How can I compensate for my average IQ? In what other ways can I mentally compete?
IQ Gains
There's two things are probably the most important thing you can do. Everything else is just semantics
>Cultivate discipline
>Socialise with people who are smarter than you
you can try doing mental games like master mind, Sudoku, or Tetris, ext
i got better as i kept playing and felt smarter over all
>read 1 book/week and make yourself write a book report/review
>hang out with smart people
Spend lots of time learning.
Intelligence isn't important, knowledge is. That's really what people are seeing when they say someone's smart or stupid. You can have an IQ of 80, but be very, very well educated and have lots of meaningful life experience, and you'll be smart. Slow, perhaps, but smart.
I say this as an ignorant and fairly uneducated person with an IQ of 138. I'm clever, but not smart, pretty much just because I'm so lazy.
Be knowledgeable. The accumulation of knowledge doesn’t require you to actually be smart, just dedication of your time. It will also fool people into thinking that you’re smart.
Damn didn’t read your answer first
Great minds think alike
there are 3 things which affect how 'smart' you are
genes (iq)
physical health (unhealthy people dont function on their mental max)
so keep on moving, eat well and read books
>not realizing that your available IQ is time dependent
your IQ is best after a fresh nap, a few hours later and then usually dies down after that as you get prepared to sleep more. The first thing that you can do is maximize the duration of your upper most IQ throughout the day. You can do this by removing the other factors that detract from it. Pain, tiredness (not being fit), bad food, stomach cramps, sedentary life in general...
simply put, if you got a good cardio vascular thing. You will get tired less often, if you watch other things that detract your attention away, like pain, but also external factors (you dont even need to go as far as to get into an isolation tank, but its of a similar idea), and then you would be able to face situations with your full IQ more often, giving you an edge of sorts. (modafinil also is great for that reason)
Secondly, a large part of your IQ is tied to working memory. Perhaps the speed of which...which can be supplemented perhaps with near meme tier evidences like fish oil. (I found it to have substantial proof though), your working memory also benefits from a good blood flow to the brain (which cardio gives, which a low resting heart rate also gives), but things like good food will mean less high blood pressure, just more clean and regular supply to the brain.
thirdly I would suggest meditation and being able to be more in your prefrontal cortex. One great detractors of IQ are emotions. Being able to be above them is the first step into being able to use concepts in real time, instead of raw feelings (which are hugely fag like). Your emotions are basically just basic, base line, and genetic programmed garbage things (from which higher emotions rise up still, but still are faglike). Being able to respond with concepts instead of them, will also mean that you will be able to practice those concepts daily.
beyond that there is paracetam. I believe that the more refined and potent version was proven to be effective in increasing working memory.
Beyond working memory...not sure if I am just being tared and too theoretical of sorts...but doesnt there exist "comprehensive memory"? Meaning that IQ often is not just memory, but also being able to comprehend, and also use concepts. No idea what kind of biological thing inside of the brain spurs that, no technical terms. But it would explain why niggers never are able to grasp at the higher concepts still, even with very good education. This part of IQ perhaps can never be grasped, even with real life effort.
IQ can't be raised above its natural limit. Conscientiousness can be raised though, and that's as big a factor in success as IQ.
These guys have the right idea.
IQ is no measure of how smart you can be, it's more like a measure of how smart you will be if you try about as hard as everyone else tries. If you're low IQ, you'll always be slow, but slow =/= stupid. If you try your best, there's no number in the world that can hold you back no matter how slow you are.
You can only try to live up to fill potential user, most don't so it won't matter until you roll with the highest echelons of society.
Work out, sleep well, do caffeine and L-theanine stack, hyrade well, keep your diet in check, and try to fast(one meal a day).
Keep your test high as well and avoid s.o.i
T. 125 IQ, always been the smart kid, and noticed massive cognitive increase when I started working out.
Also, just take on online course in Critical thinking and read theology/apologetics, will get you think.
with good and focused effort a person often can get up to 20 IQ points up higher, to someone who is born natty. But its still a HUGE limit. Dont delude yourself, work with what you got and try to compensate in other places. Some limits ARE hardwired...well at least for now they are.
