If you dont worship the MAN, DIOGENES, you need to KYS

if you dont worship the MAN, DIOGENES, you need to KYS

dude rules hard.

plato was all like "YO MAN IS LIKE A PLUCKED CHICKEN"


can a man be any more alpha than that, honestly?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Plato was discoursing on his theory of ideas and, pointing to the cups on the table before him, said while there are many cups in the world, there is only one 'idea' of a cup, and this cupness precedes the existence of all particular cups. "I can see the cups on the table," said Diogenes, "but I can't see the 'cupness'".

"That's because you have the eyes to see the cup," said Plato, "but", tapping his head with his forefinger, "you don't have the intellect with which to comprehend 'cupness'."

Diogenes walked up to the table, examined a cup and, looking inside, asked, "Is it empty?" Plato nodded. "Where is the 'emptiness' which precedes this empty cup?" asked Diogenes. Plato allowed himself a few moments to collect his thoughts, but Diogenes reached over and, tapping Plato's head with his finger, said "I think you will find here is the 'emptiness'

Absolutely fucking based

>his theory of ideas
Not ideas, Forms. Plato didn't believe the Forms were mere ideas


That time Diogenes was asked by some twink on the street what they should do with him once he croaks.

>Throw me over the fucking city wall nigga, let nature reclaim this beauteous physique.

and then he went to jack off for the 3rd time in the market place.

So he argues like everyone on this website. With a "btfo lol nothing you say is relevant cause I roasted you" nigger response.

To be honest I just copy and pasted that from the last Diobro thread. Regardless, thanks for the info friend.

>Diogenes walked up to the table, examined a cup and, looking inside, asked, "Is it empty?" Plato nodded. "Where is the 'emptiness' which precedes this empty cup?" asked Diogenes. Plato allowed himself a few moments to collect his thoughts, but Diogenes reached over and, tapping Plato's head with his finger, said "I think you will find here is the 'emptiness'

Another time based Diobro was talking to the son of a well known prostitute. The young lad was throwing rocks into a crowd when the absolute mad man diogenes was like "careful, you'll hit your father."

plato started it, should've stayed out of the kitchen
>"you don't have the intellect"
is the ancient greek equivalent of the slowjak meme

oh fuck KEK these literally make me cackle and tear up LMFAO
don't insult diobro with your garbage perspectives on him

He does, but that's what makes him so based
>confident and doesn't give a shit
What's not to love? Literally "Blow it out your ass" the man

Watching Sam?

>be me
>all powerful emperor
>hear about some absolute asseater named diogenes
>go up to him one day, let him bask in my honor
>he replies
>"get out of my sunlight"
Should've executed that fucking nigger right there. the absolute nerve.

diogenes started it by trying to be le epic r*ddit tier wise guy
>is just a cup bro

>le epin trolle filosofur

We get it, you watch Sam O'Nella

nah I knew about diobro way before I watched this video. didn't even mean to come off as him tho so chill it out

Its another r9k watches a pedagogic 5 minute video from a youtube "philosopher"

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Man, I was walking home tonight and well. Fuck it. I guess its now that you find out. Socrates was the God of metaphor. Plato is his second. Aristotle is the beast of the abyss. Alexander, the spear of intent. And here we are... Again. As I claim to know things that I should not know...

She was hot as helllllll. The dude who paid to cum inside her... I hope it was enough to buy her house.

>I too would want to be me if I was you

My favourite anecdote has little do do with him being a IRL troll. It's the one about him seeing a peasant drinking from his cupped hands and Diogenes casting away his bowl which was one of his only possessions and calling himself a fool for carrying around unnecessary baggage when his own hands were a perfectly serviceable vessel. I don't get why so many people are suddenly so into him,m since his life does not seem a good one but if the surviving stories are at all true he really did embody his principles in how he lived which I can respect.

>don't question the idea of "cupness" no matter how retarded it sounds cause it comes from important philosopher man

He was an absurdist, to the core. And hard to love. He made us look at what we all hide inside of ourselves. He cast away what should not be said and spoke it out loud. He was a complete son of a bitch. But fuck, he's up there with the greats.

>if i can't see it its retarded

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if you can't see my point, you're retarded

i see your point, but that wasn't diogenes point

>Plato didn't believe the Forms were mere ideas

Because Plato was a mystical retard.

>I don't get why so many people are suddenly so into him

As the US and Europe devolve into tyrannical shitholes, we should expect that Cynicism, Stoicism, and Gnosticism will all make comebacks. They're copes. Each of them in its own way is a predictable reaction to the individual spirit being ground down under tyranny.

Cynicism says "Ha, fuck you, I don't care anyway, come and fucking get me!" and Stoicism says, "I got this, I'll just suck it up and mind my own business and pretend it doesn't bother me," and Gnosticism says, "If I get really high I can pretend none of this matters because the Logos has revealed a hidden world to me."

>Hyllus, even though you often have only one silver coin in your whole safe, and even that is more worn than your ass, you won't spend it at the bakery or in a restaurant, but you will spend it on whoever has the biggest dick. Your unhappy belly watches the feast enjoyed by your ass, and while the former always goes hungry, the latter always gorges itself.

diogenes is a meme faggot who is remembered by twenty people
Socrates influenced western civilization

It depends! We have post modernism now, which is that perception is reality. And Socrates creates this openness about certain creatures and their ability to destroy or create ideas. And he shares this truth with Plato. Imagine for a moment, becoming aware that you can destroy metaphor itself and forever hang the fruit out of reach... This is Socrates, humming, walking through barren wasteland during winter after some punks stole his boots. Realizing, that he has the power to cast them into hell for it. But he doesn't. Their only boots. The kids are ass holes and will most likely craft a hell more worthy of their actions than the one Socrates thought of. So he marches on, realizing that this is the 10,000,000,000th maturation of the metaphor and that his choice of not casting them into hell, would cost them much more. But the sign is gone and the cost is too nigh. "God dammit, send me a Stupid worthy of my lessons so that I may teach myself."

