why doesnt ebony just kill herself?
Why doesnt ebony just kill herself?
She shouldn't kill herself! Taking care of the body is going to be too much hassle for others!
Tut, tut user... Think before you post, will you?
they can throw her in a ditch if it comes down to it.
who? the black poster or whoever this cunt is?
It would make my family sad.
>why doesnt ebony just kill herself?
anyone got nudes of this chick? she lives an hour from me and I like chubby black chicks with large boobies.
Well from what I've gathered ebony is an attention whore that goes on r9k and makes threads about being smelly only to use said threads as an excuse to post pictures of her feet and cunt. She likes the idea of having white beta males masturbating over her for some reason.
>tfw no cute niggress
why live
I dunno, I try to fuck fat black girls all the time. Then I go on r9k to hate on women and I got a whore in that catagory shitting up the board.
I made an entire gallery on a porn site just so I could fap to this crazy weeb
post link pls.
You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.
I have only ever made one stinky thread and that wasn't the point of it. I don't have any social media whatsoever so it was just an excuse to shitpost about my current feels anonymously.
Anyone with pics of Ebony feet please post them
Expressing feelings require you to be jerk off material for beta males? We're a hive of undesirable social garbage and here you are teasing us with your existence. Feels great man.. Fuck you.
t. goreposter
Well? You gonna post the link or what?
I thought I was helping by showing them what they asked for, never posted anything unprompted.
I want to smell Ebony's farts
>everyone talking about how she posts pics and attention whores
>no one actually posting the pics
Pic related
hey Ebony can you post your asshole so I can spew a huge load for you
I've been saving up all week
Can you help me by being my gf? I have a job and have my shit together to an extent. I will love you if you pay attention to me. Please I am so lonely.
hi ebony its me again. post more feet pls. thanks
Whatever, "help" them all you want I guess. All I want is a dark weeb gf and here you are flaunting things ill never have.
Is that big titty NIGGER about to sneeze?
ok ok look. I'm not posting any more nudes because that was a really wrong thing of me to do, and they keep getting spread around and I hate it. I was stupid enough to think that deleting them immediately when I was still a newfriend would work, because I didn't know about the archives. I can post a foot pic b/c that's not anything I wouldn't feel comfortable showing males irl, but as for nudes I'm not posting any more and also really leaving this place for good
I'm not trying to bait you guys or anything, i start off with the threads as anonymous as possible, I've made many threads where people don't know it's me, it's just that in that one in particular goreanon was obsessed with figuring out my gender.
I know you're a lovely person and I hate that you feel lonely but it is impossible for me to date anyone here. It's nothing about you at all I really want to make you feel better but I just can't. And I hate having this conversation so I'm not coming here any more.
You can definitely get a dark weeb gf, I'm not even a weeb I'm just an odd girl. The only animes I've watched are Love Live!, Humanity Has Declined, and Bobobo.
Goodbye Ebony.
It's been fun.
You'll always be my favourite fembot. Much better than Brooke.
why the fuck do you post pics of your feet? how the fuck do you think that is sexy?
black guy with black gf by the way, so i wont understaand thiss foot shit
I'm not this guyIm just this guy Alright then bye bye.
Would you get gangbanged by robots, ebony?
Would you let a few robots do this to you?
Best of luck, Ebony!
fuck off bitch. she's not leaving yet. faggot
no, Imma hoard it. people refused to give me pics of her, i had to work hard for them, i'm gonna give you all the same kindness.
>pics still aren't posted
Don't be stingy you bastards hurry up and post them.
Would you cunts just fuck off about it. She was an attention whore that wanted to make betas like us cum over her. Go jerk off to the millions of other whores.
