friday night boys and girls who's getting drunk tonight? having mojitos and had some mexican takeaway earlier now just sipping drinks and browsing chan
Im sitting alone in my room at 2:30 am. Im not into drinking alone but i might just pop open a beer for you OP
cheers man but if you dont feel like drinking tonight then no worries im okay with drinking alone with no company anyways. why are you up so late? or is this you regular sleep schedule?
I usually go to sleep at midnight to get up at 7:30 but since its friday i can stay up late a little longer.
Why are you getting drunk alone? i never understood this
im an alcoholic. i like/hate being drunk but i hat ebeing sober much more so i end up drinking every day all day. its not a position i wish anyone into but it is what it is i guess. i wake up around then too just to feed my cat
ate some shrooms, drank some gin, about to smoke some weed.
i wish i could smoke more regularly. im pretty decent with alcohol but have always been a lightweight when smoking and cant control myself properly. enjoy your night bro, you planning on doing anything while youre twisted?
Nothing really planned, the married chick I am fucking for some god damn reason, is out of town, so I am just fucking around alone.
Was just about to make this thread frend.
Lemonade and vodka
Virgin. lemonade
she at least hot? im not into cucking other dudes because i feel too bad about it but i guess if the girl is into you and you dont have any feeling about it i cant judge.
sounds tasty but also a hangover nightmare just like my mojitos lol
She is attractive as shit, she kept hitting on me and I nicely pushed her off quite a few times but after a few weeks of her just throwing it at me, begging me to fuck her, I gave in and now I can't stop, she is a blast and her husband doesn't fuck her anyway.
How did you end up like that? Depression?
Also xheers OP, what are you drinking tonight? Had to fix something else to eat too
I talked my mom into buying vodka
tonight has been a pleasant blur
fair enough i guess if you gave her the chance to think clearly theres no real harm in fucking some woman who's clearly unhappy/unsatisfied . i just always feel bad for the poor fuck whos getting cucked but people and relationships are complicated
yeah a lot of depressions and self hatred fueled it. drinking helped me stop being so shy nd make more friends but i dove too far into the deep end and want to stop but cant. what did you cook? looks like toasted bread with somethin ginsdie them. im drinking mojirots right now about 9 deep
nice, just vodka? or with chasers/mixers/ snakcs?
Same here OP, just sipping on some Captain Morgans after a long work week.
How is everyone doing?
I tried smoking, its not for me. I just get sleepy, i just drink really.
imho smoking is superior to drinking, just for the fact that you don't get hangovers
just the captain? im still a sucker for rum and coke, the most basic of drinks
yeah thats part of the reason i want to smoke rather than drunk ibut i realy cany stop myself from drnking
>just the captain? im still a sucker for rum and coke, the most basic of drinks
yeah just straight captain tonight, it tastes good enough on its own for me. if you like rum and coke, i recommend mixing some CM with a little bit of half and half or coffee liqueur, it tastes fantastic
>yeah thats part of the reason i want to smoke rather than drunk ibut i realy cany stop myself from drnking
do you have your own supply to experiment with? because i never really got comfortable with smoking until i started doing it alone and seeing how i liked it
>drinking helped me stop being so shy
It also happens to me, being sober kinda kinda gets me stuck, probably because i think alot of what migh/might not happen. But when im a bit drunk its like im a whole other person.
I know my limits though, i never liked drinking until i pass out, i think its kinda lame. I try not to drink too much too often.
>what did you cook?
Its like a grilled cheese sandwich with butter on top
Hangover are the fucking devil, but i manage to avoid them by drinking a bunch of water before going to sleep.
If it doesn't completely go away when i wake up it at least softens the blow.
On 100mg Xan and somewhere around 7 to 10 beers, it's 4:19 AM
Played some MTG at my LGS tonight, was pretty sweet
what do Xans feel like?
>it's 4:19 AM
london is 3:22
Well for starters I have GAD and panic disorder, so results may vary dear FBI I am also not encouraging anyone to indulge in illegal consumption of Xanax, I have a prescription if you'd like to check
To me it's basically a miracle drug when it comes to anxiety, just wipes it the fuck off the map
I've never really used it to get high by itself, so I couldn't tell you actually. It just mellows me the fuck out, and when combined with alcohol gives me a sense of peace I had never known before
One timezone away my friend
ahhh i done fucked it
where are you from?
ill have to try that, i actually dont have much experience wih coffee liqueur. i also havnet smoked in like 4-5 years and only recently thought about getting into smoking
yeah i thought the same way bt i just kept getting deeper and deeper into it until the line between my 'real' self and drunk self just blurred and i ended up being drunk nearly 24-7 to maintain my shitt reality. hope you never get to that point user
im going to pass out soon or black out but i hope all you guys have a good night. take it easy bros
>im going to pass out soon or black out but i hope all you guys have a good night. take it easy bros
You too, friend. Hope tomorrow's better than today was
EST Zone my whole life,
I lived in New Jersey before college, and I graduated this year and I've been living in Washington, DC ever since
What about you user?
I am desu, OP are you the user who posted in my /drunk/ thread ? If so, I'll keep posting here since more anons seem to have picked this thread. Also let's post some sad wojaks