I hate living in this world

>be a paramedic
>on shift
>receive a call, we drive there
Also, gonna keep this short.
>Entire family is dead. It's fucked, but it's not new.
>Go to the kitchen
>Look around
>See fucking blood inside the microwave
>The family's microwave is pretty big, my brain immediately jumped into the convulsion that the father (the one who killed the entire family) put it in there.
>Think nothing of it, barely managing or forget about it
>Later find out the family had a baby

I can't even think of anything else other than the baby's cries, I can't sleep and barely close me eyes. I don't know what to do anymore.

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Jesus Christ what are you implying user

That job requires you to be a stoic, but I feel you, no one gets used to horror of that level.
Stay strong, time will do its thing.

The baby was microwaved until it exploded then he killed his family when they wouldn't stop crying too.

I dunno. Off'ing sounds like a viable option. I'm not going to be the same person anymore.

I am stoic, I can handle gore and violence, hell, even death. But it's too much all at once.

Baby got nuked like a potato.

What did he do to the infant user

>some dumb ass kid gets mercy killing
>better kill self over it
lad trade me jobs

you have to like gore to be a paramedic

really ironic isn't it?

you should seek alternative employment

Is being an EMT worth it? Saw my dad dieded in front of me when i was 17 but i also have some feelings

>you're not you when you're hungry

And you have to like fucking people over if you're a cop.

That's no irony, it's typical.

>It's fucked, but it's not new.
Where do you live where microwaving babies is "not new"?

That is false. You don't have to like gore, you just should be apaethic about it.
I was referring to seeing a dead family. I lnly discovered about the baby afterwards.

Not OP but I'm guessing acid to the face land.

sounds interesting. idd rather see that shit than the boring shit i see at work everyday

Women with postpartum do that sort of thing constantly.

Fuck man, that is some heavy shit. I worked in a hospital for a while in a relatively isolated position, but the shit I saw never came close to this.

See a doctor and maybe get some Klonopin for a while. The world is fucking awful, you just got to see it first hand.

cops do that all the time, no different than the mafia.

honestly was going to be a medic myself until I realized its worse then being a body cleanup guy/hazardous disposal.

again, you will only see worse in this job.
if you really were considering suicide I suggest you find alternative employment

Yes this world is broken

Im happy that i have my little warehouse job and after driving forklift i lurk at home on the PC

the world is dead to me

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The mafia is there to serve itself and you.

The police are there to serve the government.

thats fucked up user. You should probably talk to a psyche about that imagery. Thats really gotta mess with your head.
as far as getting off this planet, we're stuck here. shits bad and its never getting better.

me? u kiddin right
the mafia don't care about the people, and neither does the government

its all about that cold hard cash

I tried various anti-depressant/anxiety drugs, no use.
I have no other job available to me that will manage to keep me financially stable apart from this one. Suicide is still a long way from here, too.

You don't pay the police, taxes do, from the government.

The mafia you can actually pay for protection, it's a system of people doing each other favors.

If you feel like you want to talk to someone about that but can't, I can give you my discord?

How misfortunate
How misfortunate

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Why discord?

Out of all the ways to communicate on the Internet?


i wonder what it would feel like to be in a microwave? would it just fry your brain, or would you just kind of get really warm and pass out from the heat? i think it would probably give you a headache, then maybe your head would pop, but it would also be warm too. that baby probably suffered immensely

>You don't pay the police, taxes do

taxes is paying the police.

>The mafia you can actually pay for protection

actually protection money is how they scam small businesses, no one really wants it.

again, both are the same.

Mafia = police

I don't mind, but unless you have some special magic drug to remove memories that image won't disappear.
Drop your discord, friend.
It's not that bad.
Firstly, you won't pass out probably. The heat will warm up the water in your body while your skin gets burnt to crisp and your organs will rupture and explode. You WILL scream in agonizing pain.

I'm just laughing at this thread. I'm planning to become a social worker, and I hope to put this jaded callousness I've gathered from this site to good use.

>some special magic drug to remove memories

It's called cannabis, and it works wonders

It's the most popular. Kinda like how people say "hey give me your phone number" instead of "give me your address so I can send you mail" or "give me your fax number"

The mafia is the people ruling.

Police is a royal class ruling over you.

There is a fine line.

