Any NEETs /donothing/ today?
>Parents didn't bother me
>Marathon BnHA
>Put chicken tendies in oven
Wagies will never understand
Any NEETs /donothing/ today?
>Parents didn't bother me
>Marathon BnHA
>Put chicken tendies in oven
Wagies will never understand
Any NEETs /fuckquesting/ today?
>Parents didn't bother me (cause they were killed by the russian mafia
>Marathon Hentai OVA's with Onee-chan
>Have a toxic relationship with my cousin (once removed)
Wagies will never understand
i have no idea what BnHa is but i slept all evening and jacked of at least 3 times today
I changed some lightbulbs nothing else
How do you not feel like a piece of shit?
I work minimum wage. I feel the disappointment of my parents. But at least I feel something when I get my paycheck. What the fuck?
>I couldn't live without the pittance of Mr. Schekleburg
I'm not surprised. Even if you were part of the master race, you would still wouldn't feel complete without sucking corporate cock. You're a perfect slave.
hey neetbro
how do I live on 750$ gov bucks comfortably
any secrets?
>parents wake up
>you go to sleep
Not really.
>tfw do nothing for months
>just play games
>suddenly my sleep schedule starts changing for whatever reason
>start waking up early
>go with it, go to sleep earlier
>feel like going out for walks, because so early in the morning there are no people in the parks or local woods area
>start reading more
>picking up my guitar and learning it some more
>trying to do cooking and fucking up various recipes but it's fun
>tfw realize I can go back to doing absolutely nothing and just playing games all day and nothing bad will happen, but that I'm dong something right now simply because I feel a drive and want to do it.
>feel absolute freedom and happiness that I cannot describe
It's the best.
What's this Mr. Neet?
I mean I guess if you don't pay rent...
i need to pay rent
lol being homeless doesnt work
Not op but assuming my hero academia.
>tfw wake up
>drink a nice cup of tea in the balcony while eating breakfast
>see people leaving the apartments around me, going to their cars
>see huge traffic, people beeping, getting angry, trying to rush to work
>chuckle more than a few times. Always enjoy this daily ritual of watching wagies fights
>finish up, go back inside, watch some 2d lewds, go take a shower
>cozy back into bed and just play games on my laptop.
>do something productive if I feel like like said
I love life.
today was good, fellow neet user. i got to finish the painting i was making (took about 20 hours, but i finished in 3 days due to lack of anything else in my schedule), play a few hours of video games and binged my favorite show. my mom bought me tasty food from outside and my dad even took me to get ice cream because i cleaned my room.
another perfect day of neetdom. just like every day before it and many days to come
>smoked weed
>unboxed the figure I got this week
>played chrono trigger fan translation
>watched some SGDQ
I'm feeling some comfy summer vacation vibes, must be the weather because it doesn't matter to a NEET.
Nigger you stink like a boomer
threadly reminder that all NEETposters are larping unifags
>remind "Neets" who they truly are
>thread stops
all of my LuLs
That's because a TruNEET does nothing everyday, he does not have any commitment.
>cause they were killed by the russian mafia
Fuggin WHAT?
TruNEETs are at risk of getting expelled from their parents homes
>he watches bnha
oh no no
That guy is a meme used by the Murrican sensationalist media.
He had a job, a wife, has a kid and once lived also outsides of his parent's home.
But yeah, best outcome for TruNEETs is suicide at some point.
You still have to eat shitklebergs hairy encrusted donut monday morning.
I hope it tastes good. Freak.
the obsession with making fun of people with jobs while ignoring the other two categories of NEEThood are what give your larp away
I was a NEET for a good six years and although it was comfortable, it was very dull and I'm glad I have a job now most days. Though I work in Based kitchens and if I had to work in an office I'd much rather have remained NEET.