I'm not saying you can reach a much higher IQ, I'm saying you can be much smarter than your IQ suggests. IQ isn't a measure of smarts, it's a measure of cleverness.
Even more simply, take it akin to literal gains.
We all have a natty potential, but most never get close to it since they don't work out. The fat guy with good genes could be Arnold natty , but he doesn't work out, so his standing is low.
But a guy with bad genetics and maxes out will be in a good standing.
Yea I am sure that whatever self fallating dribble you type out to feel better will make 2 billion niggers, countless of aid, endless fucking programs in the US and more make them outcompete us...or even just function as human beings. There is no such thing as equality, there are hard limits put on people, and the only ones who are willing to help you out of this misery are those of high IQ who feel pity for you (scientists who fuck around with our genetics)
Even if you arent a nigger, and just another boring white, you still have a limit of sorts. So maybe you get lucky to be in the right place, at the right time to feel powerful, win a lottery of life of sorts...but it wont make you useful to the scientific, creative or whatever important fields that we have.
>Not realizing that knowledge is nearly useless to someone without the intelligence to apply it in clever ways to new situations
You can be some pajeet and learn to, say, be an accountant or a programmer but without the IQ to come up with novel solutions you'll forever be just a trained grunt in some back office
your iq isn't really affected very much by normal fluctuations in state, sorry mate. we don't make clinical exceptions because you're not tested first thing in the morning.
working memory is one of four domains included in the measurement that is IQ, no more, no less. it will only differ substantially if your status is greatly affected or if you're inebriated
>meditation increases your iq
>emotions decrease your iq
>being able to be more in your prefrontal cortex
>using concepts in real time
this is literally the stupidest shit i've read today
also, emotions aren't "basic, baseline, genetically programmed garbage", they're literally the most important sensory system we have and the primary way in which we orient ourselves and our behavior toward the external world
>t. clinical psychologist in training
My IQ is 138. Clearly my motivation here is not what you think it is.
I'm not saying a large group of people will outcompete anyone. Anyone can be as smart as they want if they try hard enough, regardless of IQ -- not just regardless of natty IQ, but even regardless of trained IQ, since being smart and having a high IQ are not the same thing -- but you must remember that people in general do not like to try hard, and are unlikely to do so. That probability only continues to decrease at an exponential rate as you form larger and larger groups (not accounting for the phenomenon of team spirit), simply because that's how probability works.
just fucking basic google crap things
christ, go kill yourself faggot
>good and focused effort
not really
genetics determines the span in which you can end up, ranging about 20 points
the environment in which you exist and grow up place you within that range. it is not a question of effort or will at the time of testing.
people will "try hard" if they feel like they have a chance to win. They will give up if they dont. Most people innately know their "intelligence" why dont you go fallate yourself some more about the workings of society you fagget.
More like clinical pseud lol
>Most people innately know their "intelligence"
"Intelligence" is not innate. IQ is, more or less, but not intelligence.
Reading books and playing Chess for six months has increased my IQ by seven points. 118-125. Not much, but it's a little better.
slower ability to learn certain principles and concepts mean that you will take more time to learn a field, compared to a higher IQ person. If you have the desire though, and the increased time investment then you can attain that field too (but as mentioned above by some user, you will have less creativity still). So thats why the IQ ranges for a lot of jobs are so strewn out. Some people have good families in which fund some people (for their need of more time to learn to get a good job), and thus they stretch out.
>an effect after 5 days of 4 hours per night
not really the same as normal changes in status
besides, the net effect on the score isn't meaningful in any real measurement and even less in any real life situation
stop grasping at straws and stop working yourself up over a psychometric concept that is literally meaningless for you to care about
it is a question of effort and will where one ends up in their genetically pre-determined range
There is no genetically pre-determined range of smarts, only of IQ. You can be as smart as you want because there's no limit to how hard you can try.
its just basic crap dude
a lot of mental systems are affected by sleep deprivation, but also the circadian rythm. There are even business tactics which play on that fact that a person can get tired and be less resistant to mental attacks. Christ.
no it's not
show me the studies
oh boy here comes the leftist. Mentioned non equality and they flock to this place like fucking flies to shit.
