Getting Jow Forums for band

Hopefully I'll be marching snare this year for marching band but my only problem is I'm 6'4" 160lbs with not a lot of muscle. The drum weighs around 30 pounds and my lower back starts to hurt after wearing the drum for longer than 20 minutes. What should I be doing to build up strength in my back so i don't end up with back problems later in life?

Attached: marching-percussion.jpg (1600x1071, 200K)

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Deadlift, seriously.
>marching band
Also that's kinda cool.

You are probably gonna get roasted, but before that is happening..

If you are willing to invest some time in lifting weights, decide whether you are actually doing it to get strong/improve your physique or just doing some movements for the sake of being fitter.

If you want to increase your strength and physique, i'd start off with a few months of a full body program such as Stronglifts 5x5 to get basic knowledge and experience in lifting weights, doing the "biggest" movements out there, using a lot of muscles at the same time. After that you can go all kinds of routes.

lekker pik

>google translate
>nice cock
Y-y-you too

Oh, Sassenheim is a town not so far from mine, which is far from known for anything, so i figured you would be from there.

But yeah, "pik" is a Dutch synonym for bro, buddy and soforth

That vid just was in my favorites for ages.
Also your thread made me watch band videos, this is weirdly motivating

Played the tenor drums in high school. Just practice with good posture. Drum line is essentially isometric training for your back. Also, squeeze your butt.

I played for Boston and then eventually ended up with Cadets.

Indoor.. well that would give away too much.

But in terms of Drum Corp brother.. The best advice I can give you is this.

Fuck lifting for the sake of performance. Your performance will be fine.

You NEED to lift for the amount of colorguard girls or girls in general you meet on TOUR.

The amount of vagina I got on tour was insane from the random girls I've met in different shows and states.

Oh and I was and still am on gear btw. That makes a world of difference.

goodluck have fun, bring powdered gatorade.

Elaborate on the butt squeezing ,':^|

>band nerds
Fuck off virgin

Lift for the pussy, not for the marching. DCI fucking kills gains

Also fuck the blue devils

>not the original hell march
never gonna make it

>tfw your left hand sucks after years of not playing
t. 27 year old boomer. Drumline was fun. Too bad I was too much of a frumpy nerd to get any pussy out of it

gotta get big for band

Ayyyyy a fellow snare Chad.

Attached: my_nigga.jpg (680x447, 35K)

>fuck off virgin
Uhhh OP said he's marching snare. He's probably drowning in colorguard pussy.

Is marching band work really as crazy intense as they say?
I hear you need to train like 10 hours a day for one performance

On average dci members burn about 1200 calories over the span of a 10-13 minute show

Its an activity which requires lots of endurance. Not to mention while your moving around, you have to remember all your music and sets (choreography).

You sweat a lot for hours and hours in preparation for about 15 min of straight performance.

>snare faggots
>not marching with the chad 35 lb sousaphone or marching tuba
Stay mad dyels

>35 pound sousa somehow superior to a 30 pound snare
sousafags stay mad

I did drumline in high school, second biggest base drum and then tenors. Just work your whole posterior chain. It will all be of benefit to you. Or, just suffer. You'll get conditioned pretty quick, drilling out on the field for hours a day. Just don't puss out and keep your drum on.

Reverse hyperextensions, all kinds of deadlifts

Like you're trying to hold a grape.
Also, your traps are gonna get joocy. Abs and lower back, too.
Dunno if they've lightened them up in the past decade, but my tenors/quads were ~40 pounds.
For the love of God, learn to stretch correctly and do it regularly and with ANY practice. I and several other quads I know have absolutely fucked wrists and elbows.