Give me one plausible reason on why same sex marriage is bullshit

Give me one plausible reason on why same sex marriage is bullshit
>pro tip: you can't

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Because it's a scam by liberal women to try and make gay men as unhappy as straight men. Gay guys were doing just fine without this.

The purpose of marriage, as institution, is to incentivize population growth by proving stable families with social and economic benefits. Faggots cannot possibly bear children, giving them the same priviledges makes no sense.

That's a bit counterintuitive

But they can adopt children?

because if 2 women marry then it's 2 less chances for me to get a gf
fags are ok

>the purpose of marriage is to incentivize population growth
can you name a single example of a society who's population increased as a result of marriage legislation or mandate?
Even if your premise was true, which it isn't, social constructs can take on a life of their own beyond original intent. Which is why we have childless straight marriages. And it stands to reason that if childless straight marriage is ok and the only reason to deny gays marriage is due to their inability to bear children, then gay marriage must also be ok.

Adoption with homosexual parents provide unhealthy insight to their children. They will perpetuate the parents' ineffective ideology.

I heard an interesting argument for gay marriage.

Imagine two old ladies who have been friends all their lives,but never lovers. They grew old together and became roommates after outliving their children, and are perfectly happy together.

Then one gets sick.

Legally,a roommate has no authority over their housemates,however strong the bond might be,and the healthy one has no choice but to watch the state mismanage her dearest friend into an early grave. Or they could marry,stay platonic as ever,and have the assurance of this legal formality if and when the need arises.

No, they won't. Sexual orientation is born with and environment factors have minimal influence. If anything, they learn to be more accepting of others.

Adoption doesn't provide population growth
>And it stands to reason that if childless straight marriage is ok and the only reason to deny gays marriage is due to their inability to bear children, then gay marriage must also be ok.
Do you not understand the definition of the word 'incentivize', fuckface? There's a big difference between giving the right to marry to all hetero couples some of which cannot and does not wants kids, and letting gays who can't possibly breed further the same rights.

You're right, I can't.
Although forcing religious institutions to allow same sex marriage is a bit mean, like let them worship their sungod and tout pagan bs all they want, gays can just set up their own institutions for marriage and civil partnerships within law and government.

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Societies have followed a certain set of morals for millenias. Let's say this society is the US. The US has never had gay marriages, even gay relationships. Now, if gay marriage/couples are allowed, who is to say that other such degeneracy won't be allowed? Traps have been growing in number, and who's to say that having sex with animals won't be allowed? What is moral, and what isn't moral, now? If gay people get a pass, why shouldn't other degenerates? Look at society today, where's everywhere, kids wearing chokers, yoga pants wearing whores everywhere, and what for? Individual freedom?

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I'm pretty sure you can sign a paper at the doctors giving someone power over you in the event of your incapacitation. You don't have to be married

Marriage is between a man and a woman, that's just what it is. Gay marriage isn't even real, it's just dudes LARPing

Marriage is a religious ceremony and religious organisations shouldn't be forced to extend their ceremonial services to people they don't want to, especially on dogmatic grounds.

>having two gay dads is worse than being an orphan with no parents or direction

Really makes you think

Absolutely false. If you tell a kid that being gay is the only way, I guarantee you, he will more likely become gay. Tell me, why are more people bisexuals these days? Because gay agenda has been pushed down our throats, and kids no longer see being gay as a degeneracy. Allow me to vent, in the animal kingdom, there is no such thing as heterosexuals and homosexuals - sex is used as a tool of means. A lion will have sex with either the male or female, to dominate over the other. Withal, you can see many animals having sex with any moving thing; not even with their own species. The only differs with us humans and animals, is that we can conceive to our own thoughts. Heterosexuality and homosexuality are arbitrary terms.

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Unironically yes. It would be better for orphans to grow up in a convent being raised by nuns.

>religious organisations shouldn't be forced to extend their ceremonial services to people they don't want to
They aren't. The only true form of marriage is within the catholic or orthodox churches, and they won't marry two fags. Friendly reminder that protestants bastardized marriage when they decided it wasn't a sacrament

It's better to create your own ideals rather than getting influenced by the homosexual's beliefs, since most of their lives revolve around their identity and sexuality instead of something significantly progressive. Something to add, it's better to do nothing than to aggravate.

>If you tell a kid that being gay is the only way, I guarantee you, he will more likely become gay.
Do you have any evidence for this bullshit? You can't 'teach' a kid to be gay because sexual orientation is determined by biological factors more than environmental ones.
>Tell me, why are more people bisexuals these days?
There aren't more bisexuals/gays these days. It's just that they fear less to come out since they're not as persecuted as they once were. It's common sense, you should use it.
>Because gay agenda has been pushed down our throats, and kids no longer see being gay as a degeneracy.
Irrelevant. I don't feel more gay because shit has been pushed down my throat. This is anecdotal, but it doesn't make sense either way.
> in the animal kingdom, there is no such thing as heterosexuals and homosexuals - sex is used as a tool of means
Again, do you have any scientific article to back up this pile of garbage?
>Heterosexuality and homosexuality are arbitrary terms.
If you were to ignore your view of homosexuals, would you find (assuming you're a male) other males attractive? You need to be perfectly honest with yourself here. If you don't find said males attractive as you would find a female, then those terms aren't arbitrary. They're not arbitrary nevertheless, but I am trying to explain it to you in more docile terms.

lol u gay niga

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Listen, it's not about whether you find e other sex attractive - that's irrelevant - it's whether you would mind having copulation with him. You will see men defending that giving men blowjobs isn't gay because they feel "straight". It's no longer even seen as a taboo;just something that people do to goof-off. Look at race-mixing for example, if the media portrays it as a behoof, children are gullible and will grow up believing this. This is why you have more people race-mixing. Same follows for sexuality. As for your claim that more people are coming out because they're no longer afraid - I was referring to kids. You can't tell me that more kids are now magically gay, there needs to be external forces. Withal, the animal kingdom - lions - have sex with other makes to dominate them; why is that? Are you going to claim that they find them attractive? Of course not! It's to dominate the other male into submission.