You have become the very thing you hate, enjoy.
speak for yourself you low test cuck boi
I have her pics on my other phone. give me a few minutes. for some reason her skin looks pretty light in the pictures
Youre smelly? Why are you letting yourself go? Thought you re trying to go from an 8 to 10 my princess
wtf i'm not racist now
ah yes rotund niggos are truly a treat
does anyone have pics?
of any thicc smelly black girl
anyway post ass and soles I guess leggings are cool too
And you have a nice back desu dont go silly
Yeah I figured you were different people, just didn't segregate it properly.
Not that I wouldn't want to, but it wouldn't be ethical
when this thread 404s I am
she's waaaay prettier than me but thank you nice user
>r9k makes Ebony leave
Thanks guys for ruining it again while letting Brooke run rampant fuck you r9k
Shes not fembot but at least shes not normie
All women are normalfag whores and they should all leave she is no exception
as the dude who made this thread I hated Brooke much more and posted in most threads she made for her to gtfo. glad she's gone.
>mfw just met ebony and she's already leaving
Be one of many betas worshiping one cunt is cuck.
You're carrying out the will of heaven my friend. Thanks for getting those tarts out of here.
>it wouldn't be ethical
fuck off you tease. BTW you're not leaving. you're just bluffing. once you're here you're here forever
>implying you can't worship multiple women at once
You think we aint tried to leave?
Please do not become a normie you make me big cums
Gore poster. If you were white I wouldn't care, but the fact your dark pisses me off because like I said it's a fucking tease. I want a quirky dark woman in my life and seeing this shit just a constant reminder that I'll never find anyone again. I used to have a girl like that and it was once in a life time. Probably not fair and I should fuck off back to my flag boards. I'm out of here as well. I don't even browse r9k aside from this week after my okcupid shit.
You had very pretty holes
Name: Micky Martyrdom
Gallery: motherless G6C5C04C (click on back to gallery if you click one the first link with a raw search)
You cant hoard shit if its on the internet
Thank you based user.
May you be smothered by fat tiddies forevermore
>motherless G6C5C04C
Girls are so fucking stupid. Jesus christ.
>no asshole spread pic
deleted and x'ed out of thread
I have the asshole spread pic on my other phone
holes or soles?
why do you think you'll never find a girl like that again? What happened with the last one?
Well first one I was 15-16 and we messed around till it eventually just ended for several reason. The second one 17-18 really fucked me up. She left me for her tweaker ex and ended up having a meth baby and marrying/divorcing/remarrying my best friend. I became an alcoholic for the 5 years following. I'm sober as of 33 days, but being in a drunken stupor for that long I fucked away alot of social networks and didn't really work on myself in a productive manner. So I feel like I'm playing catch up at this point. Everyone seems to have found someone while I was in a haze and my personality sort of died in that time period. So all I have are my looks which are mediocre in my opinion. /soc/ gives me ratings all over the place so I have no idea just how attractive I really am.
Fml just find out about qt sort of weeb black girl, on here of all places, and she's leaving. Missed the feet and the thiccness. Evry tim
You can find all her pics by going on desuarchive and looking for Ebony under "username"
Thanks brother. If you're reading this I hope you return someday ebony. You're a cute
Wow that's really sad user I feel really bad for you. My advice would be to learn about God, which can help you develop a personality that both you and others will feel good about, and to find a nice christian wife who won't leave you for a tweaker. You gave up drinking right? There's still time to pull your life together and make your dreams come true. Soc link?
I'm not letting every autistic in this thread see my face. I've been a non believer since I was 12. Thanks for the advice, but if anything ive only considered church for the community aspect. I was in AA, but I went all anti women and now I don't feel welcome. I said I was 33 days sober. I was mainly an alcoholic, but I used every drug really. I don't even have a lot of my family anymore because they're drunks an addicts as well. All alone really. Shit sucks.
Whats your original routine eb?
Pull it up then buddy
she cute
Well if you are firm in your beliefs it should not hurt anything to go digging through the evidence right? You will either find something new, or prove yourself right. Nothing to lose...
