
>wake up after 5 REM sleep cycles
>drink a mixture of lemon juice, water and himalayan salt for hormonal regulation, whey protein to stop muscle loss after a full night of sleep, apple cider vinegar to increase stomach acids so I can properly break down proteins for muscle and brain gains
>prepare breakfast
>read the news from a variety of carefully selected, politically diverging sources as I eat it
>do Anki flashcards for memory improvement and language learning, having used a frequency dictionary to form Decks in german, french, russian and spanish
>brush teeth with organic toothpaste, as regular toothpaste contains xenoestrogens that disrupts testosterone production
>go to the gym
>about to do my carefully calculated hypertrophy day on my DUP system
>listen to a lecture on German Idealism as I do it
>use Smart Audiobook Player so I can bookmark important parts and make notes later
>finish workout
>drink black tea with ginger as I get my herb supplements for energy, recovery and testosterone production
>time to go to work
>select my daily podcasts on a variety of subjects: sports, politics, economics, history, philosophy, all of which contribute to making me a well-rounded person as I wageslave
>get to work
>practice muscle contraction as suggested by Eugen Sandow while I work
>eat a meal prep that perfectly fits my macros on my break
>end of shift, go home
>meditate as studies have proven it decreases cortisol
>divide my the rest of my time into structured Pomodoro study sections
>read about several subjects, practice any skill I'm currently learning
>take a cold shower when I'm done
>use only organic products, again minding xenoestrogens
>start my korean school girl-tier skin routine with a variety of oils and creams
>use volufiline for facial gains and minoxidil for beard gains
>take supplements and nootropics
>go to bed with a book, read until tired
>turn off lights
>realize i'm now tangibly a better person than yesterday
>set alarm after 5 sleep cycles

Attached: sdsa.png (209x241, 7K)


>whey protein to stop muscle loss after a full night of sleep
>not doing OMAD
never gonnna make it

What’s the end game here? How will you apply your knowledge for the benefit of others? If you say it’s for yourself, you still have a lot to learn.

So you’re trapped in a clockwork hell of self-improvement with no goals?

actually sounds pretty comfy 2bh

Not the first time this has been posted here faggots

is any of that morning mixture stuff true?
>tfw I finished The Screwtape Letters during my squats

I need to achieve this level of self discipline I sleep 3 hours every night and grind for 12 at work every day lifing shit and getting covered in skunk gasoline and oil while binging on podcasts and politics the entire time that for the most part fade from my memory by the next day leaving me with little scraps of knowledge it's pretty frustrating desu what can I do to improve memory I wonder what percentage of my retardation is sleep related vs me just being fucked and never remembering things because of genetics or smashing my head too many times

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>> still no gf
You missed a part

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yup get some sleep fag

>wake up at 10
>lucky charms
>slap the bowl in the sink for mommy to clean
>force myself to shower after cumming all over myself
>fresh ciggy with coffee
>wageslave resturant job at 12
>bus tables
>smoke a cigarette about every hour with people I hate
>slave for 6-8 hours til off
>free shift meal
>eat mussels or fries or high quality burger at the brewery I work at
>say goodbye to cook and server friends
>drive home
>play fallout new Vegas
>jerk off ar 3:00 A.M.
>the cycle continues

my life is in shambles some send Professional help I was going to the gym at 6 A.M. at uni but now everything is fucked I eat like shit feel like shit Fuck my life I wanted to shoot myself today

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>take a cold shower when I'm done

Everything was good up until this. Releases stress hormones like cortisol. The reason people feel good after is because their adrenals are working overtime after the shock. Longterm, it will produce negative effects. Just take a lukewarm shower.

>>use volufiline for facial gains and minoxidil for beard gains

I was thinking about using volufiline myself. I just got a red light however and will try 60 days of red light therapy and see if I get any facial gains out of it. I also suggest heavy doses of Mk-4 (around 15mg), my cheekbones and jaw and become noticeably bigger with this over a period of 6 months. I would stray away from the min however. I also used min on my face for facial hair gains and while it did work, I definitely lost some facial fullness from it, making me look older. It's still not fully understood how it works, so just be careful.

Other than that, keep it up!

what mk4 supp did you use? also, why would you use volufiline? doesn't it increase fat cell growth?

>do well during work week
>make it to weekend
>stay up late
>wake up late
>start day off with coke zero and unhealthy breakfast
>drink about a 20 pack of coke zero over the weekend
>eat loads of shit food
>blow out calories by at least 2x daily limit
>feel like a real sad cunt
>reset on monday

i hate my own company

Attached: angry crying.jpg (633x758, 68K)

>>wake up at 10
>>wageslave resturant job at 12
>>slave for 6-8 hours til off
>>jerk off ar 3:00 A.M.
Your time management is shit

>5 rem cycles
>1 cycle is 90 minutes
>7.5 hours sleep
bit risky mate consider bumping it up by a cycle since you're literally getting the minimum amount of sleep

>wake up 5am
>eat breakfast
>cold shower
>meditate (20 minutes)
>self reflection
>relax for an hour
>jiu jitsu
>meditation (5 minutes)
>get into bed
>go to sleep

god I love working freelance

what's this meme about?

>himalayan salt
Himalayan salt!

Is that a copypasta?
If not than you get all my respect but its much more important to make time for networking.

>cross street
>hit by car
>tombstone reads: at least he was... self-actualised, or something

Everyone knows this is pasta of all the Jow Forums memes

Yeah. Pink salt due to more minerals than in normal table salt, and no iodine. I use it to wash my face and effectively dry out pimples.

volufiline ? tfs that

>cross street
>hit by car
> tombstone reads: one time he jerked off with a hairbrush up his ass
don't act like yours is any better

>cross street
>hit by car
>tombstone reads: he died how he lived, not being alive
Don't go thinking yours'll be decent mate

>I sleep 3 hours every night
That'll kill you. Remove some other activity so you get healthy amounts of sleep, and everything will improve

>drink about a 20 pack of coke zero over the weekend

>Wake up at 730 am
>it's 1030 now

>there are actual people like this
LMAOing @ ur life