Shave it.
Shave it
Eh, I move an electric razor over my torso like once a month.
Or try not having a goofy fucking haircut first.
Pretty hard if you're balding desu.
He always looked like shit when he had hair. Then he just shaved it, bro and suddenly became Calvin Klein model tier attractive.
he just had shit haircuts
wtf i love bald people now
>coping this hard
Just shave it, bro
but i look alright with buzz, but perfer hair hurr
And you also prefer cock durr
dude are you blind, look at his chin, nose, brow eye sockets, cheekbones, jaw
he is well above average
He looks like a mix of a school shooter and Cook from Skins
I will if I ever have a haircut/line that bad.
That dude has a shit hairline although mirin football gains. You don’t need to go bald if you stay away from animal products. Baldness is a result of heart disease and DHT + genetics
Pic related I look like garbage but least I got decent hair
would be pretty /fa/ in decent clothes
You would look better if you weren't greasy af senpai
>decent hair
cant even see the hairline in that pic. also hair looks like shit
Yeah I work on it
>reverse image search doesn't turn up anything
Oh my...
>mfw I eat 2lbs of meat every day + tons of milk and eggs and my hairline looks like this
Stay mad, veggie cuck.
you are bald under all that hair dont lie
>this is the kind of person arguing with you on Jow Forums
Thanks for the egoboost greaseball
t. bald roider