Yea because with enough effort you can teach a dog how to program software. Similar concept really.
>its just basic crap dude
any yet entirely meaningless
also nothing in your latter link backs up the fact that anything about how a persons status normally changes throughout the day has any meaning
sleeping 4 hours a night 5 days in a row isn't a normal variation in status
there's literally no reason for you to think that your performance throughout a normal day changes because of that
nope, you just seem to be a literal retard
>all the evidence points to x
>i have no evidence for y
>"it's gotta be y fucking leftist scum"
I am not going to prove this thesis by finding counter evidence to your hostile (probably on purpose) stance. God. So boring. There are many biological and neurological things that are tied to these secondary and tertiary pieces of evidences. That make me believe that it is so. One could just ask for all the supporting pieces instead of this dribble lol.
Well, no. First of all, even if there were a comparison to be made here, the dog would have to be the one put in the effort. Secondly, there isn't. A dog's brain lacks the basic machinery necessary. Human IQ is a question of the efficacy of this machinery, not its presence or absence. And that efficacy basically doesn't matter. As long as it's there, and you can use it for its proper purpose, the only limit to what you can accomplish with it is how hard you try. That and, I suppose, how long you live.
>Human IQ
non correct term, why dont you use the racially aware terms instead? no such thing as humans.
still haven't backed up or motivated anything you've claimed tho
>doesn't understand reaction range or the flynn effect
>posts about iq-differnces between ethnic backgrunds as if it matters
shoo shoo mr nazi
did you?
> A dog's brain lacks the basic machinery necessary
>but a "human" brain is magic and is universal (for the purpose of politics rather than truth)
nobody here is a faggot academic who won't listen to anything that doesn't have a peer reviewed paper
pretty sure i've had by referring back to the way IQ-tests are clinically used famalam
meanwhile you've kept just insisting that there's a connection between extreme sleep deprivation and performance on certain tasks as if that fact on it's own has any inherent meaning or application
you cannot even motivate how it's relevant in terms of IQ-tests in any actual practice
Oh brother.
I'm not opening that can of worms with you. Beside that, though, I will say your attack on my terminology is irrelevant to the argument I made with it. All races, to current scientific knowledge, possess the same general brain structure, regardless of differences in size. There are no known cases of entire races with entire parts or sections missing. Hence the irrelevance to my point.
If you can't refute the actual semantic content of what I'm saying, and would prefer to just focus on the syntax all day, this conversation is over.
guess you're an idiot then :^)
The person you're replying to here wasn't me.
>having to go through the basics of brain size, prefontal cortex differences, skulls shapes, complexity/density of neurons
ugh. God such plebs. Ignored. Nothing useful in this thread it is then. Just a bunch of skreetching kikes still. So yea.
>we did it, we managed to subdue a good and useful thread@!
I bet you guys are thinking this right now lol. Well still, its quite easy to make actual progress on the IQ front instead of dealing with you retards.
but don't you know genetics makes populations different in everything except the brain
None of the differences you've listed there are structural. They're all just differences of efficacy. All the machinery is still present.
Hence, again, the irrelevance to my argument, which you still have not actually addressed.
dont forget all the "positive" diverse traits that are over the white man too, all the negative traits are racism!
see, this is why we usually ban people like this nobody wants to deal with a bunch of lying, skvetching, and truth distorting kikes. Christ. Reported.
>COPING this hard
There is a lot of overlap between knowledge and intelligence and the difference is marginal. As far as I'm aware IQ has a rather high heritability and there isn't really anything you can do to change it (assuming you received adequate nutrition and discounting eugenics.) Studying will help but you'll never reach a 160IQ by that alone, and you'll most likely hit a threshold where concepts are just too difficult for you to comprehend/strenuous to learn.
Still not sure how this became a question of racial differences in IQ (which I do not deny exist), when my whole point is that as long as all the parts of the brain are there (regardless of size or neuron count), your intelligence is bounded only by the effort you're willing to exert, NOT by IQ.
