Does watching porn help you get gud at pounding vag?

Does watching porn help you get gud at pounding vag?

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does watching lets players help you get gud at vidya?

no, it doesn't you fucking retard what's wrong with you

Actually sometimes yes. Gives me insight as to good strategies and how to avoid the let's players mistskes

No. Porn is fake, don't even watch that crap. Sex made to appeal to the senses of a viewer is totally different than sex made for the enjoyment of the participants. Good sex actually looks boring as fuck.

However like others have said porn is porn, sex is sex.

does watching soccer help you get gud at scoring goals?

I could go into detail on the actual unasked question of "how do I have good sex?". But I'm not going to bother unless actually asked, politely.

Inb4 an attempt to apply reverse psychology or produce an ego driven response.

if you have to ask Jow Forums for sex advice you probably shouldnt be having sex

well there you go, you have an answer then

Agreed. But I assume that, if it's a late blooming product of terminal mandatory education then, it'll at least have the maturity to apply it's query outright and without dissimulation. I wouldn't mind answering the implied question under the aforementioned circumstances.

I wish I could've processed this reply without my brain crashing

It depends on the porn you watch and how you watch them. Lesbian porn would be better and amateur more so. There's also instructional porn videos that could help you out.

The first the only time I had sex the roastie thought I was a fuck boy and really enjoyed. I didn't so much. Porn will also desensitize you to sex. So do everything in moderation.

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>10.000 dollars in a month

this shit needs to stop. women need to stop being hoes and people need to stop being pathetic

Come back when you're old enough to drink, desu. Unless you're French, then you'd still be a bit too young.

Based on the escorts that ive fucked over the years, good sex usually depends if the girl is into you or not. If she is then it can be really good.

This women makes more money in one hour than I do in a month and a half and I bet she believes in the wage gap.

I don't even like to think about this shit, the game is so fucking rigged and it makes me want to go on a killing rampage. For fucks sake we need to uncuck society.

>hee game is so fucking rigged and it makes me want to go on a killing rampage. For fucks sake we need to uncuck society.

filename activates my pee pee

yes and no, it gets you more familiar with the mechanics, like where the hole is and what you're generally meant to do but it also fucks you up, too much porn and you'll find sex isn't visually stimulating enough for you.

not at all. you would think it does, but its very very different in real life. firstly no one's that noisy, secondly the actors all have insane stamina and shit, they change fuck for hours and change multiple positions quickly. in real life its much more of a hassle to change positions because you need to know how to position your body the right way

no, i couldnt fucking find the hole the first time even tho i watched porn for years

No, eating healthy balanced meals and cardio make you good at putting p to the v. Also look up bromelain, its a probiotic that makes you not feel bloated and makes your cum taste sweeter, not as salty.

well the girl will also help you in, a general tip for any virgins looking for a successful manual entry, it's way fucking lower than you think it is, like right at the bottom.

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To a certain point, yes.

If you have had no contact with the opposite sex, and have not watched porn, you would be absolutely clueless in bed.

But as long as you understand the basics of benis in bagina, then the unrealistic world of porn is not going to improve your technique. It might even make girls think you are strange and abnormally obsessed with pounding rapidly and saying "yeah imma fuck dat pussy" constantly.

nigga, i wanna go slow but my gurl is "obsessed with pounding rapidly"

I only watch female POV so no

if it werent for porn noone would know where to stick it in...

It's pretty easy, you stick it in the penis sized hole that penises go in

it's not always penis sized though and may require gentle persuasion which can lead to confusion

women have like 7 different holes down there fuck you mean

How did you come up with 7 when theres on 3?

No, but fucking escorts does.

Wanking helps you last longer

>watching other people have sex whilst stimulating your sexual organ to trick your brain into believing you are having sex so that it releases your seed.

I find the act of deep vaginal intercourse in order for the act of increasing ones on self worth through the lens of popularity only allows for ones well earned mutual self destruction

yes it actually does

of course! now watch some mnorre porn you little perv!

For the most part, no
Real sex (especially with someone you actually care about) is very different from porn.