Go see movie

>go see movie
>incredibles 2
>elastigirl is so fucking hot and thicc
>it hits me I'm 25 and will be single forever
>mogged all day by normies with relationships
>go home think about suicide

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I also enjoyed the movie. Do you think most fembots are like Violet irl?


>being attracted to the mother
>being a Jow Forums or incel reddit sub faggot
>not being attracted to the daughter in emo phase of first movie

*blows cuck whistle frantically*

>leave home like a normie shitter
>to go to the movies and watch normie flicks

looks like there might still be hope for you, Normand

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fembots aren't real, they're just lower status females.

what an autistic post

the autistic girl who hugged elastigirl was hot too

I want to breed them both, that movie was like porn to me

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at least I would breed them if I wasn't too depressed and messed up

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it was a children's movie basically it made me uncomfortable being there but I did it for hellen

but elastigirl is married, i'm commiting an anciet sin of lust, adultery and coveting, she looked so fuckinggoo though, and that scene where she's on her knees and hands on the airplane made me so horny
i hate being incel I've seen women like her irl and it's surreal, someone gets to fill their wombs.

my life is a joke compared to normies

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i feel like a fuckign retard

I got a sub at subway and a normie with a gf stood next to me and somethign about him was annoying and I wanted to punch him out, his gf was hot and maybe I'm just losing my stupid incel mind.

I hate being poor, ugly and a manlet, i hate myself.

why was I born? I don't have any redeeming qualities I'm not even smart or sane or of good character.

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>I got a sub at subway and a normie with a gf stood next to me and somethign about him was annoying and I wanted to punch him out, his gf was hot and maybe I'm just losing my stupid incel mind.
Calm down Elliot.

I was watching the scene with the hypnosis badguy and was thinking about the time I did sissy hypno when r9k was becoming r9gay

what do you want me to do? lie to you?

i'm a mess inside. sometimes I just give into the depression though and realize I'll never be anything or be hap

Did you end up splashing them with your drink and running away?

>going to watch a children's movie alone is normal
Ok then

what are you a turbo normie who talks down on incels?

I don't usually post on Jow Forums but please, OP, you aren't Takkun. Whats up with all the Takkun posting?

i went with another person in my family

Imagine actually calling yourself an incel, truly pathetic. Also calling others normies despite being so obsessed with pussy just like one and even going out to the movies. Who the fuck are you?

i'm not a normie, so I post on r9k.

because I like his demeanor.

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also it's an interesting thing to say, since i relate to him a lot even if we're so different.