Tfw can't do a single unassisted pull up

>tfw can't do a single unassisted pull up

Attached: 1522771333756.png (900x1042, 90K)

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You will be able to do it if you keep at it user. keep going!

Is it more of a strength problem or a weight problem

Do negatives until you can do regular pull ups.

that just means you're not a twink

buy a pullup bar and set it up at home
do negative reps on pullups everyday
in a month you will be doing at least 5 pullups.

a true bloatlord can do at least 8 pullups

Lose weight

In the same boat breh. And can't seem to fix it. I upped all my lifts instead of the back ones. I keep trying but It's not working

i can do 15 strict ones but i only squat two plates 1rm

Can do 4 chinups and neutral grip pullups but 0 overhand pullups.
Wtf is going on?

So them unassisted until you can

How often are you doing them? I'm still a total skinnyfat faggot but I can do 7 because I do them 3 times a week

bloatlords weight well over 200kg and can do deadhang pullups

>tfw you thought you were 5'10
>actually 5'7 WITH shoes on
I feel so much sadness in my heart

Do you mean to tell me you cannot do one single pull up?

Attached: maxresdefault (5).jpg (1280x720, 60K)

Use the lat pull down and seated row machine. If you are a noob then you should be able to get good pullups in a month. If you are a strong bloatlord then lose weight.


Same, am close to 90kg thou at 1.85m.

Weak back I have the same problem

You are either fat or weak.
Fix that.

i cant do pullups from a hang but i can do chinups from a hang

am i a curlbro or is this normal

chinups are easier because you can use more arms along with back, but they can be good when working up to pull ups

I can do kipping pull ups

This post made me look up whether or not the bloatlord was even really capable of doing pullups.
Holy shit.

Tfw can only do 20 pull-ups at 6'3" 210 lbs

How many pull ups should I be able to do before I start doing them weighted? I was up to +25 lb 6RM but can only do about 10 unweighted so I've been doing that instead to increase my stamina I guess.

Some cali guys on youtube says you should at least reach 20-25 but 30 is optimal.
I have no idea, i can only do 5-7 unweighted yet.

I can do 15 and I can unironically only squat 1 plate. I bench 1 for like 8-10 reps and deadlift 225 but squats turn my muscles to s o y

Been there myself bruh, now I do 12 freeweigt, and 5 light weighted (5kg laughable)
Not like it's that much, but senpai I was at your spot.
Start with jumping into the motion and lower yourself as slow as possible, repeat to failure, keep doing this and pulldowns and you'll make it senpai

Attached: nGRoVEa.png (300x250, 22K)

I'd treat it like any other lift
once you can do 8, or 12 for however many sets , add weight
just have a number of sets and reps in mind and once you can do that without weight, start working towards a bit of weight, 10lbs or something
doing 20-30 seems kind of excessive to me, I'm no expert, but you don't do this with any other lift, so why would pull ups be different?