>There is a lot of overlap between knowledge and intelligence and the difference is marginal.
I agree with your whole post except this part. There is almost no overlap between knowledge and IQ, and knowledge is what intelligence really means, not IQ. IQ is just cleverness.
in order not to rebel against IQ improvement teachings, you need to know the basics on which the brain works. If you have false programming (basically just propaganda) you are not qualified to enter this discussion as you will struggle with your daemons instead of listening to the reality. Kindly just go away or lurk more really, you are not useful and also not really wanted here.
>but muh premise to magic and quality
>IQ improvement
This is pointless, since intelligence (i.e knowledge) is what matters, not IQ.
shit, sage fixed.
I said literally nothing about either of those things. I assume, based on the direction this thread has taken, that by "quality" you mean "equality," which I've taken no stance on.
>arguing semantics and forgetting the point of this thread.
geez, at least you keep this thread bumped but still not very useful.
The semantics matter because the point of this thread is misguided. The OP wants to be smarter. Increasing IQ is not the way to do so.
>flynn effect
I hope you are kidding
Epigenetics and external pressures on nurture of the individual have only so much effect.
what determines for example the IQ in an individual is his genetics.
Its about the potential of the individual on intelligence levels
also there are some articles about the flynn effect and its fallacy on genetic IQ but not gonna spend the time to search that for some random nigger
How the fuxk is this Jow Forums related?
>evolution is universal from neck to the feet
Why is everyone in this thread talking about IQ when it's completely irrelevant to the OP's desire to be smarter, even though the OP ***MISTAKENLY*** phrased that desire in terms of IQ?
>There is almost no overlap between knowledge and IQ
They're certainly related, a high IQ person is going to have a much easier time absorbing and acquiring knowledge as a opposed to a low IQ person. Everyone has that one guy they went to school that would barely study but managed to ace all of his test.
> and knowledge is what intelligence really means, not IQ. IQ is just cleverness
You're just redefining intelligence. IQ is the ability to solve problems and notice patterns as measuring by IQ questions with shapes.
I feel like i've reached an IQ limit that I cannot surpass and I hate myself for it. Genetics are cruel.
For example in socializing no matter what practice I make, I simply cannot for the life of me think faster, becoming that witty charismatic guy who can retort and make people laugh. It's impossible and all down to some form of Iq.
>They're certainly related, a high IQ person is going to have a much easier time absorbing and acquiring knowledge as a opposed to a low IQ person.
Key word: easier.
To a highly motivated person, this shouldn't matter.
Again, no matter your IQ, the only limit on your knowledge is how much effort you're willing to put in.
basically someone who has high IQ could use that knowledge in the most precise and efficient way
because Jow Forums is Jow Forums's division of weightlifting
>basically someone who has high IQ could use that knowledge in the most precise and efficient way
Anyone could, all it takes is knowledge of how to do so, which is yet more knowledge.
Which takes effort to build. Especially for someone with low IQ.
Once again, everything boils down to effort.
Effort is limited only by willpower, which is limited only by personal decision. Personal decision is not limited.
bullshit. No 75IQ mong is going to be revolutionizing quantum physics because he studied more diligently, likewise no ape is going to be partaking in complex algebra if it was exposed to it. Genes hinder you whether you like it or not. OP can study more, but he will just be completing is IQ potential, it will not make him more intelligent, just more knowledgeable on particular subjects
>why is this line of thought in which I can do no equality so bad that I must try to find a way around it
god, even here on this board of competition there are still the dredges of society trying to lure innocent people away into equality. Srsly, there are actual ways and strategies in order to compete better. The daily fluctuation of IQ are a few of them. But also individual effects which detract from IQ (also I use the computer analogies with man
>constant chronic pain
causes agony, detracts from novel problem solving (in favor of trying to solve the pain perhaps)
>sleep deprivation but also minor forms of weariness
again, if your IQ is lower than that of your opponent, find a time and place where he is weary, and your upper limit IQ may best his tired IQ. (or just his brain thinking about what he will do at home, how his other cases at work are, or how to deal with his wife, its widely used in business and politics even, christ even in warfare where you gauge the exhaustion level of your enemies)if your IQ is of similar level, you can outcompete another person through concepts that he does not know off. Every single word in a book that you read, makes you deviate from the base line of genetics (the stuff you were programmed with from birth) often in specific circumstances. Tactics for business in those cases are first usually based around the first basic instincts, sometimes based around first rudimentary tactics (to the tune of counter tactics), beyond that still maybe somekind of general strategy and whatever.Think of all the scam artists that operate and have operated. If you knew how a scam works, and what they prey on, which marks they look for, what they expect of you...then you could foil their scam. No knowledge of that however means that you will most likely walk right into it. But if your IQ is too low, even with awareness of those scams, you might not register the actions as your working memory may be overwhelmed with basic emotions.
