Fresh FPH thread.
Belgium edition, did you guys see Belgium's minister of healthcare, Maggie de Block? (Pic related)
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Fresh FPH thread.
Belgium edition, did you guys see Belgium's minister of healthcare, Maggie de Block? (Pic related)
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How did you waffelfags ever agree to make this beast the minister of health?! Do you guys have no shame or self reflection?
Defend yourselfs Belgium
Pic Translation for English fags:
"I once burned 900 calories in half an hour
I let my pizza sit in the oven for too long'
How many cameras were on this bitch?
GIVE *clap* ME *clap* MORE *clap* FAT *clap* DRAG QUEENS
She eats all the unhealthy food so her country is safe. A true heroine.
A true hero indeed
Oh shit, is that claw headed for snap city?
Good one
The old one isn't even at bump limit.
Well the fans are either fetishists (a minority), or 16 year old white girls from suburbia who think watching Ru Paul means they gotta emulate what they see in order to feel better about their mediocre lives, so.
Imagine her authentic Belgian braAAAAps!
Is this a you rage you lose? I lost
Good form Mr Crabs
Have this classic on the house
>the wealthy don't want you poor people to have sugar
get the gas
There's no way to lose weight fat
Ginger Minj is a delight and Trixie used to be fat.
Should I do a twitter search for manlets and little dicked men crying about how unfair their lives are too?
Ah man. There were times in TPB where Sarah looked like a top tier slampig. Now she's in her 40s and apparently giving up on herself, so she's gonna succumb hambeasthood soon.
>you don't have to worry about breaking me
because gravity is already on the job
1) she's not "minister of health", she's "Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health", a large part of her responsibility is Social Security as well
2) she's incredibly popular, especially since as her previous tenure as migration minister she halved asylum requests by being tough on migrants
3) there is more to national health than obesity, and she has a background as a GP, so she was at least qualified for that
>As Minister for Immigration in the last Belgian government she was the first politician to make a real dent in the migrant problem, slashing the number of asylum requests by almost half, from 27,000 per year to 15,000.
>She was unmoved by hunger-strikes and sent the police into migrant detainment facilities to end them and to ensure that expulsion orders were carried out.
proving how communist are persistently living in the 1800s
It's almost like the world progressed since then :thinking:
Dang that's the most Jewish post I've ever seen. Lemme talk in big words and maybe nobody will realize what I'm saying is complete BS
that's actually kind of funny
5/5 breddy gud :DDD
At least she doesn't take herself too seriously. As long as she accepts her weight is unhealthy I don't see the big deal. It's an odd choice but doesn't mean she isn't someone who can do her job.
>fighting through that last rep
We all know that feel crabm8, nice attitude
>only one life to live
>your parents didnt make you a fat piece of shit
feels lucky man
The people he is describing are genetic dead ends.
10/10 chuckle
Has anyone told this fag about DNP?
>>She was unmoved by hunger-strikes and sent the police into migrant detainment facilities to end them and to ensure that expulsion orders were carried out.
>She was unmoved by hunger
You and I both know that's bullshit
>ogres are like onions
Manlets and dicklets are cursed by nature. Fat people choose this. I would rather date a thin 5'2 man with a 3inch dick than a 6'3 with a 9inch that is obese and unwilling to lose weight.
Not him but what if you're obese and trying to lose weight but you're too addicted though
And what if the fact that the addiction formed is not your fault, because it formed when you were four years old in response to rape, the only thing that's your fault is that you keep succumbing to it, and yet you really are trying to fight it but your will is just too weak
If you don't want to seek out psychiatric help for past trauma to overcome a disgusting and potentially fatal addiction, then you are not a potential partner.
>check your metabolic disprivilage
just keep moving that goalpost
>my heart is plus sized too
The medical term is "enlarged". Then again you probably don't worry too much about medical terms
>acting like any of this is attractive.
>then you are not a potential partner.
wait but why is this even a question here? i'm not concerned about whether i'm a potential partner, i'm concerned about whether i deserve to live.
also i am seeking out help but it's coming along very slowly and i've grown impatient over the years
>that was my first post in the thread
>i am somehow "moving the goalpost" a single post into the conversation
ok wow that makes sense
>i'm not concerned about whether i'm a potential partner, i'm concerned about whether i deserve to live.
Why is THAT a potential question?
Of course you don't fucking deserve to live, you're fat. But if you're even asking, you're also suicidal, which is even worse.
Just live, you don't deserve it but it's not like anyone's gonna call you out on it. Jesus fat people are dense
you don't get it. It's not about anyone ELSE calling me out on it.
i have a "conscience."
i put that in quotes because even though it tells me to do good things, just like other people's does, and i do them,
and it tells me not to do things that hurt others, and i don't do those,
it also tells me to kill myself. and i don't want to do that.
even though i'm not gonna do it, it keeps telling me to do it. every day. round the clock.
i'm asking if it's right. because if it's not, then i imagine the way out of this pain is to tell it the fuck off. but if it is, the way out is to just obey it.
i'm starting to think it must be right because i've tried to reason with it many times and it never listens.
Sorry but I'm not gonna tell a hamplanet it deserves to live.
If you can't just live without having to ask if it's right, like a normal person does, then you're going to die.
At that point you probably would have died anyway, even if I could in good faith tell you that you deserve to live, because people who have the kinds of mental problems you're describing here are beyond saving. If the self esteem didn't get you, something else would have.
