Got brutally rekt by a female for being ugly

Held the door open for a woman and she recoiled a little seeing my face and said "oh ew" at me.

I tried to play it off cool and said "not many gentlemen like me left haha" she just said "right" and laughed at her friend.

I was left feeling completely rekt and skipped todays workout because of it.

My question is, what's the point in lifting and tracking macros if I have a gross serial killer face?

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Women have arbitrary taste.

Men are pretty universally attracted to certain women and might have a body type fetish occasionally.

Women will wildy vary in their tastes.

So relax. Even if you are ugly objectively you can find a woman that will actually love your face, provided you make a man of yourself in all other regards.

>she recoiled a little seeing my face and said "oh ew" at me
You should’ve said “stole the words right outta my mouth” btw you’re a retard for holding doors open for random women.

track her down and kill her

I don't actually believe there is anyone that's just "ugly" that would cause someone to react like that.

Fake and gay.

you don't hold the door for people? you just let it slam in their faces?

lol fucking mannerlet

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it was at a hotel bar leaving the building, she may have been kind of drunk which unleashed her primal urge to shame sub8 males. I don't know but what I do know is I was definitely reminded of my subhuman genetics.

Go back to lookism. You’re honestly not welcome here.

>you don't hold the door for people? you just let it slam in their faces?
Some bitchy jaydub types get really offended if while entering a building you look behind you and maybe leave it open for a little bit so it you don’t cause a pile-up.

This isn’t even a chivalry thing it’s a trying to make sure nobody fucking gets hurt thing.

you are not the moderator of this board nigger

>arbitrary tastes

>"not many gentlemen like me left haha"
should of went with "I wouldnt even nut in yo ass"

is this a pasta?

If only you looked like Gandy, not only she would have given you a smile for being so nice, she would ask you out later and suck your dick.

What a cruel world.

um sweety this is the opposite of true

men are the ones that are attracted to most women, women's type is universally tall, dark, handsome

Man shut the fuck up you stupid cunt.

Lol i just checked. is down. thats why hes here.

Fkn LOL its the exact opposite that is true

No you retard I walk through the door and let it close on its own. Unless someone is carrying a tall stack of books in both hands there's no reason to be chivalrous especially to the average degenerate.

I know how you feel brah, women absolutely hate me because my face is disgusting. I can't tell you how to cope with it. That's something you have to find out yourself.


Youre such a pussy bitch.
>wahh my safe space :(((((
Fuck off beta this board is for alpha males ONLY. Maybe its u who should leave lol.

5/10, people actually replied seriously

Yes, it's not like certain women obsess over ugly people like cumbebrbrbebach, hiddlestoad and any random Harry potter star.


Literally plebbit tier response.

Dubs confirm, LMS is the one true law.

You would know, go back to it.

Incel here, why do women continually beat us down? Why can't they just leave us ugly subhuman males alone?

wtf is lms

You should become a NEET and get checks from the government if possible. That's better than paying into the tax system that mostly goes towards roasties and third worlders who hate you.

Looks Money Status

So if somebodys a few feet behind you (less than ten or so) you dont just hold the door?

It has nothing to do with chivalry, its just not being a fucking dick. I bet you dont have many friends.

You stupid cunt. If someone is a few feet behind me they get to the door before it closes again

Nigga post your face, we need to see what we're working with

post face

>implying this happened
Keep masturbating to cuck fantasies incel.
The likelihood of somebody actually saying "oh ew" when you held open a door is so infinitesimally low that if you actually held doors open for people regularly this wouldn't even register as bothering you.
Shoo shoo, back to Jow Forums and Jow Forums with you.

I've had the exact same thing happen to me back in college. Multiple times. To be fair I was weird looking and 300lbs then.

Its called “being nice”. Maybe try it sometime you antisocial retard

I'm not a fumbling DYEL like you so when I go through the door I push it open hard enough for the people behind me to get through without the need to hold the door open. No need to stand there tipping your fedora "after you my lady, oh my lady, my lady!"

>not many gentlemen like me left haha
that is literally flex-a-'cep tier autism

It happens to me all the fucking time. I wish it didnt. Currently saving up for plastic surgery in thailand

There's competent surgeons in Thailand?


move out of that shit hole USA

what a hard cunt. only on the 'ch0n

Because you pop off and identify yourself in places like this and cry about it.
Shoo, Shoo incel. Back to redpill.

I know you're looking for a fight.

Post your body little guy

Theres cheap surgeond there. If the botch the job at least no one will notice the difference.

I need £1600 for the surgery, £700 for the flight. Im currently due £700 from work so almost there. I will become a chad.

This, no such thing as Incel, you are doing something wrong if you can't get pussy, and it isn't your genes.