Knowledge is worthless without Action.
Knowledge is like having shining armor, sword, and IMAGINING the battle in your mind while you sit on a chair doing fuck all.
In the heat of battle, you don't know if that armor will suit you well, maybe it's too restricting, this sword is too damn long, these boots aren't tight enough...
Don't become cathartic in the consumption of knowledge. Constantly adapt and consume knowledge that complements your action.
>bullshit. No 75IQ mong is going to be revolutionizing quantum physics because he studied more diligently,
Wrong. It is possible, with enough effort. At that IQ, the effort required would be incredible, and you're correct that it's very unlikely anyone will ever exert such an effort. But this is a mere unlikelihood.
This rhetoric has nothing to do with equality and I don't understand how these delusional idiots keep getting that impression. We are not talking about IQ here. I fully acknowledge the reality of difference in IQ across races. Furthermore, we aren't even talking about race here. That has nothing to do with the thread. The OP wants to be smarter, he thought that meant having a higher IQ, and it doesn't, because IQ is just cleverness, not intelligence. That's what this boils down to. In the hypothetical scenario you describe, you would not have to achieve a higher present IQ than your opponent to best him at a mental gambit, though that would help. Really you would only have to know more than he.
Anyone try lions mane mushroom ?
I don't consider myself stupid and don't want to be braggadocious but all in all I'm doing well for myself.
However those IQ tests with those patterns and strange images, what exactly is it testing - how can a thing like that determine by intellect? I always suck at them and feel there's not enough variety.
Felt smarter? How ?
Get a fluoride filter. Supplement iodine /iodide (with caution and proper dosaging of course)
you are more or less the reason why there is so much strenuous labor around what seems like "trivialities" to many of us, in society, from the lower to the middle class. If you have a set limit, then you try to work with what you have. That is why so many in society wear stupid hats, try to find shinier looking shoes, wear somekind of low level "hip" thing of other makings. Its the reason why whole industries exist for that shit. Its very regrettable. But what can you do? We did not design you. Its also the reason why so many people mindlessly virtue signal to the higher echelons, without even realizing what they are doing. Trying to get a sweet piece of that upper class recognition that they are still doing rite, to rise above their own low level scum. (not actually scum, just limited)
the only reason these equalists flourish is because your emotions eventually turn outwards, maddened with rage (as you cannot control your emotions), no ability to compare yourself to the past (and the relatively easy life offered for you, with modern medicine, ease of food, entertainment) and then you just mindlessly flail at those who wish to just exist with their own higher natural limits. Such seething, chaotic and maligned people you usually become. Quite frightening.
Not him btw
that text more or less can also even apply to upper class leftists you moron. They just feed you garbage to keep you placid, so they dont have to deal with your shit.
>Such seething, chaotic and maligned people you usually become.
Yes but only because I want to be the best I possibly can. I don't 'hate' higher IQ people, your post reeks of a superiority complex.
Why are you responding to me with a non sequitur?
>Wrong. It is possible, with enough effort
You're providing no evidence whatsoever. Intelligence is the ABILITY to grasp concepts, not the accumulation of those said concepts. This is like saying a 5'5" guy can become a professional basketball athlete like lebron james if he trains harder. It's absurd. He certainly can fulfill his potential but there will always be that height hindrance.
