/fast/ #215 - Classical Greece Edition

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, dry fasting.

>What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

>Why should I fast?
Read all of these, they might answer some other questions you may want to ask.

>Can I fast if I have ___?
See your doctor before fasting if you:
>Have any sort of chronic illness
Don’t fast if you:
>Have type 1 diabetes
>Are malnourished/severely underweight
>Are pregnant
>Are breastfeeding

>How do I safely do an extended fast (approx. 4-5+ days)
New snake juice recipe here (youtu.be/1onQ0nxgWFM)
Old snake juice recipe (youtu.be/2vz_U8kxDlg)
>2000mg of sodium (preferably Himalayan Pink Salt) max
>4700mg of saltless potassium max
Mix these in a liter of water and sip it throughout the day. The apple cider vinegar and lemon are optional.
You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

>Won’t I go into starvation mode?
No. It only occurs at extremely low body fat (8-10%).

>Will (something with calories) break my fast?

>Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
Artificial sweeteners and diet soda are bad for you and may fuck up your fast. Zero calorie black coffee and tea are generally considered to be fine.

>Do I need a multivitamin?
Not really, since the fat you are burning contains most of the vitamins you need.

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Instead of eating one meal at a deficit every day, can I just eat one meal at maintenance every other day with fasting in between? I would have consumed the same amount of calories at the end of the week either way so it will be the same for weight loss, right?

New snake juice recipe here (youtu.be/1onQ0nxgWFM)
has anyone actually tried this does this taste strong at all because i wan to fast bad and i have the will power but the taste makes me gag but now that there is a new one im willing to try again can anyone tell me how it tastes to them?

i already ate today but i will start now and continue tomorrow into a dry fast. its been months since i've been in the mindset for fasting.

I've never tried potassium chloride, but salty water tastes gross to me, I put lite salt in a 1:3 mixture of vinegar and water and tastes fine to me. I don't know about sodium bicarbonate but a took a magnesium supplement in addition to this.

My parent are leaving tomorrow, i'll fast for 7 days until they come back wish me luck faggots

How can salted water make you gag?

>i have the will power

You are clearly not old enough to be here

why isn't he?

Lite salt has potassium chloride in it ya dingus

I'm 22 faggot

Do your parents control what you eat?

Nice digits
Good luck user

Congrats I guess

I know that, I'm saying I've never put potassium chloride in water and tasted it, just table salt.

So i broke a day and a half dry fast with coconut water, and baking soda water for the first 5 hours. Then I (unwisely) ate peanut butter and chicken as I was hungry as fuck.

Was this dumb as fuck, am I kill? I feel fine but I'm getting kinda paranoid about refeeding syndrome. I went into the fast nutriously sound though.

thank you!

Don't worry about refeed for a day and a half

Just suffucate yourself with veggies, you're doing good keep it up

It's not bad desu.
The Baking Soda removes a lot of the SALT taste. Now it just tastes like water.

Bit too late now lol, that's why I'm worried about being kill

Yeah I feel like I should have eaten veg or light fruit if anything.

Almost 48 hrs for me. Damn, never thought I'd actually go through with this. I'm not feeling too bad, a little lethargic perhaps.
Lost 5 lbs on first day apparently.

Kek wills it

56 hours still hungry halp I want buffalo wild wings

You don't have to worry about refeeding syndrome for a fast that short. I just broke a 9 day fast with absolute junk and I'm fine. Doing another 9 tomorrow.

>I just broke a 9 day fast with absolute junk and I'm fine
Damn, dry or water fast? Even short dry fasts can be a bit fucky if you come back off them wrong, iirc.

Water Fast. That's true I've never done a dry one and I probably won't. Good luck with yours.

In terms of weight loss it was pretty great, I can only imagine what longer dry fasts can accomplish.

Yes if you consume less calories overall you’ll lose weight

I'm on day 4 of my fast and I feel so weak. Idk if i'll make it bros.

Hold on with me brother

Is it normal to have dark purple ketone strips two days in?

