>One chance at life
>Not born a white woman
Just fuck my shit up. Look at how they get to live. Cock on demand. Validation on demand. Free stuff on demand. DUDE WINE LMAO. People telling you youre right constantly.
>One chance at life
>Not born a white woman
Just fuck my shit up. Look at how they get to live. Cock on demand. Validation on demand. Free stuff on demand. DUDE WINE LMAO. People telling you youre right constantly.
it's a shallow life at least
>inb4 cope
It's funny these guys have average or below average dicks, and yet r9k is so insecure about their peckers they will never get a handjob.
>reposting my found image after 30 minutes
hate undeage fags like you
Recognizing trips.
>actually was born a white girl (blonde and pretty to boot)
>could probably shoot someone in the street and get away with it
>never been given a ticket in my life
>everyone always gives me the benefit of the doubt
>unironically do get free shit
>whore myself for money both IRL and on camera...money is comparable to a good job's salary just for spending a few hours a week hustling men which doubles my income, could potentially hustle it even harder
>also get tons of tips in tip-based jobs
>every man on earth values me as the highest trophy attainable, I'm the gold standard of sexual desirability
>cock is on demand, yes, but I don't want it unless they're paying me because we live in the age of sex toys
>never expected to work hard or do anything
i wish i was a girl too op
If you wanted to get a shit wageslave job, how easy would it be for you to pass the interview?
Don't forget the dog mom, loves to travel, coffee, adventure seeker, instagram thot images and followers past 1k, and consuming nigger culture to look "hip".
when wh*te women get all dried up and disgusting they develop an addiction to red wine. Red wine is fucking shit and I live in a country known for it.
This is what passes as being funny and having a personality for a white girl.
I'm married to a pretty white woman/we're a young married couple and life is greater even for me just by extension of being with her.
So you don't need to be born one - just be with a gorgeous one (who of course has good values).
That's it - life'll be good.
>Dude just marry Stacy lmao
Post timestamped pic of your wife sucking your cock or gtfo
I mean, I can post a photo of hers, but not a lewd one.
And as far as I know, Stacies don't have good values. They look good, though.
Post one that shows her butt, preferably in a bikini so i can fap
No, her ass is mine.
Since you're not interested in much else, I'll just repeat: marry a pretty one (of any race, really). Life as a man is sealed in as great if you get a pretty one with great values.
I like being a man. I like being big and strong and not bleeding out my vagina. Sure women have an easier life but they are also weak and pathetic and can't do shit on their own. If I were reborn I'd probably choose male again.
>Yeah ill post pics of my hot Stacy wife
>actually no I wont
Lol nice larp fag
1. I said "Stacies" don't have good values. I think my wife looks good and has good values.
2. I never said I'd post a lewd one. Both requests were for lewd ones.
What larp?
Are for real or just roleplaying?
post non lewd pic then faggo
I already have a good white collar job, though. And it depends. Because I look/act airheaded people don't think I'm capable.
>moisturizer addiction
>only drink liquor, room temperature and straight, and only once a week
>tfw small and weak
Well, can't be perfect.
Real. I've been on Jow Forums 9 years...so I'm here forever.
Must you be snappy just because I found a formula for happiness?
1/2 (of her at my workplace)
2/2 (I was recording her at some point while she was cooking and I was browsing here)
Fucking larrp. I know there are femanon ot there but it not one.
We are you here on Jow Forums then? This is the losers' board.
unironically if we killed all non-whites and replaced them with whites 100 years ago all your consciousnesses would have been in a white body. imagine mate.
ok and some other arbitrary classification would be in place to establish a hierarchy. it's not like all white people got along before ethnics started mixing in. Look at the fuckin irish
Why would you come here and what do you think of robots?
>your consciousness would be in someone else
Imagine thinking this is true, and a deep thought to have.
im just saying you would be in a white body instead of your gross one.
>hurr the circumstances for my consciousness to manifest in a body will only ever happen once and is only possible in this specific body
finally some porn that makes me feel good about myself :)
It's a different life, yes, but not better. Women, in the end, are mostly after love. Men are mostly after sex. Men can get "love" easily, women can't. For example, I have plenty of female friends, some of whom I'm really good friends with. Women can have sex easily, men can't.
>Women can have sex easily, men can't.
they're still in complete control of sexual market so fuck them, they are all whores to me
whered you meet? Cute.
>Men can get "love" easily
>Cock on demand.
you're a fucking faggot
Train. Her cat hissed at me.
i don't think life is very easy if you are an ugly girl
Pussy is pussy user, all they gotta do is install a dating app
How much do you charge for some fun?
She's very pretty. Good for you user.
Oh hey, thanks. Cheers.