That feel when no wide hips...

that feel when no wide hips, meaty ass gf to train legs with and then to finnish the workout take her home and roughly fuck he in the shower untill her legs start shaking

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wide hips equals non stop running injuries, not good

haha OP, i'm way ahead of you. I have a THICK AS FUCK half korean gymrat girlfriend.

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im on day 17 of nofap and stuff like this is all i can think about. i have a permaboner 24/7 and just constantly dream of fit sloots with nice soft plump round asses and ploughing them into oblivion

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ehh brother, day 6 here, i cant close my eyes or lose my focus on whatever im doing, or i get an instant boner ready to be beat. i keep seeing big ass sluts in my minds eye

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this girl is 16

Shit like this is why I'm convinced no fap is fucked. If it half as bad as you guys say. Why do this, does it really help that much to have your life dominated by the idea of not masterbating when you really want to?

not him but thats legal here in norway. mirin'?

You're not doing no fap right. You're not supposed to think about babes. You're not even supposed to be on Jow Forums posting and looking at pictures of hot babes. You might as well bust a nut right now and do it right next time or you won't be feeling any of the potential benefits.

18 you say?

800mg of natural test per week

why are you in this thread then?

We're all gonna make it brah

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would you rather have your life dominated by the porn jews?

Because I'm obviously not doing no fap right now. But back when I was I would go three months without thinking about sex and it was the best I ever felt in my adult life. I'm thinking of starting up again but it takes some preparation, you can't just jump into it like those faggots. You need discipline and a strict routine to follow which does not involve Jow Forums.

well, i have noticed the early benefits like more energy, sharper mind, more confidence, what am i missing out on by still going on Jow Forums?

You're being constantly exposed to pornographic images, that messes with your head and eventually leads to relapse. The brain fog comes right back by browsing Jow Forums for too long. That clarity of mind can only truly be kept by staying as far away from this site as possible. It's better to be productive in real life instead.

oh yeah i can understand that. this is the only board i go on and theres no actual nudity, although youre probably right

There's no nudity but look all the pics posted in this thread. If I hadn't just jerked off a few hours ago I would be insanely horny right now just from looking at those thumbnails. During a three weak streak, it doesn't matter how much you've avoided it up until that point. You go on Jow Forums even once, even a blue board like this and you're screwed. There's a reason people on reddit can go weeks, months, years no fap and yet anons can't even go a few days. Avoid this god damn site if you're serious about no fap, that's just my advice.

Femanon here. I personally love the shitstorm that starts every time some poor faggot makes one of these anti women or feminist threads. Gives me a chance to see just how upset I’ve made everyone and chuckle a bit. You think jokes about kitchens or showing tits bother me? It just goes to show how much power any random female holds over you, they can pull your complete attention away from a topic just by having a vagoo. Sure, you’ll act tough and cynical here, but we all know it’s just a desperate overcompensation for how much of a doormat you are IRL. If you decide to lash out and act a bit sexist now and then, I can’t really complain. After all, we do pretty much run the show.

You sound like the female version of an incel.

Dont have to watch porn to jack off

Get a load of this faggot

are you literally retarded?

No but you are if you think you can look at pictures of firm tits and tight fleshy ass all day and believe you're doing fap right.

*and believe you're doing no fap right

>we do pretty much run the show.

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>roughly fuck he in the shower untill her legs start shaking

You've clearly not tried fucking in a shower. Shit's awkward

tits or gtfo

That 1000 cock stare though

she made for breeding bbc doe

Unironically cringe


Shower fucking is a meme unless you own a fuckhuge walkin or have a built in bench

nah its not, just got to plant your feet firmly so they wont slip

>tfw I have this gf
>tfw she hates exercise
>tfw she’s steadily gaining weight since we got together
she has god tier figure and fat distribution, but eventually she’ll push beyond thicc if she continues, what do?

say youll leave her if she doesnt

There is always one

You can either do it gently by making changes such as cooking meals for her and getting her to go to the gym, or you can be upfront about it and say how important being healthy is to you and she needs to change or you’ll leave. You’ve gotta realize as a man you have choices and if she’s not taking care of herself then you can find someone that will. Don’t put yourself in a corner la

>inb4 soiboys claim I’m a fedora


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OOOOH you mean I can just stop thinking about fucking??!?!?!?! Why havent I tried that????


yeah I get that mate, thanks. will give it a go gently and see how it pans out

>not having a built in bench in the shower so you can lift while cleaning
>ever making it

Nice bait, not the best I've seen though.

The sad part of this post is it's true

It's only dominated by idea of not masturbating if you feel like you are missing out on something while reality is quite the opposite.

Just read this shit to change your mindset on nofap and you'll cruise through it easy mode.

t. 60~ days

I just channel that lust into being outgoing with women and not giving a fuck about they think of me or be anxious about socialising with women. The drive and confidence I get is amazing.

>implying this state of mind is bad
You feel like there's a just thin tread separating you from ravaging that qt3.14 you see bending over to pick her dropped phone up. And you feel like if you would want to, noone could stop you. It invigorates you, essentially.

>getting a baby before marriage

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That's unfortunately the norm now: 57% are having kids out of wedlock.


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>and ploughing them into oblivion
Go slow when you start or you'll bust in 3 thrusts. It's embarassing to try and explain nofap to someone, promising them you're going to recover and be diamonds again quickly, meanwhile giving head like your life depends on it so she doesn't get bored and leave.

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>It's embarassing to try and explain nofap to someone, promising them you're going to recover and be diamonds again quickly, meanwhile giving head like your life depends on it so she doesn't get bored and leave.
beta af

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worthless pajeet thread

>t. never had sex after a long nofap

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I never fuck in the shower.
The water can cause micro tears in her vagina and is NOT a lubricant. Gave me a little tiny scar on my penii. Seeing it made me lightheaded and woozy lol
Dont fuck in the shower.

kys race traitor

>assuming you're white

if not white



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really fucking stupid

i fuck in the shower all the time, are you not getting your girl on enough? also turn down the shower water-pressure


pic for illustration women have every physical thing harder

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The rules apply to tripfags as well.
Tits or gtfo.

Agreed. Shower fucking sucks.