I started my first day at the gym today I Did phraks variation of greyskull

I started my first day at the gym today I Did phraks variation of greyskull

Chin up 3x5+
Bench Press 3×5+
Squats 3x5+

Attached: Screenshot_2018-05-31-17-53-29-1.png (480x599, 452K)

good job user, keep it going, you picked a nice program

What does the "+" mean? Do you add additional sets of 5 until you can't manage it anymore or what?

Nice blog. Keep us updated champ.

You should really do 5x5 as a complete level 0 beginner purely for the sake of learning motor patterns

Last set as many reps as possible.

The fuck is this?

fuck you and your minimal bullshit

Lol ugly gook

>I started my first day at the gym today
Go back and finish it, dummy!

she's latina you basedboy

And what did you do for your working sets? You're wasting your time is you think you'll build muscle doing that. Why does everyone want the easy route? You have to lift a lot of heavy weights, a lot. Not 9 sets ffs. One of them is bodyweight too. Gtfo

>- do you care about looking good?
>- have you ever lifted before (like in HS or something
>did you play sports as a kid?

hard to tell, but I'm guessing its an Asian

Pinnoy Mix of some description, it looks like.

Good job OP. Have some dubs of good fortune for the times in the future you need them.

Attached: creepy.jpg (758x587, 93K)

Yeah either a pinoy or a latina, some latinas look pinoy because they have a lot of indigenous blood

What else was I supposed to do? Reddit said

3x5+ Chinups OR Barbell Rows (alternating)
3x5+ Overhead Press OR Bench Press (alternating)
3x5+ Squats


3x5+ Chinups OR Barbell Rows (alternating)
3x5+ Overhead Press OR Bench Press (alternating)

1x5+ Deadlifts


3x5+ Chinups OR Barbell Rows (alternating)
3x5+ Overhead Press OR Bench Press (alternating)
3x5+ Squats

They said just do thus for three months and after that move on to a new workout plan. I'm a beginner man, my options ain't all that

Attached: IMG_20180428_225744.jpg (568x568, 55K)

1. Yes
2. No
3. No

Attached: IMG_20180420_234836.jpg (750x1334, 75K)

wish she was my gf, fucking love latinas like this

it's a good program, stick to it friend

okay, if you care about looking good, do not do that garbage routine.

the best beginners routine i know of that idn't powerlifting oriented is the Reddit PPL, look it up. Run that for a month or two and come back here.

That routine WILL NOT put on muscle simply because the workload is too little. That's like expecting a kid to become yoyo ma by playing the cello 10mins a day

a latinxx(male)

Legit curiosity, what do you get with this user? You know you're bullshitting, we know you're bullshitting. Whats your endgame here? Do you post this on the odd chance of someone falling for your bait and then you will ruin the life of a beginner for a few months until he decides to read more and educate himself?
I'm honestly baffled by people like you, are you just sitting on your pc giggling to yourself right now rubbing your hands like some cartoon villain?

For this. I'm literally lolling right now. Thanks man.

How does this stack up against OG Starting Strength for beginners/fat loss?

i wouldnt know, perhaps a bit better as it has a form of autoregulation/more volume


I disagree.

If I were i would add a couple more different sets, maybe a something with dumbbells rows, or laterals or something.
But if you are just starting dont stick to the plan too much, you have to experiment and feel out your borders, tailor the workout to yourself not the other way around.