Defend Trump first buddeh
Would you be saying this is your addiction was heroine? Meth?
You are giving this trauma power over you and using victimhood as an excuse. You're saying all of this right now because you truly do not want to change. This victim status you've labeled yourself with is safe place where you don't have to grow or change which, surprise surprise is uncomfortable. Willpower is not genetic. You grow it through exercising it. If you do truly want to strengthen your will. Start small and see how those baby steps grow into a journey.
>Would you be saying this is your addiction was heroine? Meth?
i mean, yes...?
why would i not though
>You're saying all of this right now because you truly do not want to change.
this seems to contradict the fact that i'm successfully changing
which in turn contradicts everything i just said
i'm really confused actually, i've lost 110lbs and keep losing but i still feel like my addiction is controlling me and my will is too weak to fight it, what is this?
maybe you're right also???
>time to break out the thesaurus
jesus christ give that crab a medal
I fart a million times each day and even struggle with holding it when out in public and can vouch that this isn't true
one on them id fuck the other id roll down a hill like a tire
My bad, must've really misunderstood somewhere. Regardless, keep that victim mindset in check. Just saying things like "my addiction controls me" or "my willpower is too weak" takes your power away that you truly do have. Give yourself credit for what you have done and remind yourself that a truly weak willed person would not be able to do what youve done. Even little things like calling yourself an "athlete" if youre really active or whatever even if you dont believe it at first. You'll be surprise how much it shifts your mindset. also helps to stop seeing the body as an enemy, but as something you want to nurture and see grow through. makes you want to work harder for it.
there are probably fatties out there who push themselves on purpose to eat even more than their already distorted appetite just because they think they can lose weight by giving themselves horrible gas
at least they know their balloons
it wasn't her hunger though.
Jesus Christ I'm getting nauseous just thinking about some calorie rapist cramming a gallon of mayonnaise down their gullet to break wind
>must've really misunderstood somewhere.
nah i was just being misleading at first because i was speaking from emotion/subjective experience instead of acknowledging the facts.
thank you for this. i don't know if i can believe it. i've only ever used negative reinforcement, it took a loooong time to properly take effect which is why i spent so many years indulging my addiction and yelling at myself for it and just getting fatter because the yelling didn't stop me, but that being said it did eventually finally work and now it's still working and i'm afraid of what will happen if i try to switch it up. i'm afraid if i acknowledge what i've managed so far, or acknowledge that i'm making progress or anything like that, i'll ruin everything and make myself ginormous again. because some part of me just very strongly believes the problem the whole time was that i had an inflated perspective of how much food i deserved because i thought i was real fucking great or something. which is a lie, i never thought i was great, i hated myself the whole time iwas overeating and getting fat just as much as i hate myself now, but for the life of me i just can't see it for the lie it is, all i can do is piss on myself endlessly and be terrified that if i cease fire then i'll immediately start gaining weight again.
it's like, how can i see my body as anything but an enemy, when i seem to be intent on deluding myself that the whole reason i ever abused it so much was because i got too friendly with it.
never mind all that. i'm just thinking aloud here, you're not my fucking therapist. thanks again for sharing your thoughts.
Stop being so serious in this ITT thread. Take it to /fat/.
if you like, and make a thread about it too - more power to you. This one is about obnoxious and delusional fat people though
It sounds like you need to consider adding a new focus into the goal of weight loss. If you dont lift, then maybe try adding that in. Visible muscle gains get addictive. And then it becomes easier to want to fuel your body with the proper macro nutrients. When you see yourself producing something positive through your hard work suddenly you don't look at the body so negatively. Strictly dieting and cardio is boring as hell and torture. So maybe you need to find a new way to add to your weight loss. Like self defense classes or kickboxing or something. I have experience in the self hate world and living day to day blows dicks. Eating like no food and tons of cardio day after day was all I did and it was horrible. Once I began lifting and saw that i was producing something positive rather than just "losing" it really did change my whole outlook. Now im prepping for my first competition with a coach who wants me to rep him on ig. So try adding something you enjoy in and make it more of a hobby rather than something you "have" to do.
>it perpetrates the idea that only thinner bodies are beautiful and attractive
In fairness, he's asking how to be thinner without doing any work. He's not claiming that being fat is ok or healthy or attractive, so that's something.
He's saying it isn't his fault though.
Reminds me of the "fph threads promote right-wing ideals" shitposter.
Only irrelevant people care or like drag queens, like the gays and teen ager girls.
Can you do it without inhaling a whole plate of cupcakes though?
fucking professor ass gets me everytime
ef i see dat kat
i edited your cat
What a load of crap, running for a minute burns less than that.
wtf i like fat people now?
i think she may have eaten some of those migrants
>madhatter isn't wolfpac
“Metabolically disprivelage” is the most Jewish thing I’ve heard today. And I am Larry David’s personal assistant.
That “hehe” on the enlarged heart joke is a bit of a tearjerker. Doritos and Oreos are obese peasant filth.
So she’s minister of obese people get welfare checks.
Unmoved by hunger. Meesa no wokka ja Wookie poodoo. Hoohoohoohoo.
I died laughing but now I am fairly certain this might be one of the reasons the EU wants to ban memes.
>in response to rape
From where does this even comes from? lmao
>deserve to live
I too watched Friends
Good form Mr. Crabs
>immediately jumps to talking about trump
>Defend yourselfs Belgium
I-I honestly can't. It's a total disgrace.
She is an MD though... Which leads to people relativising her obesity