And a Plato appeared.

Diogenes was in cahoots with the Oracle at Delphi.

>diogenes is a meme faggot who is remembered by twenty people
>Socrates influenced western civilization
Socrates was a normalfag, diogenes deliberately spat on others and didn't care because he say how shitty normalfag society is.
he was and always is the robot's philosopher, maybe entry-level, but still.

makes sense. what a shitty time to be alive

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That chick scared the shit out of Alexander the Great. Two independent nations cast this guy as the "messiah", the son of Zeus and the son of Amon Ra -- does he react with pride? No. He is anxious. He does not want to be "messiah".

Did you know, that he "the great", the savior, "Alexander", created crucifixion? Ironic, that the next son of God would perish from it. This reminds me of what Buddha said; "The action which is started will become complete, regardless of your desire to be complicit."

"Greatness" is itself, a rewards for some previous suffering and omen that there are extremes to come... Fame is a trap gents. No fap.

I think every man can relate to Diogenes.

Philosophy is the gayest shit ever.

>t. comes to this site to laugh at people

I honestly gave platonic dialogues a shot, but it felt like reading some brainlet's personal blog. Greeks sure deserve a lot of credit, but lets not pretend that compared to a modern man they weren't retarded savages.

Diogenes would think you're a fuckhead for worshiping him

>us tyrannical
Spotted the mellinial basedboy. I bet you think antifa actually do something other than scream and break random people's stuff

Philosophy isn't remarkable or insightful. Everyone does it. There a only facts and they don't depend on the philosophy of science. Take it or leave it. Or maybe imagine some bullshit about the world and believe that. The truth is for faggots.

probably. but that would only make me worship him more

>the us isn't tyrannical because i get to choose between coke or pepsi
it is you who is the soiboy my friend

>tfw no tsundere diogenes sensei

Diogenes is a virgin anprim faggot

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Depends... There are "literal" gay philosophers. But the intent, I think, whether possible or impossible (it's possible but at great sacrifice) is the elimination of suffering. Philosophy grants us a way to enlightenment--and, if you want, darkness. But not an un-enlightened kind of darkness. I am not a demon, I would say that I am an Angel of Death and Life. And I would say, only one can be avoided at a time. I have witnessed miracles in this lifetime--Jesus shit, for real, for real. And, I can assure you that, there is a way out and it has a price.

I see many people who have a bit about "Nothingness", and how everything is "Nothing". And they get angry at it. Nothingness, emptiness, the void, these are all the way.

In this life I have accidentally reached a point of meditation in which the self did not exist. I was frightened and I pulled out. In that moment, I was a stream. Just stuff going through my head, it was nothing and I could feel it like a raging river pulling my consciousness.

When such a state can be maintained, I see no reason to struggle.

Nah my dude.
Marcus Aurelius is where it's at.

Genuinely interesting stuff to read. Keep talking about philosophers

Nope, Objectivist.

In virtually every way other than your ability to produce and consume pornography (which counts as a plus, don't get me wrong) the average American is infinitely less free in his day to day life than he was in 1931.

This may be difficult for moderns to believe, but there once was a time when you didn't have to beg a dozen boards (literally beg) for permission ("permits") before you could use your property.

Heck ya. Not to be an ass hole. But to everyone who thinks Trump is a good president... I mean, fuck man, Rome had the same income disparity of the USA relative to rich vs poor and the shit still went crumbling down. And it was insane!!! If we had an Aurelius, we'd still be fucked. But, smartly fucked.

Yeah the scientific method sucks dick

Let me guess, you just watched the Sam O'nella video?

Diogenes has been a board mascot philosopher for awhile now 2bh


Interestingly, the Oracle of Delphi was about the only pagan practice that was not condemned by Judaism or Christianity. (I say 'practice' since the Pythia wasn't a single person. It was just whoever happened to take the role at the time.)

used to think he was an annoying self-help faggot, but now I see the beauty of his advice
>if you're unhappy about something, wreck your brain enough until your perception of reality changes
truly there is no excuse to be unhappy in 2018

This. Diogenes was a worthless failure that contributed nothing.

Wow. You totally missed the point of his response. Nice going Aristotle, go count some teeth.

Diogenes was a failed banker who was exiled from his city after commiting fraud.

His philosophy is merely a coping mechanism. Just like Krates

oh boy, the plato defense force has arrived
don't you have some chickens to tend too?

Dude what i wrote is common Knowledge. Plato had many issues too.

She was frighteningly accurate. She wasn't preserved because she was a scapegoat. People feared her words, and all she said was in their hearts.

Hi le based Republican

You see this picture?
It's called La scoula di Atena.
The school of Athens.
Painted by the respected italian renessaince artist Rafael.
All the great philosophers of the time are compiled in this one amazing picture.
Guess who that lazy old fuck on the stairs is.

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these are not coping mechanisms for what you call >>the truth. the mind is the only true coping mechanism.
argue with me bro

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I suppose you cant