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What’s your favourite lift and how do you want to die/go out?

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Deadlifts and I want to die on a mountain listening to the wind blow.

Quietly in my bed, surrounded by my children and grandchildren

OHP, heart attack while fucking young mistress

Reverse-grip bench.
Suffocating in between a huge pair of tits.

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>Low-Bar Squat
>Quickly without expecting it (hopefully in my sleep)

Either suffocating on ass or dying without prolonged suffering in a fight

>Heart attack in a hot tub

>bent over rows
>jumping off a tall building onto some kid's birthday party

Basically zyzz but in a sauna brah

Cable flyes
Call me a larper all you want but I want to go out fighting/with a bang so that I can get accepted to valhalla

>front squat
>threesome with my wife and some hot mess of a college girl

I don't know

In medieval style combat with a sword to my torso


Underrated tbqh senpai

My man Roger Sterling.

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Respect. Shrugs are the shit.

Front squat
Plan on living forever

I rage so hard that I pull my face off


Unironically I want to die on an accident on which i have no control over. A quick car accident would be great
I think that way nobody could blame himself for my death and people that know me could go on with their lifes the easiest.

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On onions

Balls deep in a fat gothic qt's brapper

Clean & Jerk
Mudding accident

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Like David Carradine but with a Shemale cock in my ass and mouth.

On the front lines of civil war 2 or as one of the few white casualties in the short lived negro rebellion upon The Day of the Rope


Ham Curl

Fucking your mom.
Fucking your mom.

Sudden death from cocaine


Overhead Press

I die after killing at least two high ranking government officials with my bare hands

I unironically lift for this

I don't know how squats can be anyone's favorite lift. I train legs, but my god I fucking dread it every time.

I squat every session and i can relate, anything above RPE 7 makes me feel like i'm gonna die