Friday night feels

I havent made physical contact with a female in almost 2 years

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Theres already a feels thread buddy

I just turned 20 and I’m still a kissless virgin. I talk to girls it’s just that the ones that are single are not interested and the ones that I’m really good friends with already have boyfriends. Can’t wait till I turn 21 so I can start going to bars to meet women there.

Living with my ex, she’s gained weight and she’s out partying...I been working out for some months looking better, and I’m home alone, and haven’t gone out in awhile....

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Glad to see this is fitness related m8.

Get your incel self off of this board and into the real world.

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I just clocked 1 year without sex on april, got very depressed and gain a lot of weight, I alredy lost like 40 pounds and I'm just slightly fatter than I was but I'm gonna go ahead and lose another 40 to look lean, I don't think my libido can wait that long tho.

I think in 15ish more pounds I'm gonna chase some tinder thots

>Went on a fantastic date, the kind where we make out for hours but don't have sex
>Been around the block enough to know it won't work out

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Cool now complain on r9k. Fuck off not fitness related. Stop ruining the board you fucking loser jfc

Being 21 won't change anything

Been reading a book about racism and it has had an unintended affect on me. It made me realize that a lot of the way I approach life from my personal relationships to my world views have been shaped by the fact that I am a naturist trying to find happiness in a textile world. This has given me the drive to get involved in naturist advocacy.

>realize I genuinely don't like being around most people in general
>Still crave love and affection from others
Why did god make me this way?

women are a meme

Let me ask, do you love yourself?

truest truth ever told on Jow Forums

you are just an extremely beta loser, a possible candidate for "the supreme gentleman" 2

Yeah. I sometimes feel I need validation for my accomplishments but I think everyone is like that.

>Living with my ex,
How does that even work??

I got to thinking I'm turning 25 in a month and at best I've had conversations with a women and that's it, it's like I lack the natural drive, I know it's not being shy because I have no problem talking to them in social situations, but nothing compels me to make a move or pursue anyone. I don't know if I should make an effort to change anything or keep things going they way they are as I can't say I consider myself unhappy with life the way it is.

Stop it with this idea that being 21 will change anything. You need to clean up your act now or else it’ll be excuse after excuse. Next it will be “i can’t wait til i have my own place, then i’ll get women”, then “i can’t wait til i have a real job, then i’ll get women” and so on

I don't know if the internet or anime has ruined me but all women that I see are ugly as fuck genetic trash that I don't even want to look at let alone talk to or touch.

All the girls I see are from work. Due to the responsibilities of my job its really best if I dont fuck coworkers. I dont talk to them anyway, I barely talk to the male ones. Feels kinda bad because my job is really solitary most of the time while everyone else gets to chat and make friends with coworkers.

To keep it fit related Im worried going to the gym after not sleeping the whole night fucks with your gains, same for having a non existent sleep schedule. I literally reverse when I sleep every week I think its killing me.

I think as long as you consistently sleep at least 7-8 hours per night you’re good. Doesn’t really matter when

> Be casually dating a girl for 2 months
> We have sex Saturday night, tells me it's her first time
> Cuddle a bit
> A few days later, ask her if we're dating now
> It's sort of a logical conclusion to make, given that we've been on a number of dates and she's into me enough to lose her virginity to me
> She reply's "yeah sorry if you got the wrong idea, I'm not looking for a relationship rn"
> Go on tinder
> She has a profile there
Fuck this bitch, I'm gonna go out and smash some PRs

24 here still kissless virgin as well. Problem is I don't go to bars or mingle in social areas(not like I can). I feel physically drained when I go to places like that even with buddies.
I'm trying to drown myself in work to distract myself from this problem. Seems to be working for now.

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Long story.... what would you guys do in this situation?

Challenge your self faggot.
Have discipline and fix your life. Do hard work. That’s how you become attractive to women is by being a man.

Also a heads up to you virgin guys: losing your virginity won't magically flick a switch and make you forget all your insecurities or issues. In your mind, you're building up sex as this super-huge defining characteristic that will change who you are when it's really only a minor facet of life.

While it is enjoyable, I unironically enjoy holding a girl in my arms in bed and talking with her more than the sex itself.

>get gf, think everything's going good
>turns out she bottles shit up like a stereotypical girl
>starts crying, my autismo aggravates her insecurities and she doesn't trust me
>blindsides me with this shit despite me trying to be as upfront with her as i can to avoid this crap
I don't understand why girls are so dumb.