What are signs that a guy is a virgin? I want to know who to avoid.
What are signs that a guy is a virgin? I want to know who to avoid
>tfw not a virgin but women should probably avoid me
If he goes to the grocery store and doesn't buy Bush's Beans, he's a virgin. Chad is always thinkin' 'bout those beans.
Personally I'm pretty much terrified in general of any physical contact with women. So if a guy is shying away from you and keeping himself at a distance hes probably a virgin
If you actually want to know,
>First, the permavirgins. These are the guys you look at and can immediately tell are virgins, will be virgins for a long time. THe fat, feodra wearing neckbeard, someone who doesnt look like they would ever get invited to a party
>If you know them personally, having a girlfriend for more than three months after high school is a pretty sure sign that they have had sex
If its some guy off the street, in general, the biggest sign is desperation. obviously not every guy is gonna be straight up begging every girl they see for sex, but its the kind of thing that you can see in their eyes, all talking is (bad) flirting, and they usually dont get a lot of words in in social gatherings
See how he talks around other guys when they mention sex. If he stays quiet, or says something blatently incorrect, there's a good chance he's a virgin.
If he's fat or really awkward.
*CRACK* *SIPSS* Hmm me personally.. I enjoy an ice cold mountain dew ultra zero on a hot day to keep me refreshed.
>See how he talks around other guys when they mention sex. If he stays quiet,
fuuuuuuuuuck thats me because I have zero exp
The 1000 fap stare... Half disengaged, half depressed
Get off my board cunt. Take you cunt flaps with you.
This is a stupid question. You can't. Also, you can't know who to avoid either. Your instincts on the matter are probably wrong as hell. Unless you've never made a poor judgment regarding another human. Unless you're a liar or very stupid, you realize you do this repeatedly and on a daily basis. Congratulations, you're in the same boat as everyone else. Accept that you'll make a bunch of errors and don't bother to be too serious about your impressions of others. Just use reasonable conversation as a screening process. This, of course, means that you have to actively participate in conversation instead of expecting others to do it for you. Men in general, of ALL sorts, like women who do this. Few women do, and men tend to resent them for that. Just by doing that you increase your chances and make yourself look better compared to other girls. Good luck, because there is no cure for human biases and foolishness. We're all fucked when it comes to that.
Tall, muscular men with perfect square jaws. The kind that probably approach you and look confident. Those guys are virgins, you should avoid them.
>Loves video games that aren't the commonly played ones like Mario, Zelda, COD
>Watches anime
>Slouchy posture
>Can't maintain an appropriate level of eye contact
>Baggy, bland clothes
>Cargo shorts even when it's cold
>Hair longer than 3 inches
>Never smiles
>Hates the beach
>Can't maintain a conversation
>Takes medication for mental health
>Is ugly
>Is fat, but not strong
>Looks weak in general (narrow shoulders, thin wrists, chinlet)
>Pale skin
>Doesn't groom
>Is shorter than 5'7
>Indian, or Asian
>Wears crocs
>Never laughs or has nervous laugh that comes at during times when nothing is funny
>Competitive video gamer
>Never talks about girls or anything sexual
>Wears video game or anime clothes
>Has never been to a concert
>Watches super hero movies
>Has no friends
Hope this list helps OP. I'm sure there's more red flags out there, but these are the ones that immediately come to mind.
Having one of these can be excusable, 2 is pushing it and 3 or more you're pretty much 100% guaranteed he's a permavirgin and you're better off staying as far away from him as possible.
I know 20 dudes who match this description and none are virgins. Your bait is bad.
Tfw im the complete opposite.
Still havent gotten laid.
Fuck me I guess.
Has the bar been lowered? Am I not considered short now?
It's 2 girls (1 samfag maybe?) trying to write what they perceive is an accurate description of the dudes here, to make them angry.
It's bad bait.
a toast to the nectar of the gods, user
Check if he does any of these things.
I know a guy like this. He's gotten laid plenty of times. There is no actual sign that indicates virginity. Everyone knows this, but OP, who probably isn't even smart enough to recognize the actual good advise. Nice bait, desu.
>Watches super hero movies
Ten or fifteen years ago maybe but now everybody watches capeshit.
i'm exactly like that and i'm not a virgin, still i'm glad women will use this to avoid me because i want nothing to do with them. they're bad people who just want to hurt others.
That started off well and then got... weird. I hope you're just in a bad mood, those pass, desu. Bad convictions can sometimes be more persistent. I hope that's not where you're coming from, it can be a pretty bad place.
same I knew a guy who speed walked with arms in his pockets, looking down, headphones on. he had a kid.