I don't do that kind of drugs, unfortunately. And it doesn't make it disappear, it makes it fade away and fade right back when the effect is gone.

but would the radiation affect your brains ability to perceive the pain?

No what the fuck?


>The mafia is the people ruling.

No its an organization of people that work against other mafia organizations, including the government.

The common folk want nothing to do with it.

>Police is a royal class ruling over you.

Wrong, police are not royal. They protect the royals. (rich people and other government mafia workers)

pic related

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Legit go to a therapist, user. You probably should have done it sooner, but that type of job is fucked beyond belief. Thank you for being the person to do it. I can't imagine how awful that was.

I'm sorry user, I hope you are okay, perhaps you can booze the feelings away?

Already am. At least that's one way to feel less shit.
I am. But it's hard telling them shit. It's easier to vent to other peeps on the internet, for some reason. Therapists don't really help me in general.

So, England?

That's a gang you're talking about, one without a leader, and with a very specific structure. Somewhat akin to communism, apart from the no ruling class thing.

what were the other murders like? multiple kids too?

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It's corbynms #0408

Mostly relationships between a guy and a gal.

para here. not seen anything that degenerate yet.
most services offer free counselling?

Hope you are okay, happy drinking my dude.

Yes. As I've mentioned, they barely help me. But they insisted on assigning me with this new gal to help me through and they said she's good, so looking forward to that.

To be honest it gets easier the longer you do it. I work a hospital and none of the stuff I see even phases me anymore because you can't do your job if it gets to you.

I had a patient on our ward try to cut their own foot off and they made fairly good progress and ended up causing a huge bloodbath in their bay, we ended up having to call the police because they threatened to attack staff as well. 2 of th police who turned up said they felt unwell after seeing the scene and one of them nearly fainted but when you're working and have to deal a bunch of other shit as well you have to ignore it to make sure you don't end up fucking up other decisions you make later that shift.

>tfw you overcook your hot pocket

They call them blue bloods for a reason. Like you say, they protect the royals. People born into royalty. The mafia becomes royal from the people.

The mafia is a successful gang. Communism is a buzzword.

No one reslly knows
The police cant explain why they found a bag of uncooked popcorn sleeping in the crib

why are they assigning you a new crew mate?


dude thats fucked up

since youre an emt though could you answer this question, how does hanging cause death, mainly partial hanging. people online say all that has to be compressed are the carotid arteries and jugulars but even then the vertebral arteries are untouched and would supply blood to the brainstem and the brainstem is what actually cause the heart to beat.

youre not helping me with kms im not wanting to die, i read a book on forensics and wanted to ask a doctor how that works but wouldnt irl because i would seem like i was wanting to an hero lol.


I fucking love you user. let's hope OP turns into a magicgirl.
Now.. what's their stick?


A new counselor.

I hate when that happens.
Grabbing puppy instead of left overs

at least he didn't use a blender

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An organized mafia is an organization based on reward, most for the boss and his family, and such, a bit less for the people who deal with him directly etc, funded by - among other things, extorting money from the people of neighborhoods under the mafia controls, as they would need to protect their turf anyway, might as well get paid.

>Communism is a buzzword
As every word is, given suitable context

Also i admit my knowledge of the mafia comes from Mafia 2 and gta 4

Nice story OP :P I'm going to upload this to r/greentextstories. Thanks for the karma!

I don't mind giving you my Instagram/Snapchat either but from my experience people on here usually are more comfortable with discord. So that's what I just kinda assumed w you

That's not me, user.

origami x2

What a pussy. A lot of people watch babies getting dismembered for religious purposes every week but you, a paramedic, can't even bear seeing it once? Kill yourself, fucking weak minded faggot.

this. if stacy can get an abortion every month and be fine, you should be able to handle one microwaved baby, user

May I remind your daft brain again that the baby died and didn't get bits of his foreskin cut off.

That's all rather awful. How'd he kill the rest of the family?

Suffocated and shot his wife. Afterwards he shot himself.

It's a good job for psychopaths who feel nothing

Wow, I didn't mean that. I really meant dismembered in it's worst definition, it happens only in African and asian shitholes.

were there other kids, or just the one baby?

I have to agree with you on thag one. You get good money, get hailed by other people around you and feel absolutely guilt-free.
Just the baby.

i keep forgettin what i was doin

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I kind of always wanted to be an EMT but read those guys make like $10 an hour and are exposed to all sorts of nasty stuff so nah no thanks

I make more than that, I dunno where you got that from.