Dry brush before entering, wash goody bits with a certain washcloth and a more antibacterial body wash, then wash General body areas with a moisturizing soap just using my hands. Cloth gets changed weekly. If its wash day I wash my hair. Shampoo, special shampoo (extra moisture, anti dandruff, whatever I need on that week), conditioner, leave in conditioner. If it is a Sunday I do hair removal (typically with electric razors, going to try out sugaring wax this week). Then when everything is washed off I cover myself in coconut oil when Im still wet to seal in moisture. Then I put on one of two onesies my sorority sisters gave me as a robe when walking to my room. Then I dry off goody bits, apply a moisturizing lotion, then sport sunscreen (it makes my skin shiny too which is nice) or Vaseline in the winter, then spray deodorant under arms, then flowery deodorant between thighs, on back, and beneath armpits, then perfume on chest, wrists, thighs, and ankles. Then I put my clothes and makeup on. I also wash my face before putting on face sunscreen, which has a higher spf cuz it gets more exposure.
Micky look good af to me too
>. If it is a Sunday I do hair removal (typically with electric razors, going to try out sugaring wax this week).
Fucking why?
I like the way I look and feel when I am hairless
Then what religion do I pick to increase my odds of finding a black girl?
In the US? Christian.
I meant which denomination. I know they aren't in the mormon church cuz thats what I grew up in.
Post onesie
Also what perfume do you wear?
>I like the way I look and feel when I am hairless
Oh, baptist. You won't learn anything true about God there though.
Sweet Pea by bath and body works
You said you were ugly.
Lemme smash, blackie
Hnngg past moar
So who is your crush if you have one
>you said you were ugly
>she's a 5 at best
yeah if I saw her irl she'd never be my first choice. And not because she's black, but because I can do better.
Hear that Ebony? A guy doesn't want you because you're "inferior nigger womanape", it's because YOU, as in everything that encompasses you, makes not the first choice for men. That's the root of your self-hate, envy at better looking girls taking good looking men
How about that new Drizzy Drake album right?
You are kinda sweet in a way idk
Ur right I prefer black shemales desu
>tfw just found out this chick browsed here and that she's leaving now
If I were black and pretty I wouldn't be that upset, my options would still be limited but not so much that it has an appreciable impact on my life. But being a 3/10 AND black severely limits the pool
i am
idk really
don't listen to him really
wow that's big but I can't
I don't think Micky browsed here....
At least show how youd suck it then
>But being a 3/10 AND black severely limits the pool
That's your fuckin problem. Not my fault all you have to offer a man is pussy, so of course you'll be judge by how you look physically and nothing else.
And before you go
>"b-but muh personality"
You'd be surprised how interchangeable and generic the vast majority of woman's "personality" are
I really don't wanna be the fuckin guy that argues with a girl over her attractiveness after shitting all over you. To me you just sound like the typical woman fishing for compliments because you know what you look like.
Would you mind being in a relationship and being beaten occasionally? I mean you deserve it right
"oh god I'm sooooo ugly"
*shoves tits in face*
Ebony when last did you shower you fishy lady
I never complained about being judged by my looks everyone is, all I've ever said is that I really dislike the way I look and I also have a set of physical features that are very unpopular in this day and age (black features) except to a small pool of people and that even among that group I wouldn't be a top choice. I'm not understanding your animosity.
ok, i mean a few guys online saying anything to get some nudes doesn't mean anything. I've been called ugly by my peers enough times to know what I look like
I'd prefer that
Monday. You do know that's not me though right? I don't want to get your hopes up.
Now THIS would be top tier pick for men, not How'd you get mogged in your own thread Ebony?
It's a thread about why I haven't killed myself yet so very easily. I'm also not pretty I don't understand the like 1 or 2 orbiters i have
It's also a pic in a onesie at 2am in no makeup vs. a really pretty girl with big boobs and much lighter skin in a full face of makeup. You can spend the rest of the thread posting better looking girls i hate myself desu. Say shit to make me feel worse.