What's the best way to break a 7+ fast? Day 5 here. I only drink snake juice, plain coffee and tea. I'm gonna try some juice, milk, or soda at first. Then some protein and normal food 3-4 hours later.

I remember seeing this on TV years way back.


Are you retarded? Don’t do that. Just have some fruit.

not true. If your insulin sensitivity gets better you will lose weight.

Sugar is sugar. It doesn't matter if it comes from soda, fruit, or milk.

Anybody have low blood pressure while fasting? I usually sit at 130/75 and right now I'm consistently at 105/68

That is normal bro.

Completely incorrect, don't post that dumb shit in here.

Lactose is not the same as fructose is not the same as sucrose is not the same as HFCS. All these have varied effects on insulin levels and insulin sensitivity.

Read a book. The Obesity Code by Fung is a good place to start.

How painful do you guys think this would be?
>water fast Friday and Saturday
>dinner only Sunday to Thursday
I just don't want to be low energy and sharting myself at my new job.

how long after eating do i have to purge it out before i will break my fast? i cheated and now i want to puke

I'm doing IF 20/4 for like 4 months and OMAD on the weekend because i don't go to the gym.
Currently eating at maintenance because i want to recomp.
During the past cut, couldn't get rid of love handles and a fat pad around my belly button - unsure if it's because i was kinda fat long time ago.

Would 48h water fasting on the weekend + IF 20/4 on weekdays help on removing those offenders?
I already have shitty lifts and small gains so wouldn't want to hurt that either. How should i manage my weekly calories?

I hear you stop shitting when you fast and once you stop fasting it's extremely painful to shit for the awhile, is this true?

When I laugh or blow my nose I feel a slight pain in my chest. Is this fast related? It’s not like a pain as much as a horizontal tingle

>Gf been doing mix of IF, OMAD and ADF for 2 months
>hasn't gotten her period since

I wrap my wanga when we smash, so i-it's not cos she's preggos right? haha..
But seriously tho she's not pregnant. Is it cos of this diet and stress responses thinking she's not fit for fertility?? Help me bros don't wanna fuck her up in that way

Depends. Some people break their fast by eating glass. Others just eat some soup or meat and potatoes. To each their own I guess.

>Some people break their fast by eating glass.

shes i pregnant bro.

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Little known fact.
Eating glass results in painful stools.

Ok, is dry fasting really 3x more effective than water fasting when it comes to healing health issues?

She should increase her fat intake on feeding days. I've been eating a high fat diet with OMAD and multi day fasts and have had no problems.

fuck off with this b8

please exit the gen and never return

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Alright guys I plan to have a water fast for seven days before going to Vegas with my friends.
Since there will be roasties we are gonna drink alcohol, at night.
Question is at what time and how should I begin breaking the fast in order for me not to die from alcohol poisoning

Why does /fast/ fast? I’m considering fasting because I’ve lost 50 lbs eating normally at a deficit and my weight loss has slowed. Problem is I’m currently on SS, can you lift and fast at the same time?

I'm doing it for health reasons. Hoping it will help me relieve some of my chronic pain and illness. I have a bunch of issues. Chronic headaches and digestive issues are my two main problems.

I've been doing OMAD for a few weeks and I've done a few 24 and 36 hour fasts in that time. Haven't been able to do 48 hrs yet, cause I'm pretty busy with work.

But anyway, I've already noticed about a 25% improvement with my health issues. I'm hoping that it will continue to improve, and perhaps a long fast will cure me.

>keeps my psoriasis completely gone
>lowers my food bill
>halves my cut time
>more free time since I'm not cooking or eating
>I enjoy getting eat giant meals all day long when I refeed. I'm dieting but still get to feel like a glutton

>keeps my psoriasis completely gone

I'm always interested to hear about the health issues that fasting cures. How much did you have to fast in order to see that benefit?

I know I need to fast again, and I can do it if I just stick to it.

