Why haven't you ?

why haven't you ?

Attached: 7879.png (252x319, 10K)

I'm 19 and want to get close to natty limit first, probably will start supplementing hgh and test past my 30s at least.

I will stay natty until my 40's, and I can't afford a cycle with proper PCT.

I'm too much of a beta autist to acquire them.

If I had them I'd be blasting like no tomorrow.

Mummy won't let me
Plus expensive

not worth the money or the risks.

don't want to build up a tolerance for when I might actually need test when I'm older.

Which market is this user?

>tolerance to test

Why I want to:
>Approaching natty limit
>Can't get much stronger anymore at maintenance, must bulk/cut.
>Want to leave humanity behind
>Poor appetite, hoping it could be fixed by more test
>Hoping for denser body hair growth from test
>Would take smug satisfaction in being a fake natty
>Addicted to mires

Why I won't:
>Don't know where to acquire steroids
They say if you don't know where to acquire steroids then you're not ready to take steroids, well I've been lifting for 5 years and still have no clue
>I'm 21 and probably shouldn't roid for another 3-4 years to not fuck up my endocrine system
>I'm worried my parents would find out
>Massively indebted to student loans, making that a priority for my income

Everyone always forgets they're expensive

Cheaper than most otc supplements and meds

I thought long and hard about getting on steroids, years infact. My gym is a roider gym, so access to quality gear is no problem and I have guys who have told me they can get me anything at a moments notice.

The problem is I’ve seen other guys get on, then decide it’s not for them. They then lose their gains and lose interest in lifting naturally because it just doesn’t seem worth it for them anymore because of how much they shrink and lose that strength, fullness and vascularity that the steroids give you. Personally for me I know if I ever started taking steroids that I would have to stay on for life, I would not be able to handle going back natural.

Then there is the side effects. I have noticed people like to talk as if it is 100% healthy and no problem, and they talk about how the main stream media exaggerates the side effects and blows it all out of proportion, so therefore that means it’s all good and sunshine and rainbows. You have to be kidding yourself if you think that is the case.

Overall I discovered that I don’t care enough about gains to do it, I thought about it for many years and I believe I came to the right decision for me.

But for many of you, you probably don’t even think long-term, all you can think about is getting gains NOW and imagining how much pussy you can get NOW by being a jacked dude. But that’s such a short term mindset, you will change your mindset as you age and you’ll more than likely decide to jump off the steroids, and then what? You have to face that shrinking down and pathetic natty body composition and pathetic natty tier training capacity. Will you be able to accept lifting your heart out only to see yourself shrivel down like a flaccid dick? If so, be my guest.

I think it's Dreammarket

make account on coinbase and get bitcoins
get account on dreammarket and transfer your coins there
buy roids
thats it

steroids are luciferium

Attached: nordgren.png (1920x797, 2.24M)

>take roids
>get jacked fast
>go to bar, see 9/10 blonde
>she likes my arms
>talk to her, charm her panties off
>get her back to my place
>small benis
fucking steroids, its not worth it man

It just doesn’t seem worth it unless you’re a bodybuilder or competing in something. I guess I’m lucky to have avoided the body dysmorphia so common among lifters. I don’t need to be 200lbs with 5% body fat. I just want to be healthy, reasonably strong, and reasonably aesthetic. I’ve got several more important things in my life than lifting so for me it’s just not worth the hassle or the risk.

I've seriously considered it multiple times but I don't think its in my best interest, I'm well aware of how much muscle I'll gain and how great i'll feel while on but for every positive benefit they'll be a negative. We all apply so much pressure to ourselves about having the perfect physique, how once we achieve it everything in life will be easier and more fruitful but thats not how life is.

Enjoy the journey whether you're on gear or off gear, always be happy but never satisfied.

I dont want to go bald

should try some estradiol my dude

Ive overheard people claiming Im a fraud before so luckily my natty gains are more than enough. Like most here, Ive thought about it but currently its pointless. The moment I say 'Im getting to old for this shit' regardless what for, Ill just trt

I also think dreammarket