Let's just call each other names

Let's just call each other names


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Poo poo head

ass bandit

>a nice and beautiful person

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WTF did you just call me?

Stfu roastie

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That is going over the line buddy, this was meant to be fun not to hurt you jewnigger

this one cuts deep because it's so obviously the opposite of reality

tripfag summernigger

non epic gamer

Donkey fucker

Ayyyyyyy lmao

Pee pee brain

Fucking goofy goober

U are doo doo caca man :DDD

your mother drank my pee pee last night

Hello, SlR!

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scammer piece of shite

Go get ass vore'd you fucking tripfag faggot

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Shut up
you biscuit pooper

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Takes one to know one, nerd

Takes one to know one

times infinity
How are you gonna compete with that?

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Your mother is my penis vacuum 8=====D

fuck off you retarded fart huffer
god damn nigger, go die in a fire you useless piece of shit
go cut your hair too, dumb nigger.


Why the fuck wasn't this original, who the fuck said it? Why?

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Take a shower, you nasty frogposting bitch boy

Takes one to know one times infinity plus one on top of anything you say forever.


Your dad was my trap gf

Dang it
you win
I admit defeat

I fucked your grandma in a walmart bathroom....with no condom

Jokes on you, I'm bald
You Ducking Fucking Cunt Huffing Nut Gulping Fuck

ur mom gay also u gay too

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I let Billy Corgan fuck my ass before I sprayed his aids riddled shit all over your face in a butt bukake. Faggot.

you look like Steve Buscemi if Steve Buscemi fucked Hillary Clinton and aborted the Fetus

You're a... doubIe nigger

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youre still a bald nigger!

Fuck all of you Nigger faggot dick sucking bitch ass cunts. I hope that you all die from mutated cancer aids you filthy inbred tyranny's.

you're a infiniyy times infinty to the infinite power nigger xinfinity

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I'm gonna cum on your shitty post and you LITERALLY can't stop me. Stay mad retard.

degenerate imbred manchild fuckface

At least my penis is still intact you fucking transvestite

Fucking do it and post it ITT you cock gobbling dindu faggot

i have a penis you retarded nigger, a small fat one unfortunately.

That means you have a CHODE you fucked up walrus humping smegma inhaler

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I came on your sisters feminine dicks
And then raped their dogs
And those dogs admitted that all of you are dick sucking
Poo Poo eating
Cum dumpsters who listen to roasties talk about how chads dick is huge and yours is tiny
You all look like Danny devito and queen Elizabeth had a son with Aspergers

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I fucked your blowup Stacey doll

You crossed the fucking line twinkle dick

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Normalfaggot normie norman

Fucking beta orbiter on Brooke thread. Your kind is the lowest.