What is the most accomplished board on Jow Forums? By accomplishment i mean that the board create/produce something.
What is the most accomplished board on Jow Forums? By accomplishment i mean that the board create/produce something
>das it mane
S4S the make oc everyday.
Wasn't that /co/ that did that though?
/x/? Most of creepy shit on the Internet origantes from there.
per capita probably /vp/, /jp/ (which is really /touhou/) or /mlp/, when you have a board dedicated to a specific series it really encourages fanworks and therefore OC.
In my mind I hold Jow Forums solely accountable for launching pepe/wojak into the mainstream but I don't know that that's actually what happened.
/lit/ wrote a book in a Google doc and I actually bought the fucking thing
They haven't really produced anything that has gone and stayed mainstream.
I didn't say it was popular or good.
They produce a bunch of oc and they like it. That's all a board needs.
Popularity kills things.
/b/ when they still did raids
moot time 100 never forget
>By accomplishment i mean that the board create/produce something.
Definitely not Jow Forums
They can't create shit.
Probably Jow Forums. We create all the anti incel memes.
/v/ -> /b/ -> Jow Forums -> /x/ -> Jow Forums -> /s4s/ -> /co/ (only for drawfags though)
is no one gonna mention how Jow Forums fucking got a president elected?
And how they captured the flag of HWNDU.
temple os is the best thing known to man
and they found those isis bases
Jow Forums. Actually able to turn people from NEET to normie. Or at least a swole retard
It used to be /tg/. But the time of
>/tg/ gets shit done
is long past, how long has it been since the last major project?
Terry does not visit Jow Forums.
And rms thinks they do "nothing but inane comments".
Jow Forums sucks
Were you born in 1982?
-Katawa Shojo (actually made a game)
recommendations for every system ever
- the vgas are an award show done every year that is actually high quality and really funny. youtube.com
>nobody said pol
pol literally memed someone into the whitehouse
also biz shilled ethereum and it became 20x the price in a few months, made a bunch of NEETs rich
>pol literally memed someone into the whitehouse
No you stupid fuck, it got memed into supporting a mainstream candidate as a fringe group. Dumb alt-rigthers literally got tamed for poltiical points.
I think the memes/misinformation was a big part of why he was elected
I agree that Jow Forums had some influence on the 2016 election but I think you're exaggerating their level of influence.
Lit has published several books. Like 6
what is 4chanx
what is tox
what is clover
good question, what is tox? dead.
Jow Forums conducted JTAC operations by forwarding the coordinates cross referenced from a satellite image of an FSA training camp to an SAA General, thus allowing Al-Assad's forces to bomb their positions. Jow Forums has literally killed people.
Nope, born in 1995