Have you ever had women like you primarily because of your ass? I had no idea that women covet asses in the same way men do and was bamboozled the first time this happened to me.
Have you ever had women like you primarily because of your ass...
This is a fitness board not a women worship board.
I know a girl who likes to strapon and lick guys asses, however thats pretty rare. Girls do not fetish-ise any body parts like men do due to their evolutionary traits not requiring physical attractiveness being a sexual decider. They may say you have a nice ass, but they aint gonna wanna smell your braps,finger and tongue it cos it looks juicy. Maybe for degradation purposes.
why the fuck are they writing it in such a baiting way? "darker men" just means dark haired white men. blonde hair is a sign of youth and inexperience, which is why men covet it and women shun it. this isn't rocket surgery.
>subhumans coping this hard
summer of squats got what she called "baseball player ass"
she would put me on all fours and eat my ass for about 30 minutes
pretty good stuff
As in mediterranean men???
there's no such thing as darker but white. you're either white (blonde blue eyed) or subhuman mutt genetic trash.
>google search study
>no proper sources
Lmao the cope never ends
not necessarily, but they certainly fit the bill.
back to your containment board, froggy.
niggers are not welcome on Jow Forums newfag
It’s not brunet versus blond, it’s tanned versus programmer-pale. Women want a man who visibly leaves his house during the day.
It's both. I'm milk white and I've gotten a lot of compliments since I started tanning. Chicks also dig my raven locks.
having tanned skin is also generally associated with being a little older than blonde-child-mode.
It's also associated with leaving the house.
was the derail intentional OP?
I'm a homo and I think pale men are beautiful. Never been into crispy fried leathery skin
B-u-u-t med masterrace
> No Blacks
Even though you put him next to some genetic dead end the blonde guy still looks weak and effeminate.
trips of truth