Eye floater hell

>have this one floater that is stuck in the center of my left eye
>can't look at a white background without getting headaches and getting really angry

Fuck these eye cunts, why is god so fucking cruel?

Attached: fuckers.png (1000x827, 318K)

Can't you learn "ignore" it?
And why is it in a fixed position?

You can have a vitrectomy

it may be a tumor, like you

Maybe use a fork?
Maybe it goes away :^)

Abround a quarter of my vision is taken up by these fucks. I don't use anything that doesn't have dark mode.

Not if it's darting about in the middle of my vision.

And I don't know. I didn't even know floaters could be fixed until I got this one.

Sucks dude. I use dark mode for most things too, but some of the shit I use simply doesn't have it, especially work-related software. Drives me nuts.

Has it only started? Your brain should ignore it eventually if it has.

I ignored them for months and all was well and now because of your thread i paid attention to them again and now i can't fucking see anything you fucking cunt this is as bad as HAHA YOU JUST FORGOT HOW TO BREATHE threads I hate you

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>get a doctor to surgically suck out your vitreous humor and reinflate like some fucking balloon
>risk going blind over floaters

no thanks senpai. Thats stupid as fuck

Nope. Has been like this for a year and desu it feels worse than the first day. The only way I can make it go away is to look at a dark background. I basically have a dark theme for every program I can find one for.

This is no joke m8, and I do feel for you. What do you mean you can't see anything though? Do they take up all your eyespace?

>believing in god

This is natures way of punishing you for being a brainlet and making sure you wont reproduce actually

That's stupid and crazy dangerous. They're a major annoyance but not worth potentially going blind for.

Are you floaterpeople nearsighted/farsighted or do you have normal vision? I wonder if floaters are tied to bad eyes, since I have pretty bad myopia and I have them.

-4.5 in both eyes, nearsight

also mild astigmatism which means even with glasses it still looks fucking blurry

fucking nigger genes

Literal or figurative nigger? Also how bad are the floaters?

Stay out of the light stay hydrated, try to look far away rather than focusing close up (hard to explain but let your eyes "relax" like when looking at hidden eye pics), take breaks from looking at the computer (bright screen makes them more apparent), stay out of bright rooms with white walls, sunglasses/transitions also help and yellow "computer glasses".

I've been struggling with them since I turned 22, been two years. Came on so suddenly I thought I was suffering retinal detachment and saw an ophthalmologist. Turns out my eyes just SUCK and I'll have to get used to it or get that surgery (that is expensive and I heard the floaters can return anyways as vitreous loosens and re-settles).

>tfw OP made me aware of the giant marble-sized floater I've just recently learned to ignore
I curse you

Oh floaters are annoying? What about visual snow huh?

lel what does it matter, and no im not nigger im asian but i guess its all the same

floaters are pretty bad, now that im paying attention to them again I have like 3 big clumps in the centre of my vision and I occasionally get startled by them thinking they are spiders or flies lol

I got both. Doesn't really bother me. It's just normal now

just stand in a giant centrifuge, that will cause your floaters to shift to the boundary of your eye and clear your line of sight

if that were to work, shouldn't they just sit at the bottom cause of gravity?

it's part of growing old dude , you will soon forget about it

I have 20/20 vision. I also have floaters like OP i went for a test and the doc said it was a few floaties in one eye but i see them in both due to mirror effect. That test was maybe 5 years ago and now i have even more floaters and big ones. Some mornings i wake up and my vision is shakey like the floaters are fucking my retinas. It really sucks balls but i try to ignore and i think a few more years it might get even worse and ill have to get that eye operation.

Thanks for the advice user i noticed all those late nights staring at a screen mightve helped burn out my eyes

Electrostatic forces keep them suspended.

Op you are going to go blind atleast you won't be able to see this hell we live in anymore

Attached: IMG_2978.jpg (722x349, 67K)

Those are all temporary solutions to a permanent problem, but thanks anyway.

Btw, how did you learn to ignore such a big floater? How long did it take you?

Cuz I'm a literal nigger and I have like -6 in both eyes so I was curious.

Did you manage to forget about them? I can't do it, even though I've been trying for a year.

corey in the house gave me niggeropia

hey robots
i have them sometimes too and i am high myopic

i had -7.5 now im down to -5.25

please dont get surgery or anything it will make everything worse

i recommend you read into endmyopia.org

glasses are to your eyes like weights are to your muscles

put sananga eyedrops in it, hurts like hell but worth it

Wait you went from -7.5 to -5.25 by doing exercises and shit? Pretty sure that's bullshit, so fuck off shill. That whole site smells like a scheme.

exercise does help. your eyes have muscles that need to be strong, especially the look close/ look far works good. Look at fingerpoint for 3 seconds, than look at some point in distance 3 seconds and on and on. You will feel which muscle your eye is using. This needs to be a strong, regularly used muscle.