>he thought that meant having a higher IQ, and it doesn't, because IQ is just cleverness, not intelligence
You're just redefining what intelligence is. One can be KNOWLEDGEABLE but of average intelligence. Intelligence, which IQ measures is the ability to notice patterns and comprehend subjects.
>Yes but only because I want to be the best I possibly can.
Bullshit. If you wanted to be the best you possibly could, you'd be a genius. A low-IQ genius, and yet even smarter than high-IQ geniuses.
I respect that you're trying. Try harder.
Within reasonable limits, retaining my humanity. You pedant.
>this thread
>m-m-muh intelligence is genetics
>live in turd world
>most scholars are from very poor families with druggies as their parents
Call it anecdotal all you want but that's the norm here. It's just pathetic that you're starting to sound like fatties blaming their magic hormones for not being able to lose weight.
IQ is not the ability to grasp concepts. It's the efficacy of that ability. The ability itself is inherent to everyone with the brain structure which modern science recognizes as human, regardless of the sizes of the substructures, so long as they are all present.
Intelligence, as commonly understood, is all just knowledge. The more "IQ-ish" parts are really just knowledge on how to use knowledge. IQ makes accumulating that knowledge easier, but it doesn't describe a hard limit on how much can be accumulated.
its just that its so sad man, I dont actually wish the lower to middle IQ people harm but all the evidence just piled up ages ago
Basically emotions are what animals have, the more you are unable to escape them, the less you can tap into that sweet, values that we "humans" actually love so much. In which we cheat gods, perform epic Olympian feats and more. Religion tried to pacify you with "soul" equality...which you guys eventually figured out for being a scam. And now there is only hedonism and the ugly scientific truth waiting for you.
On the plus side, there is exist a level of madness in "hyper novel" thoughts. Smart people often go completely bonkers. The jews often go schizophrenic bonkers, they drag along the other smart whites with them...turn into pedo trafficers and do all sorts of vices. In my opinion the middle class seems to have the best of both worlds. The stability of the instincts and "some novel thought" which allows them to advance. So dont feel too bad. If you are here you probably arent even in the lower class tier of intelligence. Eventually an opportunity may come, or not and we will all be wiped out by nuclear hellfire.
Knowledge. Far more powerful than pattern recognition
This, but unironically.
>IQ is not the ability to grasp concepts
how many low IQ people can grasp at quantum physics do you think? How many people of low IQ can understand the exact workings of a CPU? What kind of engineers do you think Intel/AMD has with what kind of IQ?
>tfw had ~120-130 iq in elementary school
>now i just feel like i cant learn
>dont know if im too lazy to learn, my memory is shit, or my horrible self-esteem limits my abilities
>How many people of low IQ can understand the exact workings of a CPU? What kind of engineers do you think Intel/AMD has with what kind of IQ?
*motherfucking snort*
you'd be surprised friend
IQ is how fast you learn things and process the prerequisite "knowledge". So this bullshit about an 85 IQ'er becoming a quantum physisit is impossible unless that individual has an extra 100 years to engage in learning. That's the sad truth.
Basically, a 160 IQ guy (no, not women lmao) "gets it" and moves on the next knowledge to consume, boom - onto the next, next, NEXT! With enough fortitude this guy is now at the cutting edge of his field. That's if that is his passion. He could easily dedicate his brain power to business, learn trading and enjoy life.
A low IQ guy on the other hand may have the same desires but have to work harder in every facet because it takes x amount longer to process that information, before he can move onto the next. While high IQ guy is making discoveries in quantum physics, low IQ guy is still, valiantly, wrapping his head around standard physics.
All these Tai Lopez ass niggas saying "KNAWLEDGE"
Bitch please, dude with 150 IQ could learn anything, i.e a language 10x faster than your average faggot.
>IQ is how fast you learn things and process the prerequisite "knowledge".
I accept your premise.
>So this bullshit about an 85 IQ'er becoming a quantum physisit is impossible unless that individual has an extra 100 years to engage in learning.
Your conclusion does not follow from that premise.
You forget about the effort piece.