Maybe I'm a fucking NEET, but at least I'm not black. I think it's some kind of positive?

Maybe I'm a fucking NEET, but at least I'm not black. I think it's some kind of positive?

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Frantically clawing for dignity at the bottom of the barrel

You're not just a NEET, but also a racist. The lowest of the low.

Correct. Take pride.

but are you white?

like snow

At least he isn't a nigger tho

Are you baiting? His race changes nothing. He's still a worthless NEET.

Yeah, but he could be a black NEET. Then where would he be?
The welfare line.

Yeah but at least he isn't black.

You're doing alright user, from one NEET to another, it's okay to feel happy about being white from time to time :)

I feel some pride in being a man and being physically stronger and a danger to the opposite and also having the chance to make my own life rather than have everything give to me. But man, I sometimes do wish I was bon a woman and have everything easy.

But not a worthless black NEET.

Worthless NEET fag but at least your not a nigger.

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This thread only confirms the hypothesis that white supremacists are just losers who don't have anything to pride themselves on so they fall into the narrative that they're better than others because of their race. So sad.

Sure, but at least we're not black, so we've got that going for us.

Everyday i wake up and thank the man above for not making me black.

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>taking pride in something you had no choice or say in, purely luck of the draw

yeah, no

im black, and i have a job. guess whos winning in life. not you. cracker.

Im not black and i have a job. Guess who won?

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But I don't think that you understand. He's not black, user.
That's a fair point. On the other hand, you're black and he's not.

>have enough money to not work for a long time
>guess who's winning in life
ok maaan

You're not a winner because you work your shit out all day for a minimum wage in a low-complexity job.

That might be true, but I think that you're missing the part where he's not black.