I declined

I declined

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Very very cool story

1 hour away to meet some girl you barely know?

I'd have declined too

>girl being forward
Woah...so this is what it's like to be Chad. Looks fun.

Literally why would anyone care

nobody cares

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I don't understand why you give women so much importance like I'm more concerned about sorting myself out than trying to get pussy/muh qt3.14gf why would you even want that when you are shitty inside like it aint gonna fix shit. Like yeah its good for youto know how to interact with women and shit 90% of then will still drop you fast as fuck if they can upgrade like you are all just retards seeking relief in a relationship/sex just like an alcoholic seeks relief in drinking what's the fucking point

seriously, if i got something like that i would probably start hperventilating

You live in St Tammany?

Are you close to Hammond?

Found another one finally, sup?

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I wouldnt drive an hour away either but i really love pool and if some girl was really into it too i might consider.

Louisiana bro?
I got a buddy whose a cop in hammond

Louisiana Jow Forums bread?

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Any lads in Cenla?

I need friends.

How old are you? Could you teach me dungeons and dragons?

Ive been wanting to get into DnD for forever but can never find anyone interested. I'm 22


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>Ive been wanting to get into DnD
It's shit.
t. someone who has been playing vidya and card games since like age 6

Beta. Chad would have asked her to come to him, and she would have drove an hour. But you're doomed to betaness.

>he thinks a girl complimenting you makes you a chad

This. A girl will rob banks with you if she likes you enough.

doesn't even look hot, no shit you'd decline. why did you expect any of us to even care

it's only as shit as your group and DM.

see you at the pnw gym, op. grow your beard back btw

Was going to say literally exactly this

The difference between a good dm and a bad one is the difference between a waste of time and the best memories of your life

What does shooting some pool even mean


billiards you dumb dumb

Fuckin nerds get off my board

having sex


It’s a euphemism for anal

>>low test causes depression

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if a guy used that pick up line it would be cringe

Think about it... long stick, sinking balls

Hammond, IN ?

OP can we see your smile