I am atm 355lbs. Was 414lbs at heaviest. At 388lbs did my first snake juice fast for 5 days and it was the hardest shit ever. I was hungry each day, I am such a fat ass. Went down to 364lbs in those 5 days.

It just sucks, I am not as mentally strong as I need to be. My environment sucks.

I have to cook for my bf and his parents. Two meals a day. His mom was a pastry chef and goes on about bakery shit to make for the family, weekly. And they're fat southern fucks so the recipes they request are all fatty fucking butter loaded cheese bacon carb shit. Fat fucker casseroles and they insist on baked breads and nightly deserts. Fuck there is always so much damn food, and I have to cook all of it. (My bf's mom is in recovery from surgery so she is bed bound.) The men in the house just do not cook at all. I serve everyone. I am pretty much the Consuela. Plus my bf is always bringing home fast food on top of dinner plus sweets and shit. We used to go to the gym together and do keto and IF but he hit a plateau and gave up.

Uhg, and I walk everyday and do keto OMAD and juice everyday but fuck I know I need to just fast. And get my shit together and not rely or blame anyone. They are kind folks and all, its just fucking toxic the absurd amount of food in this house.
any self improvement shit you guys recommend?

neural plasticity, mindfulness, etc? How do I use a broken brain to fix a broken brain?

If I do one 5-day every other week it stays gone. I'm trying to bring on a bad flare-up and get some here-to-gone timings down to compare with an ointment/oral combo.

A 5-day fast every other week. That is tough.

But maybe if you keep doing it, you will gradually heal your body and you will be able to cut down on your fasting time and still keep it away. Regardless, it's good that you found something that helps.

First week fasting (since monday) and getting 1200 cals in one single meal but I feel a little weak a dizzy
Is this normal? Will my body get used to it?

One more question. You say you fast 5 days every other week. How do you eat for the next 9 days?

Whatever I want, just passing on processed sugars and additives. I have an incurable addiction to dark chocolate and these freeze dried spicy mango things my girl imports so I eat those. Drink about a gallon of water per day, no other liquids save for teas.

Ah, maybe if you did OMAD during those days, your good results would last longer. Might be worth trying.

But yeah, I know what you mean about addiction. I am addicted to fast food and beer. The fact that I can still have those things while sticking to a fasting regimen is what makes fasting so appealing to me.

I would rather fast 23 hours a day for the rest of my life and eat whatever the fuck I want for 1 hour a day, then have to stick to an extremely strict diet where I can only eat vegetables or some other bland shit

I've done it before with far less noticeable results. Fasting for those extended tomes also makes it near impossible to overeat. I can eat OMAW while cutting and pound 7000 calories on my eat day and it doesn't harm me.

Why in the new recipe he said 1Tsp of potassium and 0.5tsp of sodium and in the old one it was 1.5 tsp each?

I'm saying do a 5 day fast, and then eat OMAD (instead of whatever you want to eat all day), and you're good results might last longer. You might not have to do a 5 day fast every other week

There is sodium in sodium bicarbonate you dunce

You know what you need to do. Cut them out of your life and stop using them as an excuse or your will all die together

Well done, I'm hungry

I fast because nothing else works as well

I don't know how people can let themselves get to 300+ pounds. At that weight you can eat 2000 calories a day and still lose 5 pounds a day. You don't need to fast.

Being pretty fat and having lower back pain. Also it's a personal challenge that makes me feels really good about myself, without self-deception.

Fasting also gives the best results for weight loss, so it's the obvious choice if you have nothing stopping you.

>I don't know how people can let themselves get to 300+ pounds.

You lack imagination my friend. It's pretty easy to make a small mistake every day for a few years and your environment not to give you any feedback that what you're doing is bad. Some unlucky cunts have even been fat since they were a damn baby because their parents were pathological. Small changes make great leaps and that goes in both directions, bad and good.

>At that weight you can eat 2000 calories a day and still lose 5 pounds a day. You don't need to fast.