Ok so... can you elaborate on what exactly you did/do, how fast your eyes improved, and whatever other relevant details? Still not sure if you're a shill for that scheme site but I am curious.

I'll still be able to hear the hell, except now I won't know where I'm at because I can't see shit. No thanks.

few exercise every day, takes about 10 minutes. The look far/close one, drawing circles and other shapes with your eyes. Noticed difference in 2 weeks. Did went away tho when i stopped doing that exercises, so its not a one way easy cure. It does help to improve sight. Theres tons of youtube videos on this with many different exercises, but the look to object near/ look to other object far, for 3 seconds each. and do that a few minutes, you can feel that muscle move. That one i think helped most and is the one i still do.

sleep more retard it helps

One time I was freaking out because I thought I had bacteria swimming around in my eye, but it turns out I was just seeing the white blood cells in my retina.

I don't trust anyone trying to sell me a magical cure. If he just gave the information away for free I'd be less skeptical.

I have several. Went to a couple of doctors, the best one said he wouldn't do the surgery on me since it was too dangerous.

He explained everything, I'm taking some vitamins but somedays it's living hell.

White backgrounds are a nightmare, a clean blue sky just means a headache for me. I've started to wear sunglasses and it can help, but not much.

Could be worse, I guess.

My doctor told me it's more usual in people with myopia. Usually not at my age, though.

The explanation was kind of weird, but basically the liquid of the eyeball doesn't glue anymore to the back of the eye, causing "wrinkles" and that's what floaters are, not exactly "proteins" in your front membrane.

How old are you? I'm 25 and I have a lot of them. I thought they usually showed up at like 40+.

i see eye floaters but i never get headaches and i only notice them when looking at the sky

That sounds really bad, user. Do they block your vision or are they just annoying?

Has 0 effect on floaters. Literally no reason for you to think that.

How do they look? What colors/shapes?

I've had floaters my entire life. You get used to it.

How long did it take you to get used to them? I still can't after a whole year.

>any kind of eye surgery or operation
You must be retarded. I'd never attempt something like this unless I was already blind and had nothing to lose

badabump float

I got floaters. You should definitely be aware of them and also any flashing in your eyes if that shit increases you need to get to the doctor immediately. You could have retinal detachment which is fucking horrifying. It's not supposed to happen to young people often though.

I have flashes in the dark after I've stared at my laptop for 12 hours straight and then shut off all lights. Whenever I move my head or blink or whatever, a white flash appears. This, however, goes away after my eyes have adjusted to the dark.

Btw, I'm assuming that a retinal detachment happens fairly quickly after you start to experience flashes? I've had the floaters and flashes (in the dark) for a year, the flashes possibly longer than that.

Yeah not all flashes are caused by it and I don't even know for sure what it's like when it is retinal detachment. I also get flashes but I think they are just hallucinations that we all have actually at all times you just don't notice them when enough light is around.

>tons of floaters
>extremely light sensitive, could never have my eyes open in outdoor photos and always looked like a dweeb
>always need monitor brightness turned as low as possible
>extremely poor vision, -8 both
>super thick glasses even with the special thin material
>don't qualify for lasic or contacts because vision is too shitty
>get dizzy and vision goes black if I stand up
>eyes randomly go out of focus, need to close them for a minute
>told I"m at increased risk of retinal detachment (fun shit) and other fun eye cancer tier shit
Well, I'm putting a bullet in my head by 60 anyway so whatever. At least they're a pretty color.
Might try. Can't make me any blinder I guess.
>vision improves
>need new glasses, another 300-500 tendy bux gone
I lose even if I win.

Maybe part of the -8 is caused by muscle strain or something? Idk I read about that once, something about eye strain potentially causing myopia or making it worse. Not sure if it was legit or just quackscience.

guys you need to reduce your diopters in 0.25 increments. its like putting off weight in the gym because your muscles are so big (long), thats why you have myopia

I feel your pain op
>cant look at clear blue sky or start to see little sparks in my eyes and floaters
>floaters while driving

I guess I'm used to them now but they fucking suck seeing them every time I go outside.

bruh ive had them since 17, its not rare to get floaters