Why cant asians just give up already?

why cant asians just give up already?

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>be filipino
>basically asian mexican cheeto dust faggots

worst fucking feeling ever

i unironically prefer the asian one

I dunno, I think flips are based, I've never known any ethnicity to have a stronger work ethic. They're like turbo-wagie midgets. They're also unentitled.

>good work ethic

I live in the filipines. These guys are lazier than brazilians or any of those beaners that go to sleep in the middle of the day

But I have?

Try harder

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>be asian
>phd in STEM field
>just interviewed for a job that pays 150k to 200k (seriously it's fucking bullshit but that's how the economy works right now)
However apparently I'm a "cuck" because I am only 5'9". Really makes you think.

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Chinks on the other hand infuriate me. Specifically rich 1st generation chinks.

>Go to school, get ahead by cheating on every exam
>Race the most riced out crap possible
>Act as if they own the planet
>Buy out all the homes, don't live in them, just use them to signal their wealth
>Wear nothing but designer clothes.
>Not actually hard working, their parents are wagies and they live off daddy's trust fund

Just my experience seeing flip immigrants, warm climates tend to make people lazier because it's fucking hot all the time, immigrants tend to be more wagie than the people who stayed back in the home country. I legit see some of them working so hard I'm concerned they're going to have a heartattack.

give up what

6'4" asianon here. i do feel bad for my other asian bros but i am also proud of the ones who succeed despite being on the short side. there are always things you cant change about yourself and i can understand it holding you back but there are many more things you can change with your own power

two choices asian bois

sissy or cuck


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cuck but with stacey. no wh*te males.

Pinoys dont have that soi face most north east gooks have, they actually look feral.

Alt-rightists are probably shorter on average you know, as hispanics tend to be.

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Im 5ft4 and male its so shitty

asians are always so tiny, there was this one asian girl i knew, every time i saw her i felt like picking her up and throwing her out a window

Lmao nice larp ling

least you have great trap genetics.

well yea, he'd make a better bottom.

understand being skeptical but sometimes shit is true bro. as i said most asians are unfortunately short but there are outliers out there

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absolutely torn the fuck out

two instances of dubs confirm btfo status

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My friend is a filthy-pino and he has no problem banging white women, though he is a cuck and is ok with open relationships with them but still.

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>Willingly donating your organs to normies

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I'm a 6'2 Asian but pic related is my wrist

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The one 6'2 asian in Maryland. Mission accepted.

Ever heard of a weight set Myoki

Because korean guys are the only race of asian left who arent shitskin manlets.

i dont know if theyll be any use but if they can help anyone i am okay with it
should i live my life in fear
looks very much like mine even to the dot what the fuck

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>should i live my life in fear
No, I'm just joking bud.


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We're probably estranged brothers.

whew i can sleep easy tonight then thanks
>tfw unironically hated my asian name when i was a kid because kids would call me quack but eased up and grew into my skin and it just became a cute nickname
take care of yourself lanklet bro

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koreans are usually tall as fuck

when will koreans and nordics breed to make the true ascended master race? both consistently tall as fuck, both light skinned, kids will get colored eyes and nice hair.

make it happen gooklad

I just see two people.

You realize that your inner life has no correlation with your conditions right? You could be dying in pain, and still content. The outside has no impact on what it means to you.

That "ideal" man on the right could be racked with depression, or just have cancer.

lmao this guys a duck


>tfw u got a bach degree and making 150k in 1st year

Why didn't you go into investment banking user?

>implying Fillipinos aren't the most powerful race in the world

Statistics. It's like a degree in math but way easier. However the only reason I am even being considered for these kinds of positions is because I know how to code python of all things.
Because I am a nerd and didn't realize that finance wasn't just sales. Also I wanted phd for personal reasons (basically saw my mom with a masters struggle to get ahead in her career after my dad died.)

Don't worry user, I work in finance (3.5yrs now) and it's not as fulfilling as STEM believe me. You get paid a shit ton but it's mostly bullshit and social skills that determines "success" in this line of work.