Reminder that everything that isn't an asian gf is a downgrade
Reminder that everything that isn't an asian gf is a downgrade
latin gfs are better
I honestly hate all east asians. Something about their alien faces disgusts me.
Anything other than no gf is an upgrade though.
Can we stop this meme please? Like honestly as a white male I find asian women completely unattractive, ugly even.
>white male
sure you are, roastie
Pfft yeah ok. Phone's broke so I can't neccesarily post my dick right now. But honestly, what do you find attractive about asians? I would be willing to like them because I'm bored but they literally just kill my dick.
more feminine, don't look like men, more pleasant to be around, not extremely extroverted like western women, neotonic facial features, generally not fat, age better, looks like my anime
t. tasteless amerimutt
Really low downgrade desu
mama mia look at that photoshop
>more feminine
I don't really see what you mean here. If you mean body wise, every race can be more feminine or masculine, it depends on the woman. If you mean behavior wise, it's all just up to their culture, and that's not an asian-specific thing.
>Don't look like men
Quite the contrary actually. Since they are Asian they almost all look exactly alike.
>More pleasant to be around
Like I said before, either it's due to the culture, or it depends on the woman.
>Not extremely extroverted like western women
So you plan to prey on socially weak women? What if they actually know how to talk to people? Will you just drop them? That's ridiculous in an actual serious scenario.
>Neotonic facial features
"Neoteny, called juvenilization, is the delaying or slowing of the physiological (or somatic) development of an organism, typically an animal."
So you're a pedo?
>Generally not fat
Again, depends on the woman. I'm starting to see a pattern here.
>Age better
I've seen my fair share of wrinkly asian people lol.
>Looks like my anime
Yeah we're done here.
I think you like Asians because you have no idea how normal people are. I'm not here to make you feel bad since this is Jow Forums but you have your entire sexual preference based on a racist stereotype depicted in media. Go outside dude, holy shit.
this post reeks of roastie
Listen, I know there's no way to prove that I'm a white guy, but this shit is ridiculous. Are you telling me that if I was a woman posting the exact same thing, even if I'm right, it wouldn't matter? It's almost hilarious that the only thing in rebuttal to what I said was "shoo shoo dumb roastie". Jesus christ you guys are pathetic.
>white roast still trying
Suck my d i c k
originally posted
>Faggot went on /mu/ to shill kpop shit.
>Faggot gets banned
>Faggot then went on Jow Forums just to do the same shit
>Faggot gets banned
>Faggot then goes on Jow Forums to shill Asian shit.
Will this fag get banned on Jow Forums too, find out next time on the Jow Forums show.
Why do you do this yellow fever fag.
>Again, depends on the woman. I'm starting to see a pattern here.
Yeah it depends, but there'll be a higher probability getting an Asian girl that isn't fat (more preferably Japanese)
>I don't really see what you mean here. If you mean body wise, every race can be more feminine or masculine, it depends on the woman. If you mean behavior wise, it's all just up to their culture, and that's not an asian-specific thing.
They have the lowest testosterone level
>Quite the contrary actually. Since they are Asian they almost all look exactly alike.
Train your eye. Male Caucasians can look like females with feminine features, dummy
>So you plan to prey on socially weak women? What if they actually know how to talk to people? Will you just drop them? That's ridiculous in an actual serious scenario.
You always have negative connotations on everything, do you?
2D is an upgrade though.
That lazy eye oof. I love asian girls but why are lazy eyes so common for them. Lazy eyes are one of my biggest turnoffs
You write as if you have a hard time finding skinny women, lol. Also what the fuck do you mean by "lowest testosterone level". Testosterone is made by strictly male organs, anything else is diet related and hardly makes any impact whatsoever. Also, I shouldn't have to "train" my eyes to find Asian women attractive, that's just sad. And honestly, I'm not trying to be negative, you're just providing ridiculous reasoning to base your entire sexual preference on.
imagine being so delusional that you settle for some 5/10 chink and think you're winning anything
>I don't really see what you mean here.
Facial and body features, retard
>Quite the contrary actually. Since they are Asian they almost all look exactly alike.
I don't give a shit how asian men look like, comparison was to Western men. And Asian women are as far from them as it gets. Settling for anything less than an Asian woman is borderline gay.
>Like I said before, either it's due to the culture
So what's your point? If they're pleasant due to their culture they are still pelasant.
>So you plan to prey on socially weak women? What if they actually know how to talk to people? Will you just drop them? That's ridiculous in an actual serious scenario.
>Introverted is socially weak and unable to communicate
>So you're a pedo?
Not liking old hag looking roasties doesn't make you a pedo.
Also yes.
>Again, depends on the woman.
Yeah it depends on the woman majority of which are not fat. Do you know what generally means? It means there are more chances to find a woman who you will like as a person who will also not be fat.
>I've seen my fair share of wrinkly asian people lol.
They were probably 60+
Again, retardedly ignoring general statistics.
>I think you like Asians because you have no idea how normal people are. I'm not here to make you feel bad since this is Jow Forums but you have your entire sexual preference based on a racist stereotype depicted in media.
>Please don't abandon us, we're relevant!
My guy you're talking about ignoring when you literally cannot quote an entire sentence of mine without being proven wrong. Nevertheless...
>Introverted is socially weak and unable to communicate
Absolutely, where do you think we are?
>Not liking old hag looking roasties doesn't make you a pedo
Yes, however liking something simply because it doesn't age much at all is being a pedo.
>Yeah it depends on the woman majority of which are not fat. Do you know what generally means? It means there are more chances to find a woman who you will like as a person who will also not be fat.
So you're saying here that you'll be more likely to like someone simply because their Asian? Makes no sense.
>They were probably 60+
Again, retardedly ignoring general statistics.
Not really, when you "retardedly" think that all Asian people age well.
>Please don't abandon us, we're relevant!
Again with this, is it so hard to believe a male doesn't like asian women?
Face it, your precious "Asian women" aren't special at all. You're just trying to find a way to mask your racism.
>well thought out points and arguments
>Hurr you're just retarded and racist
Kys monkey, no point in talking to you anymore