I just jacked off to lolicon porn for the first time and I came bucket loads, help me please

I just jacked off to lolicon porn for the first time and I came bucket loads, help me please

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Nothing wrong with that, dude. There's a lot of good loli stuff out there. Just make sure you keep it 2d

They are equally illegal, reminder.

Nice try yet again, but no dice ef bee eye

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was it lovey-dovey brother-sister insect or a bald fat faceless darkskined man raping a loli?

>They are equally illegal, reminder.
No, they literally are not.
Not in the US and not in most countries worldwide.

Not in the US, buddy

They are. A guy in Idaho got twenty years. In most states in the US people have done time over it.

Freedom of expression does not include depictions of child pornography in the US, since the 90s.

Stop lying, you fucking retard

What's the legality of prose fiction?

It was lovey-dovey brother sister but I'm so disgusted with myself I've never cummed so much

While It's true, very few people get arrested because of it. If they do, It's likely they also had actual CP

Small time. I fap to it almost everyday

Objectively wrong. There is NO federal law against sexualized drawings of children. Furthermore, the states that criminalized it are the minority and most of them don't actually prosecute people for having only 2D loli, instead going after people who actually store real CP as well as loli.

Don't be disgusted. For most of human history this taste was common and beautiful.

It's not true. They wouldn't be able to sell loli onaholes on amazon if it was true

I bet he had actually pizza in that case too. The only time I've heard of a dude spending time in jail over loli alone was a guy in Iowa a few years ago who spent 6 months over a doujin.

It's normal user.
I have jacked off like 5 times in a row to Shoujo Ramune, Dat Shit Good

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Nothing needs to be helped. More men are lolicon than will openly admit it.

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There's literally nothing wrong with enjoying it. Incest is really intimate and erotic.

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They take people to court over age play in porn. They bend the law all over the place on this if you payed attention.

Freedom of expression does not cover depictions of children in porn, even if it's just someone lying about their age.

Look up obscenity laws. They can charge you with that even if it's (((objectively))) wrong. Bakas.

sauce? please user, my weewee wants to throw off

threads like this disorient my moral compass

Imagine being this retarded. Go fear monger somewhere else

Why? There's nothing wrong with masturbating to drawings. No one was hurt in the making of drawings, except maybe the artist's hand.

It's true user.

Don't be afraid of the truth.

Don't have double standards and end up confused from normalfaggot ethics like is.

bookmark all these you kimoi newfag

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>has not provided any proof
Just kill yourself, faglord

Just let him LARP as a legal expert.

Keep going as long as you don't fuck actual kids.

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>tfw I when I was there cumming buckets not too long ago

to be or not to be originao

>using larp this way
Live action role play with text?

Stop being retarded whilst implying others are retarded.

Why are you mad?

>resorting to u mad posting because he has no proof

thankie thankie anie anie, Hey, any place where I can learn how to draw loli npor?

>>tfw I when I was there cumming buckets not too long ago

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You need to learn English first

>Live action role play with text?
>Stop being retarded whilst implying others are retarded.
>Being this much of a newfag.

You asked for it.


Larp outbreak is actually new.

Retards that think larping with text is possible just because of cosplay culture infecting the board.

thankie = thanks
anie = user

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>idiot doesn't understand the law and how many people have successfully argued against it
There's a reason why there's only 2 convictions on that page and they're both from a decade ago. The only people to be charged due to PROTECT in the last 10 years are those that were caught with actual child pornography

user we both know what I mean

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It's a law. No one enforces it because It's retarded.

thanks for proving me right, retard

They don't have to tell you about it on the news for it there to have been arrests. And, law suits can last years. If you have no bail, you go to jail anyway, even if not convicted.

It is YOU that does not understand US law.

And that's just one they can use when they decide to witch hunt.

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I unironically fapped to a BLACKED vid last night for the first time. Feel weird now.

Not him but using "larp" as synonym to "pretend" is a dumb, forced meme from 3-4 years ago you fucking newfag.

Be careful, the rabbit hole goes really deep when it comes to interracial.



>still doesn't understand the law
>has to pretend that there are hidden arrests that no one knows about but are totally happening
Call me when someone from this decade pleaded not guilty and goes to jail

You absolutely are him
>inb4 posting a shopped pic saying otherwise
It's used here everyday. Go cry about it, little faggot.


>You absolutely are him
Do you have any proof of that?

>It's used here everyday
It's still wrong and a new forced meme.

get memed on user

Doesn't matter that you don't like it. It's part of the Jow Forums vernacular so you're a faggy little retard autist for challenging it.

It happens. It also gets swept under the rug to avoid the law being changed when common sense says it should be legal but isn't technically. It's an ace in the hole.

>it's part of the Jow Forums vernacular
It's part of the newfag vernacular, I have confronted it ever since people started forcing this incorrect usage of "larp" and I will not stop.

i don't think he's lying, i've skimmed over the wikipedia article for data and it seems like on a federal level, it's a gray area, and in some states, it may just be illegal. i'm not sure why there are laws against it, there's no real children or real child abuse involved, you might as well arrest people that murder civilians in Grand Theft Auto V because they committed fictional murder. Trump said he will uphold the obscenity laws, so they are clearly not going anywhere anytime soon

Anyone who feels attraction to a yong 2d shouldn't care about the opinions of normalshits, anyway. Do what makes you feel good, in the comfort of your bed room. Don't waste your time feeling guilty over nothing. If you'd like to make a cute little anime girl cum and feel happy and loved, you know your own feelings and intentions, and it's harmless. Just don't fantasize about her needing to keep a secret because she lives in a society where people would love to ruin your lives for it.

Anything that's not solo is cuckshit and bad, but that doesn't make you evil either.

Don't do this. You'll give yourself a weirdo fetish and start haunting playgrounds. The world is full of all kinds of porn, just pick something else, or stop fapping. Seriously. It's not that hard. Don't be that guy, desu.

don't worry, this is one of the few things that turns me on anymore. 2d women>3d wamon

>Keep Jow Forums online which openly peddles loli
>Go after random pedophiles

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>the Internet
>half users copyright infringe and break other laws
>why keep open

How else would they find the pedos?

Trumpf by the by banning backpage and personals of craiglist was a no no. He fired lots of FBI agents to get that faggotry done. How are they going to infiltrate rings if they're pushed into the shadows?

dont condition yourself to this. you are literally giving yourself classical conditioning positive reinforcement when you jerk it while looking at this, and the more you do it the harder it will be to avoid it, stop now. Just jerkoff to age appropriate stuff. And once you pass about 50 times it is pretty impossible to ever cure it completely