Hey guys! I start to have man boobs! Can it be a gynecomastia or it's just cause I'm a bit fat?
Why do I have man boobs?
you're more than a little bit fat m8. i can feel your gravitational force attracting me to you from here
I wonder if it has to do with the fact that you are a lardass?
>beer is not that bad bro
you are quite fat, sir
So just fat for you?
I'm not a lardass
That's your latent homosexuality.
You're a fat shit.
Nice tits. You need to drop some pounds, buddy.
you are just fat
If you are the guy from the pic, sorry but you are
you are severely fat, how did you let it get this bad
U got gyno bro. Gonna have to get surgery. Overgrown glands behind the nips. Fucking corporations feeding us garbage fuckin with hormones. Id reccomend finding a specialist, might have to fly or drive a distance. If u dont have $5k usd ur fucked buddy. Work hard and save up for it, i did. Also ur fat.
is that a type of superpower?
Okay thanks!
He's Pregnant! Is no one else getting this?! Thats why he has BOOBS!
Gynecomastia is never caused by being fat.
If your manboobs exist because you are fat they will be soft and squishy, if fat tissue beneath skin is hard it is gyno.
In case of gyno there are two possible scenarios:
1. Puberty done wrong (Some percent of men just get manboobs during puberty)
2. Hormonal changes. Here's where it gets fucking tricky - you shouldn't have such hormones and sources of such changes are most unsettling. You might have balls cancer, cancel of lil shit in your head, or cancer somewhere in your guts. Or a tumor somewhere in your body that produces significant amounts of beta hcg / prolactine.
If your gyno hasn't been there since you're a teenager go check your blood,the sooner you find out source,the sooner you will be able to go to chemo.
Well it's quite soft!
If you try to pinch it with two fingers, kinda far apart,does it let you ,or does it slide away ,like it had inner structure ?
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
>do i have gyno
No I don't feel inner structure
Then it's just fat and if you get fit you might get loose skin removed through lobotomy of some sort.
Getting rid of fat is good for you anyway so good luck on your new path of life.
If you're not a poorfag,still would run some basic bloodtests just to be sure. It's better to get rid of cancer as soon as it's possible.
Chemo kills you.
you probably don't have gyno bro
when i was tubby my tits kind of looked like yours, they will disappear if you stop eating
Being fat increases estrogen levels. Increased estrogen levels during puberty can cause gyno. Therefore, being fat during puberty can cause gyno.
But I was a skinny teenager! Gained weight when I entered university!
Milk time
It's because you're a fat fuck
you are severely overweight. Lose a lot of weight. CICO, its really that simple. There is no excuse for any man not to look like a greek/roman statue
>I'm fat. Is it because I'm fat?
This is how stupid you sound
Love how you waited until the answer you wanted until thanking. You are just fat m8. Do some fucking exercise and cut down food. You'll be good to go