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Riddle me this: if homosexuality is entirely biological, and homosexuals do not reproduce, how come the 'gay' gene hasn't been weeded out by natural selection yet?

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It's probably a function of epigenetics and subject to environmental triggers.
Gay people don't need to be exclusively gay, and attraction isn't critical for reproduction.

What you can rationally do is look at the animal kingdom and find those animals that demonstrate homosexual behavior, and how that behavior influences their reproduction.
Penguins would be a good start. Penguins have mad gay sex.

>Look at race-mixing for example, if the media portrays it as a behoof, children are gullible and will grow up believing this. This is why you have more people race-mixing. Same follows for sexuality.
This is purely retarded. You can't compare something that arises purely from environmental factors to something that has biological roots.
>You can't tell me that more kids are now magically gay, there needs to be external forces.
Do the same kids express the same orientation when they grow up? If they have been 'taught' to be gay and they're in fact straight, when they'll grow up, they'll be attracted to the opposite sex, regardless of how they behaved in the past, because sexual orientation is deeply rooted in the subconscious mind - the primitive mind. As I said, you can't force yourself to be attracted to the same sex if you're straight.
>lions - have sex with other makes to dominate them
Yea, I haven't found anything on this. Can you provide a source?

How can a person know what epigenetics are and still spout stupid shit like that you're born with your sexual orientation.

I'm a different poster.
And I agree, there's no scientific basis for a fixed sexual orientation from birth.

Ultimately, fags are gay.
Nuff' said.

Because jews want this to destroy the white man, I wonder why LGBT is more popular and supported in countries with more white people. Really makes you think. ((( c|:^) )))

By all means, evince to me the evidence that people are born gay. You keep asking me for evidence (even though you can observe these phenomenas) so I will ask of you the same thing; where is your evidence?
>haven't observed animals having sex with other species
Observe sea lions and penguins, dogs and women, dogs and cats - you can see this all over the animal kingdom.
Withal, I compared race-mixing and homosexuality because of this one premise; you can brain wash people into degeneracy. If more kids are growing up bisexual, clearly there are external factors to this.
Also, mind telling me why people have abnormal fetishes? Such as having an attraction towards their cousins, or dogs? Because they conceived this to be beauty. Look at African tribes, where they find long lips attractive - show me anywhere in the world where people find this attractive? It's because that African tribe conceived long lips to be beautiful, rather than it being a biological factor to copulation. Same follows for homosexuality.

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Pls explain pic related, what are those from?

Leviticus read it
>God hates fags
>I hate fags
>We all hate fags

But lesbian porn is hot

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Kids replicate what their parents do, and you can easily brainwash kids to becoming gay. I've met a few people in life who's parents used to force them to be gay because their parents were gay. Granted they eventually realized that they were in fact straight, and not gay, but their parents "couldn't love a straight child"

Because gays marry really fucking rarely and the only reason why they push for it is because of "muh equality". The more rights you'll give to faggots the more they will demand, eventually concepts like heterophobia will arise. Also, you're too scared to post this on Jow Forums cause you know you'll be pretty much raped, so good try faggot

Despite being 3% of the population, gays are 50% of the pedos.



Marriage was a religious institution for centuries, and even if it weren't, the reason the government was ever involved in marriage was to ensure that people were having kids, to try and incentivize it. Gay people can't have kids.

Also, it's a sin.

It's just for the banter. The guy is from WWE, and the joke is that citing your sources is for plebs.

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They are degenerates. Any other questions?

Well, gay marriage is bullshit because the entire concept of marriage, especially state recognized marriage, has become bullshit. Nothing more than a joke. It's no more or less bullshit than any other kind of marriage. There's like hardly any point to it any more.

Yep. Funny how that works out.

>being gay is biological
>but the biological cause is epigenetic
>which is affected by extra-biological variables
>but its biological

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literally nothing in the bible against lesbians. god is based

i dont care because it doesnt affect me at all. or any others for that matter.
aint like theyre trying to get gay married to me

Because the religion they are marying under is against their relationship. Mariage is a religious thing and there is no ignoring that.

This. Its stupid and serves only as a cashtrap for men in the event of a divorce (even more so if they also have kids) and as a 'romantic' move for some women (who are also stupid). If you believe in a religion its not as bad because that adds more meaning to marriage.(but thats also stupid anyway). Atheists and Sceptics getting married is the most retarded thing ever though.

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heterosexuality serves a natural purpose of reproduction as nature intended
there is no reason why gay people need to get married when they can just simply live together unmarried as life partners
there is literally no difference they just want the toys the other kid has

walking in on your mum and dad having sex is traumatic enough
now imagine walking in on your dad and your dad having sex
user get out

nice jojo pose

Jordan Peterson told me gay marriage is bad because marxists support gay marriage