That's the worst thing he could do in his situation (also not true), it will be more difficult than fasting, be slower and give worse results since he'll be left with a damaged metabolic rate. Keto or fasting are the only way to become a regular person ever after weighing that much unless your life includes an hour or two of exercise a day. Normal people can maintain with minimal activity, a post-fatty needs a lot of activity to maintain the current weight... unless done by keto or fasting, like our ancestors did. We're really good at using fat tissue in ketosis, otherwise not so much and the missing energy comes first from other less desirable places.

>I heard...
Enough with this shit. Just try it. If you want to know if something will work or not, fucking do it! Don't just ask a bunch of internet idiots, be your own damn expirement. That's what life is, your own goddamn experiment.

Painful stool can depend on a great deal of things. Eating a healthy dose of fiber and drinking plenty of water before you start will help, not having hemmorhoids will also help. If you break your fast with rich foods you're going to get refeeding syndrome and shit your brains out. If you drink too much of any of the salts too quickly while fasting you'll get the shits.

Just take it slow and stick to mostly fruits and veggies and you'll be fine. And if you're not fine, you can look back on what you're doing wrong and change it. Document everything.

is that discord still running?

I'm on Day 1 of my 30 day fast. This time I'll do it!

How do you break an extended fast safely?
What are the possible issues you could end up with?

Someone berate me. I can't stop drinking. I want to fast but I work in a restaurant with great food.

It's almost impossible to fast. I hate this. I'm legit a bitch. Fuck my life.

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I found this from experience, if you haven't done shorter fasts before doing an extended fast, the extended fast will be far more difficult.
Do 2 or 3 48-hour fasts before attempting something so long as 30 days.

I found some resources here:
Supposedly, they would break long fasts with soupy gruel, getting thicker every day until they eat normally again.

Why is it that the only people who fast are desperate fatties?

Stupid fat nigger, stop eating

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Got a citrus chicken salad and some fries with beer to break my 120hr fast. By god was it fantastic. Indicated weight loss over the last two weeks is about 12lbs, will regain some in water weight over the weekend. Will probably go another 5 days of water fasting next week. Keep up the good work, lads!

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because fasting is a good way to lose weight?

Fasting is the new cure for t2 diabetes. Go figure

>eat 2000 calories a day
>lose 5 pounds a day

>fast 7 days from 208lb to 196lb
>eat a bowl of broccoli with mayo
>today is day 4 fasted
>have only gone down to 195lb, so one pound

What the fuck?

Looks like my body is eating my gut from the top down. Wish it would hurry the fuck up.

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Any good documentary about fasting to recommend?

>A 5-day fast every other week. That is tough.
At first yes, which is why you have to work up to it, but after a while your body gets used to it and it just becomes normal.

Took me a month or so to work up to my OMAW+165hr fasting routine and since then I've been up to 370 hours (15 days) without a problem. In fact I only tend to break my fasts because of social events.

If I do OMAW how much can I pound down at the end?


Fat guy fasts for 50 days. It kind of proved to me that fasting is not really that good. He is still a fat fucker by the end because he couldn't exercise because he had literally 0 calories going in him.

His body was in starvation mode pretty quick, probably burning like 800 cals max in a day. He could of easily got a 1000+ calorie defecit with hard exercise and calorie controlled diet instead.

It doesn't cure T2 diabetes, it simply alleviates some of the symptoms during the fasting period. There isn't a thing in this world that will repair pancreatic cell damage.

Isn't it about juicing? Which is totally different of fast. You basically drink sugar.

I almost always wake my partner up with a juicy double handed blowjob and I end up swallowing because I don't wanna be cleaning his semen so early in the morning. Will this break my fast?

It is not easy to reverse Type 2 diabetes and the longer you have it, the harder it becomes to reverse, but it can be achieved by those committed to doing so who lose a substantial amount of weight in a relatively short time span.


I'm pretty lithe as it is, sometimes I begin a fast if I simply don't feel like cooking. Then once the ball is rolling I come hang out here to mentally masturbate over how I am making smart choices :^)