food in stores? e.g. sandwiches and coffee.

These are LUXURY spends; if you want to stop being in debt, you need to be more sensible and live WITHIN YOUR MEANS. This means if you are buying your hipster avocado and kale sub every day, you need to start making your own sandwiches instead. You will save over 500% in the long run by doing this.

It's all habitual spending that maintains usually the same pattern. It's completely luxury spending like McDonalds, soda/energy drinks, gas station food.
I'll occasionally go to a grocery store but when I do I purchase for the immediate future and never more than a day or two worth.
I even had a costco membership for a year and only used it to buy gas 3 times

>I couldn't stop smoking weed no matter what I tried.
I honestly don't understand this. I've been smoking weed regularly for over 15 years and never once has it been problematic. Between my job, schoolwork, and volunteering I work 80+ hours a week. I have a retirement fund and long term relationship. Just don't smoke until you've got all your work done for the day. It should be a reward, not a way of life. It's not hard guys.

you need to stop being a mindless monkey and think about the literal cost of everything you buy, all the time.

If you can't think a week or a month ahead, think about it in terms of per day. If you buy maccies every day, that's $5 PER DAY. If you buy $40 gas for a week, that's $6 PER DAY. If you buy weed every 3 days, that's $7 PER DAY.

You can't magically stop habbits overnight, but you can work towards trying a little bit, every day. The tiny effort effort each time that is put into the overall journey is how we slowly achieve enlightenment.

I have no problem when I have no access to it. I'll need to leave for a week at a time for work conventions and don't miss it for a second, but I'm stuck in the habit and as soon as I get home I go buy some.
As for work, I didn't have a problem while I had my normal office job but now I work from home and I can't separate the two so my work has been falling behind for the first time in my life

You don't have the disease of addiction is the difference. It was impossible for me to go to class sober (I was in college when I got clean). I couldn't go to the store sober. The only thing I did sober was eat and get a shower because I was not willing to risk my high being ended by eating or a shower, and I had to time that right at the end of a high. Consequences didn't matter, I had to smoke weed every 2-3 hours except for when I was asleep and I had to pack a bowl for the next morning before going to sleep. You don't understand the desperation until you experience it, and your genetics have clearly not given you the disease of addiction. I'm happy for you truly

not him but if I have weed in the house I literally cant not smoke some of it, like literally cant go a day without it
whereas if I dont have weed in the house I suddenly dont care anymore until I bother to buy more usually like a month or two later

The weed by itself is not a problem. It's not making up an exorbitant amount of your expenses. It is merely a symptom of the deeper root cause, which is your lack of impulse control.

I know you want to blame weed for all your life problems: you think you have an addiction you cannot control and that's why you're always in debt and there's nothing you can do about it. This is known in psychology as an external locus of focus. The data clearly shows the weed by itself is not the problem.

You need to get your impulses under control.

Oh I completely understand that it's me and my lack of willpower that is ruining my life, the weed is a large expense and one of the driving factors in my financial troubles. I started smoking weed 6 years ago (27 now) and before that I was still mostly lazy but wasn't in as much debt as I am now and was always ahead of my bills.
When I look back on my life I've always been idle and lazy and I completely acknowledge that, and ever since I was 15 I was convinced I was going to just die in a factory job so I never tried to apply myself because I never aim high
My boss is ex military and very goal driven, he gave me and another new guy a journal that was all about creating daily/weekly/monthly/yearly goals, self inflection, etc and I just couldn't come up with anything

Maybe it is a genetic thing. Funny thing is, alcoholism runs in my family (American Indian) so I don't drink, but weed has never been an issue. If I got shit to do, I just don't smoke.

I'm very close to how my dad is, but he was the same way with alcohol as I am with weed. I specifically avoid alcohol because of my upbringing (luckily never really physically violent or abusive). He would hide in the bathroom is in his bedroom all day to avoid exposing us to it.
I didn't even try smoking weed until I was 21 and my boss offered it to me. My whole family smoked although not in front of me growing up

Thanks for this, good advice. If I make a food plan and stick with it it will also go to help towards my weight loss. Baby steps

>My boss is ex military and very goal driven, he gave me and another new guy a journal that was all about creating daily/weekly/monthly/yearly goals, self inflection, etc and I just couldn't come up with anything

Maybe that system isn't right for you. Watch some videos or read some books for help on how to budget or set goals or quit drugs whatever it is you want to try and achieve. Eventually you are bound to find something that works for you.

if you have money problems the solution is to make sure that when you get paid, the most important person YOU Is paid first, then and only then can you budget for the month

with almost any ammount of money you will be able to figure out a way to make it last so make sure you pay that important person enough before anything else so they can save it