What lifting accessories would you say have greatly helped your progression...

What lifting accessories would you say have greatly helped your progression? I only use lifting straps and they have been a game changer.

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Belt, fat gripz, chalk



Hey don't use this picture, the girl on the far right is perfection, and it makes us all sad that such a perfect girl exists.

Proper shoes and a decent belt are absolutely necessary if you're remotely serious about lifting.

Shoes are only needed for squats.

Shouldn't you be lifting as much as possible prior to any belts?

How much will a belt improve my lifts?

>Proper shoes and a decent belt
Why the fuck would you use a belt before you squat 5pl8?

Actually fuck that, why would you use a belt at all if you're not going for records and/or cash prizes?

Not even Kirk Karwoski trained in a fucking belt and he squatted in a fucking gear.

Unless you learn how to use it, it won't change a thing.

It's exactly the same thing as any kind of gear - you learn how to use it and you lift more.
You take it off and you train with less.

"Proper" shoes are going to vary on the individual. Most people are best off squatting in standard weightlifting shoes with the slightly raised heel, but plenty of people, usually with really short femurs, squat in flats effectively. What you really want in a squat shoe is something that has ZERO give to the sole, and ideally good lateral stability.

Deadlift in flats. Or barefoot, or something like it. No exceptions.

Bench press and standing press still benefit from a solid sole, since you're still pushing against the ground. Sneakers are fucking useless to lift any actual weight in.

I don't know where this meme shit comes from. A belt provides resistance for your core muscles to contract against. Saying it makes your core weaker or some such hogshit is like saying a barbell makes the muscles acting against it weaker.

By about tree fiddy.

I squat 6playt, and hold a record in the squat.

Why, oh why, would you fucking train without a belt when you're going to compete with a belt? You think Tiger Woods practices in sneakers before putting on his golf cleats for competitive rounds?


Thanks you made me fail no fap yet again
How am I supposed to resist that gorgeous juicy fat ass?
Why is there fucking porn posted on this board all day everyday?
Some of us are weak and need to avoid it altogether to keep from cumming


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that face reminds me of the fat negro cook meme

pic related?if yes provide sthe same for the othes pls.


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WL shoes can be used for

>high bar Squats
>Low bar Squats
>front squats
>power clleans

You’re retarded if you think its only good for squats

Leanna Bartlett
op pic is not on her instagram

using any protective gear like a belt, straps, etc. is doing nothing other than allowing your major muscle groups to grow stronger while your supporting structures maintain the same low level of strength, leading to highly increased risk of injury.

the only equipment that has ever helped me is a pair of solid clips that were like $10 on amazon since the ones at my gym are more worn out than a kardashian puss and constantly slide off the bar when i'm doing deads.

Attached: choina.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

>I don't know where this meme shit comes from. A belt provides resistance for your core muscles to contract against. Saying it makes your core weaker or some such hogshit is like saying a barbell makes the muscles acting against it weaker.

The belt is giving you an unnatural tightness to your core, which your body is not achieving on its own...So whilst your major muscles grow, your core is artificially strengthened and doesn't grow as much. How is that a good thing?

someone post the webm of that pig sniffing from e3



Call me jaded but these basic bitches are more or less interchangeable

I use belt, straps, knee sleeves and ankle sleeves, just cause I wanna protect muh joints when lifting heavy

4 has best butt though