If you could ban 3 types of posters on r9k who would it be?

For me:

1. the guy(s) posting gifs of black trannies being fucked by white guys and going on how blacks are slaves for white dick

2. all Jow Forums-tier posters

3. all failed normies that try to brag about whatever remotely positive thing in their life to a bunch of robots

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>2. all Jow Forums-tier posters

r9k is a pol board. Always has been you degenerate casual cunt.

The only true answer to who should be banned is this

1. Females.

With them gone all the rest will disappear too. This board was great 10 years ago until you slags started rocking up and posting as females. After that came all the faggots, trannies and jewish pys op tricks.

Jow Forums-tier posts belong on a Jow Forums tier board
that's why there's a board specially made for you faggots. stop bringing "da jooz boogeyman" into topics where they have nothing to do with what is being talked about

>r9k is a pol board
No it hasn't and you don't need to leak your political agenda insecurities into everything
>degenerate casual cunt.
you should be banned

1. the trap/lgbt shills
2. everyone who is 19 years old or younger because all the new cancer is fuckin teenage as hell
3. OP

>1 same as your number 1 but I'll extend it to race baiting in general
>2 "hey guys, fembot here!"
>3 underage fags

Ban all tranny/trap faggot mentally ill threads and all SJW bullshit. This board is for NORMAL MALE INCELS

>/lgbt/ shit

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Wanna know how I can tell you're a roastie?

Why doesn't he look human

change that to 23 and under
>t. 20 y/o agelet

1. all under age fags
2. all non robots
3. any one who posts
>Hey Robots why don't you just....

1. tripfags
2. avatarfags
3. people who post tranny shit in r9gay

Why did no one mentioned racebait threads yet? Those black trap threads exist because of them

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1. Fake and real fembot posters
2. Jews who somehow end up here on their way to Jow Forums
3. Same as yours.

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BTW should pic related become a regular meme? It could be used to mock stupidity.

1. Fuckheads posting animal abuse gifs
2. Fuckheads posting threads or posts supporting animal abuse
3. Fuckheads posting threads or posts about beating up and raping women
4. Fuckheads posting threads or posts supporting child abuse
5. Fuckheads posting threads about ballbusting or facial abuse
6. Attention whores acting idiotically trying to lure incels to pay for their new cellphones
7. Pussyless idiots starting threads about enslaving women

Oh well, that'd make about 80% of all posters on Jow Forums. Not that I care anymore though. This board hasn't got much to offer me anymore. Anyways, I shall follow it. As if there will be any animal abuse shit displayed I will take an action, as I will take an action against all animal abusing fuckheads anyway (when I will have time and resources to do so). Also if there will be showing up any signs of any dickheads seriously trying to enslave women, here or anywhere else, they won't live long.

Not interested in your replies.

1. normies
2. cucks
3. that guy posting willy threads
4. that guy posting trap threads

robots should rule over the world, we know the truth

And yeah, forgot to mention:

8. All idiots with an IQ under 100.

Gosh, my estimation now jumped up about 88% of the entire poster population on the board.

Le based and redpilled xDDDD

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Fags get out you have your own board
Self explanatory
>school shooter types
Please dont shut down my board

>anime posters
>anybody who posts trap or LGBT shit- this includes /r9gay/ and hrt threads
>anybody who believes fembots can exist, thus including anybody who makes threads addressed to or about 'fembots' or who claims to be one

i browse both here and Jow Forums regularly
you'd be surprised how much overlap there is. not so much concerning the Jow Forums boogeymen, but a lot of the reasons for suffering that robots here face comes down to the way society has changed for the worse in recent decades - a topic that is semi-frequently discussed on Jow Forums but usually implicitly understood by Jow Forumsacks - and how this change in society is affecting robots here on this board

>tranny posters and all who support the mental illness
>bad rp posters ("what's the matter user?" Type shit)
>everyone who hasn't posted a greentext within 3 months
The quality would jump in 3 months

NUMBER 1: That one prick that keeps posting /r9gay/ instead of posting his stupid general in the /lgbt/ board cause he's a gigantic prick.

2: Every person that tries to post a "wahhh I can't get a grillfrend" thread to be muted for 24 hours, not banned.

3: shia labeouf

You want somebody to post black trannies?

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2D posters

Fuck off reiko, no seriously go away you btfo'd hard.

>Jow Forums tier posters
>gay/trap posters
>tfw no gf / the threads that follow around roasties like rose

just go to /b/ with that shit

racial bait
pol memers

All of the fucking GAYS


1. anti blacked posters
2 ,anti lgbt posters
3. anti reiko/anti become a trap posters
extra: antidiscord posters

r9k was designed for free thinking just like a university.

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people who make threads like this and think they are being clever.

ban all incest posters and pedo posters

disgusting shit tbqhwitchasempai

fuck off reiko

just give me a trap gf and i'll be on my way

pro-blacked posters
pro-lgbt posters (you have your own board losers)
pro-pol users

The bbc/bmwf posters

This is a pol tier board you communist faggot
Yes it has you newfag. Do not fucking tell me what MY board is about
Thankyou brother. Incels unite.

1. Females
2. Tripfags
3. Normies

1. """females"""
2. tripfags
3. trap posters

1. Trap/gay-posters
2. Discordfags
3. Orbitfags
The sad thing is that they're really the same people. My hate for these people is simply immeasurable, they ruin the board with their degenerate threads. They also take away attention from actually interesting threads. R9K should be relabeled blue, and gay shit should be banned by the janitors.

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Gonna have to add plebbit fedoralords to the list

>reeee people are being edgy they should be banned

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>Extreme incel posters who want state enforced girlfriends and think others deserve abuse
>Anyone who thinks the face thread ban was a good idea
>People with cutting/abuse fetishes that they force onto their girlfriends

Actually on reflection they make the r9k experience better

>muh IQ

yeah, you're so much better than everyone else, got 'em

All the homosexuals that won't fuck off to their containment board. If we want a dose of gay shit we know where to find you, leave this place

Lol stay mad nigger.


Hell I'd rather have normie bragging threads then this shit

gtfo you utter faggot

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1. Normies
2. Jow Forums
3. Fem"bot"s

Actually, replace #1 with non-robots.

You need to take the 2d pill.

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I don't even care about Jow Forumsposters and racebaiting threads, they seem to be decreasing in relation to the other shitposts imotbqhfam.

go back to tumblr you pansy bitch
Original comment don't steal desu

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>people that try to establish an identity for themselves as the ____ guy or as a tripfag
>people that make threads about orbiting e-celebrities and social media (remember the kpop fags? these people are no different, fuck you)
>discord, ideal mate, post your eye/hand threads, all /soc/ material posters should be instantly banned

People who advertise their discord
People who post vocaroo garbage
People who post about about "r9k girls"