What's keeping you from ending it user(s)?

What's keeping you from ending it user(s)?

Personally I'm to scared to do anything and my mother is so incredibly loving and means the world to me, I wouldn't do that to her.
Ptuing this heir to make sure it's original

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what if something good happens.

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You already made this thread today my man
Cool it off

Something good did happen user we landed in this thread together

One delivery truck and its package are the only things I'm waiting on. I'm just worried that it won't get here.

*hugs user*
life is meant to be painful

My neighbor's son killed himself and i heard the cry and the screams of pain of a mother whose son died, and i dont want to make my family suffer.

I actually have a "good" life. I'm tall and decent looking. I'm fit and have an attractive occupation.

Deep down, though, I know there isn't much meaning here. I'm for all intents and purposes a nihilist. Not the edgy type, though. I subscribe to the "God is dead" notion, and that we must overcome the meaninglessness by creating aristocratic values of strength -- except I know aristocracy is never coming back and that even if it did, Might Makes Right, i.e. nihilism, is the measure of truth. Consequently, there'd still be no proper foundation for meaning.

I'm here for my family, I suppose, and to advance my career. I'd like a wife and child. But white women are trash. I'm fucking a single mother right now. She's beyond damaged. Other than that, I'm just mindlessly wandering through existence -- dredging through the day-in, day-out monotony of existence.

My mind is tainted by rationalism -- there is nothing mystical about life. It is what it is. There's no 'beyond-ness.' It's just traffic, whores, divorce, Brown people, and little to no material goods/distractions.

I'm too bored alive but I'm afraid of being bored dead anyway . just stuck doing nothing. If something happens then okay if it doesn't...well what else is their for me to do.

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because i dont want to die originally alone.

The hope of an impending civil war or supercatastrophe like a yellowstone explosion or San Andreas fault separation. Knowing my luck something like this would happen the week after i off myself.

Theres a girl that likes me so I don't want to put her in pain

Wait did I? I was trying to start it earlier but my connection was screwy.

Reminder that suicide is highly unethical so long as your parents still love you. Be sure to get your parents to disown you before you off yourself.

Continued: its come to the point being depressed is just boring I just observe nothing more . everything feel I express outwards doesn't feel real. I'm just waiting for something to happen . Something that tells me yeah maybe if do push on I can live a above mediocre life. But I know that's not true . Ive known that I wouldn't achieve anything alergies to almost everything socially disabled autism , apserbergs , and ADHD almost dumb . It's like god slapped me in the face and said "well whatcha gonna do thats just life kid".

I just want off this ride

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I was extremely suicidal from the age of 8 to about 2 years ago when I tried to commit suicide by overdosing on benzos and alcohol. A 1.75 of rum, and 90 2mg lorazepam. When the day came for my refill I was driving around literally smiling all day. Picked up my prescription, went to the park, got drunk as fuck. After I was good and drunk, I drove to my mom's house (mom and dad's house before they divorced) and broke in. Went down to the basement and lied down where there was a drain in the laundry room (didn't want the shit that would spew from my bowels to make a mess). I took 30 lorazepam because I had stolen my mom's prescription in the past and I wanted her to have it. Woke up in the hospital a day and a half later. Since then I just tell myself "the stars aren't going to align where you have the motive AND opportunity like that EVER again" So I just figure life is suffering and that there's nothing I kind do with it. Now I just do drugs like before but I don't feel guilty about it. I was a year clean off heroin in March. I'm happier than I've been in a while, which is not to say that I'm happy. It kinda sucks but it's more just weird.

tfw 6 months clean all i want is some heroin to take the pain away and make me happy again

ok fuck you guys I typed this all up and not one (you) I'm gonna bump this one more fucking time and then I'm going back to /tv/ forever I'm in a fucking crisis here fuck

>don't want to make things even worse for parents
>guns are really fucking hard to get in my country so no easy way out
Why is killing yourself so hard

my boyfriend and love of physical comforts

What's wrong with brown people?
They can be smart too.

Even If I wanted to kill myself I wouldnt be able to do it. I have come to conclusion that friendships dont matter. All a Man needs is "that pussy", someone that makes his life worth it. I have seen the paths my life can take, and theres only two routes, but deep in my heart the route I really want is just to have a normal life, to have a girl that loves me and to have an huge family to cover the loneliness that I have always felt