Have video games become detrimental to society or does it reflect the current state of society?

Have video games become detrimental to society or does it reflect the current state of society?

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This is like a chicken or egg question
IMO, societal downfall came way before vidya

What does this have to do with fitness? Fuck off back to Jow Forums cunt

>no blacks

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Women are fucking whores holy shot imagine ending up marrying THAT


Well they were detrimental to me. I wish I had never played them til I was like 16

Both are wrong. Society is more degenerate than video games are allowed to portray. The real world does not censor itself based on the ESRB. Even the more crass and dystopian versions of life found in video games are delusional, "cleaned up" interpretations. Take Grand Theft Auto, the poster child for dark video game mirrors of the real world, for example: American society in that series is at worst intellectually incompetent and morally-bankrupt, but amoral pragmatism is the worst evil present in that world; it's a lighthearted caricature that touches on some of the deeper degeneration in our culture but ultimately backs away before it gets TOO close.

If Grant Theft Auto was real there would be a scene where a man is shot and his child is flayed alive while gang members laugh and occasionally stab him in the eyes with screwdrivers. No cutaways, no gory discretion shots, no Trevor picking a bit of brain off his boot to imply the violence that just took place, just the visceral darkness of aspiritual horror.

You can't even have children in video games unless you make them immortal and immune to harm, because nobody can accept that children get harmed in real life. Video games are our happy little delusion space, even the "bad" ones.

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From Alpha Centauri
>The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil.

-- Sister Miriam Godwinson, "The Blessed Struggle"

Human nature, read your Bible

Was getting disgusted until
>no blacks



No more detrimental than any other form of isolated entertainment.

The original said 'no cock blocks'

we've allowed them to become this

a society's women reflect the integrity of a society's men

>no blacks

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Explain for a brainlet please. I'm just getting into reading and working on improving myself but my mind is still shit right now.

Things only become a deteriment when society is at fault. Society has always been at fault, since we live in a fallen nature(adam and eve fall from grace).
Look at the interernt, could we use it for good to educate people about Christ's love for us? We could but we mainly focus on porn.
People have woken up to the lures of porn, and stopped;but many haven't.
Tech is a neutral in many ways, but it often reflects the state of society.
What the quote is saying, you need not fear the degenracy of datalinks(video games) as if you stand in righteous character it won't overtake you unless you let it.
Could you make a wholesome video game? Yes you could.
Are video games suitable for relaxation? Yes it could.
But there is a line you need to find. I just stay away from it.

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Thanks user

Reminder all girls lie about how many sexual partners they have had. This is what you get when you date girls 20+

not Jow Forums related in the slightest, fuck off.


>no blacks

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It was edited from
You retards

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Society was never Not degenerate.
At no stage in human evolutionary and civilisational history were we "perfect".
There has always been violence, competition, sickness, aging and death.

Mother Nature has always been trying to eat us via predation and infection, while also selflessly donating to use warm sunlight, clean river-water and plentiful fruits.
Father Culture has always been protecting us from the horrors of nature via technology and education, but has also infected us with ideology that makes us blind to reality and makes us harm each other and ourselves.
Each individual has within them an Angel and also a devil/beast. They can behave righteously with selfless generosity, or can behave selfishly as a Thirsty animal or Malicious devil.

The point is to discover and accept The Truth, and then act towards creating your highest vision of the More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible.

ie. notice how these addictive behaviours are NOT SATISFYING, and that to engage in them (again) will not take you to where you actually want to go to.
Most people are too young and nieve, or too blinded or invested to see this, and so continue screwing themselves over and others with them.

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