Sounds like hell.
was thinking of becoming an EMT if my goals worked out well.

any word of advice/something I should know.

>I hope to put this jaded callousness I've gathered from this site to good use.
You're in for quite the shocker when you'll see your first actual gore case. Nothing you can see on this website will prepare you for the actual thing. Many med students still have issues handling corpses even though they saw many hours of dissection footage. Seeing death in person is not comparable from seeing it from afar.


I'm a Marine Corps veteran currently in EMT school, while working as a patient care tech in a hospital's psyche unit. I've seen my fair share of shit in the military, in the psyche ward, and hospital in general when I float to other units (usually the ED).

I'm on the fence about this fire/rescue shit, since I'm done with that paramilitary culture BUT it's the only way you'll really see any real shit in the city.

Any EMT/Paramedic bros out there want to share any stories? Good, bad, horrifying, heart warming, etc.

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Same poster here. I'm not trying to meme or be an edgelord here, but I do feel like I'm jaded beyond belief. I have an INTENSE hatred of the druggies, junkies, and homeless that clog the mental healthcare system by abusing the system.

Here in FL we have the Baker Act. A 72 hour involuntary hold for psychiatric evaluation. Many states have similar laws with different names. Lots of bums just hospital hop. Go from one hospital to the next and say, "I want to kill myself." Instant Baker Act. Free bed, 3 hot meals a day with options, shower, meds, etc.

All edgelord meming aside, I would 100% participate in a real life Purge. Get rid of all the criminals, junkies, and degenerates given the chance.

I'm also not impressed with weak sauce suicide attempts. Had a kid try to use his cat's claws to cut his wrists (the wrong way) ina a suicide attempt. Like c'mon, man. You can do better. A GOOD suicide attempt was the guy that attempted to saw his arm off with a cleaver and passed out from the blood loss.

Social workers see some shit as well. I've seen DCF on my unit dealing with a woman that pimped her own 10yr old daughter out to her drug dealer boyfriend. The 10yr old was pregnant.

Any other anons want to share anything? I can keep going if anybody wants.

>intense hatred of junkies and homeless people
>is ironically an armed services faggot

It's your kind that suckes the life out of the tax payers dumb ass.

Kill yourself next time rather than 3rd worlders the country randomly tells you to pick on.

Also you're not jaded you're blood thirsty and virtue signal to cover it up.

man, i just don't care, anymore
there is over 7.125 billion people, last time i checked
who fucking cares some dumb cunts die
everyone will just close the thread when the time comes and go on about there day
it's so tedious

Ive been told by people before I should be a paramedic because nothing ever bothers me to the point of having a breakdown or panic but I dont think I could do 12 hour days for shit pay all while being responsible for life and death itself. I had a friend who was a para and it turned him into a raging alcoholic and he got fired when he passed out drunk in a bathtub at a hotel with his unit and flooded the entire room. Godspeed OP it takes a special breed to put up with that shit and not lose your mind.

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you dont have to be in tears and wailing but you can take a small moment to say "man, thats fucked. my sympathy goes out to him".

>you can take a small moment to say "man, thats fucked. my sympathy goes out to him".
why tho
it's a waste of effort, and it's completely pointless
your sympathy means nothing to corpses

>t. NEET faggot that has never worked a day in his life yet has a superiority complex over hard working citizens


it takes practically no effort. most things people do are pointless, but it's a sign of respect in the face of a cruel and unforgiving world

>but it's a sign of respect in the face of a cruel and unforgiving world
who gives a shit about respect
if you cares so much, change the fucking world
both sympathy and empathy without action are tantamount to virtual signaling

The military is a blight to welfare states. In this day and age there has to be a loser, a welfare case. Army doesn't need to exist with the all seeing eye plus weapons of mass destruction. It's just a silly normalfaggot meme to keep the status quo as it exactly is. Why would a NEET be worse than some police officer, over funded, that sucks more tax out of the system. Far more. Then does cold blooded murder best case scenario.

fucking sick. it's like something out of jojo.

Pics or it didn't happen

Fucking original comment

>People are despicable beings
yeah no shit.now fuck off normalfag.

>having this much empathy
normie gtfo