Would you have sex with a female Neanderthal?
Pic related
Would you have sex with a female Neanderthal?
Pic related
Would that count as pedophilia if they're not technically human?
You mean bestiality? Technically no since they're another species of human and offspring can successfully be produced.
Neanderthals are genetically homo sapiens though.
Aw sheeeeeeeeeiiiiittttt!
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I'd breed her multiple times daily and mindbreak her until she was nothing but a slave to pleasure (and raising children if it can even happen between us I guess?)
now thats a good fucking question
They're actually not though.
Only female homosapiens have neanderthal genes.
They're not *homo sapiens, we're homo sapiens. Their genus is homo, our genus is homo. But our species of homo is sapiens and their species of homo is neanderthalensis.
That's actually incorrect, all anglo and nordic peoples have neanderthal genes. Men and women.
Shit, you're right. Makes me wonder though, how are asians and others not scientifically different genus?
We're all homos. To be a homo is to be a human.
The word means man in latin. As in wise man, the words mean.
Stop acting retarded. At least point out the irony that lesbians aren't really homosexuals yet are called that anyway.
Whites, asians, and blacks are different races not different species. It's sort of similar to different dog and cats breeds. All domesticated dogs and cats are the same species but they've been bred to have strikingly different physical features. Homo sapiens haven't been bred to have our distinct characteristics but as our ancestors moved we developed specific physical features to help us in different climates. So we're all the same species, homo sapiens, just different races/breeds.
Homo sapiens, the wise man
Homo erectus, the upright man
Homo neanderthalensis, the man from neanderthal
Homo, your faggot ass
But dogs and wolves can breed and they are classed as separate species. Same with horses and donkeys and some other species pairings.
Biological classifications are not perfect, and human biological studies and classification are too restricted by politics and bias.
Really there probably is enough physical differences between certain human races to separate them into different species, but they're not.
but homo in homosexual means "same" so they are homosexual
>Really there probably is enough physical differences between certain human races to separate them into different species, but they're not.
different species (like horses and donkeys) that mate are sterile, so humans are within one species
Yeah exactly, but I'm talking about domesticated dogs. Different species of the same genus can successfully breed with each other and make a hybrid of that genus. That's basically the definition of what a species is. Particular members of a genus who are distinct enough not to be considered the same yet identical enough that they can breed with each other and have a hybrid children thus making them of the same genus. If I were to go up to a monkey right now, rape its pussy, and cum in it, nothing would happen because we're in completely different genuses so our genetics are way too dissimilar to make a baby. If homo erectus were still alive today, and I creampied in its pussy then we could successfully produce offspring and make a hybrid since our genetics would be similar enough to do this.
Have you ever seen a mutt human have kids?
>seperate species
You mean seperate genus
Homo nigreos
Homo lunafaciem
Homo Archetypus
Homo mixtumque
Better looking than a nigger at least.
that's not what they looked like and you fucking know it
Jews have the highest percentage neanderthal DNA
>he fell for the "neanderthals were stupid" meme
Neanderthals have more in common with a white person than any nigger does. In fact, autism is trongly linked to neanderthal DNA.
because that would "divide us"
>he fell for the "humanized neanderthal" meme
I think about all the epic sexual adventures of the likes of ghenkist khan and christopher columbia
caveman porn is probably my favorite type of porn hands down, if its 144p even better
neanderthals were from europe though, aboriginals are probably closer to homo erectus
But it's actually got scientific research and not unbased pop culture depictions. Don't be a dumb nigger normalfag now, user.
they fucking looked like this.
Don't try to make them look like "beautiful intelligent people." It doesn't matter if they are "from europe". That doesn't make them close to caucasian humans. We divered from them half a million years ago and diverged from blacks like 60,000 years ago.
Brainlets actually trigger
You know, those dumb meme images with gay text drawn on them are the equivalent of clickbait thumbnails on youtube with a flying saucer circled in red. That's some low IQ shit user, use logic and not dumb psuedoscience to prove your points.
Aboriginals are part Neanderthal too, and Denisovan. The reason they are primitive isn't because they started stupid - they managed to get there in the first place. It's because they degenerated after they got there.
You know, like Jow Forums regulars
facial reconstruction of Neanderthals are fucking weird looking. hard pass
You're fucking retarded. Chimps are 99% human too, but are you going to say they are just as smart as us?
You don't know a god damn thing about anthropology and actually think neanderthals rivil us just because they're "muh 99% human" and "everyone is equal"
Neanderthals diverged from us 10 time longer ago than pic related did.
What is the point you're trying to make, and I will counter it.
Originally commended
What about a chihuahua and a great dane? They're the same subspecies
You're right. Those people look different because they were breed to. Their common ancestor is probably only like 10,000 years old. Like the common ancestor for dogs is.
Thats a child neanderthal not full grown woman
We are Homo Sapiens Sapiens, they were Homo sapiens homo sapiens neanderthalensis
Hi friend,does this mean European and N.American wolf are more divergent than Chinese and Malagasi?
I don't know enough about malagasi people to say. I tried to read on them but they seem to be a mix of different races.
Hi,are you the quoted?
Change to the Maori them.
Looks 5/10, at least.
Also friend,what is your opnion on Augustus Robinson?
May I do two question-besides another particular question?
Good Night friend,plese answer on the First question.
Neanderthals had bigger brains than us they also had complex tools and religious
See Brazil.
Homo in homosexual (homogenous) means same in Greek
Homo in Homo Sapiens is Latin for man.
Neanderthals were the master race taken over by the untermench homosapiens