Bro I advise Argentina over Thailand, but whatevs

What do you do about anxiety problems? How do I get enough gains to be able to approach a stranger? Or to even speak with a girl I've met and ask her out?
t. incel because anxiety

>skipping a workout because of some thot
>never gonna make it, not with that attitude

While a lot of people advocate certain drugs or supplements/nootropics, they only increase my anxiety due to feeling like a fraud. You can be the biggest guy in the room, but if you are suffering from body dysmorphia and are not confident you will still be too anxious. Unironically the only thing that cured my depression/anxiety was participating in my religious community, even though I am not particularly religious, the sense that you belong to a large group of people who accept you no matter your slights is really empowering, if you actually believe the sense that you are backed by the literal almighty gives ridiculous amounts of confidence. Also participating in events weekly with them is also free social practice, as religious people are nuts who will let a lot of autism slide, so you can discharge all your autism there and be good to go for the next week.

trips don't lie but take my case, I have serious difficulty focusing at work. My brain zones out and my vision gets hazy after 30-40 minutes of concentration, this despite meditating daily, working out, eating like a human bean. I don't watch tv, I read books everyday, I game for 40mins a day at best, rarely drink, everything's ideal. Except my brain is still shit and my short term memory is 100% ass.

Since I started taking modafinil I became superman. I take it on Monday and Tuesday and stay off it for the rest off the week, this keeps me from abusing it. No way would I feel insecure for taking it, I'm nerfed without it.

Not really. Women like tall men who are desired by other women. That's it.

If theyre right behind you just drag your arm along the door as you go through to "hold it"

there are legitimately people out there that behave as you would expect the kardashians or paris hilton to.
they really aren't that common, but they are scum and need to be contained in their own little private island.

he fell for the ''not my type'' excuse by the girl that rejected him

Oh look, another autism thread.

Next time give it back to her. What the fuck is there to lose? Think of something witty for the next time that happens. "Ew indeed it smells like fish" or call her a cunt or something bro. Just because they are women doesn't mean you should let them walk on you. This is the age of equality and that goes in everyway despite what the white knights say.

Report Jow Forums shitposting

People in my University open doors for me and I open for them. Whatever goes first will thank the another.
Thing I'm saying don't interact with trashes.

That's like the most childish reaction you can have. OP did good. You just ignore nasty people like that and not even think about that experience again because it's not worth your time.

You really made my Fucking day larping nigger.

same...and I look like some drug dealing criminal

Excellent there. Dont believe anyone who says otherwise.

Why are you holding doors open for women, moron? You do realize that as a non Chad male they literally hate you, right?

I let doors slam in their faces. I don't pick things up for them that fall near me, I don't even smile at them when we happen to make eye contact at random. You need to realize that no matter how hard you try to be accepted you will never overcome your genes and women will have a biological hatred of you.

Just live your fucking life.

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It's literally the opposite you idiot.

>Opening a door to the pub
>Woman on the other side
>It opens outwards so hold it open for her to leave rather than trying to push past her
>Says loudly and sarcastically "YEAH! THANKS GUYS!"
>She was fat and ugly too
Never opening a door open for a woman again, next time this happens just gonna stand there and wait for her to open it herself






There's nothing masculine about what OP did. Besides, women don't want to be feminine anymore.

much more welcome here than you.

you're right about this but why look them in the face? i never look at the people i'm holding the door for a i just perform my civic duty of waiting for the person 10 feet away.

>this board is for alpha males ONLY
So when are you leaving?

Yeah, clearly it worked well for OP.

Next time that happens say "fuck you" and do not skip a day. You've lost a battle but you can still win the war by spiting her with your presence.

>not many gentlemen like me left haha

You work out to be able to kill your enemies faster, not to serve females better, you pussy-whipped piece of shit.

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Should have told her to go fuck herself you damn pussy

>"not many gentlemen like me left haha"
You have a special advanced autism, user.

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Your facial genetics are not something you have control over so why worry about them?

she will look in the basket, r-right?

"Just keep slaving and the right woman will come one day xD"

And what should the alternative be, give up and kill yourself?

>she will look in the basket, r-right?
look closer

>"not many gentlemen like me left haha"
What a nice guy you are OP

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>try to act like a "m'lady" going out of your way to hold door open for people 10 feet behind you

you did this to yourself

In the box, there is no little bump where her ball was
>Right answer?

I'd say it's fake, but I've seen normies do some pretty fucked up shit. Particularly women.

>In fast food line a while back
>Car full of women in their 20s/30s is in front of me, being rude and loud as fuck
>As they leave, they whip out of the drive thru and cause a wreck, speeding away
>The family was okay, but their car was fucked and the wife sprained her arm

I know this will be a hot take on Jow Forums, I don't think ALL women are bad. I do think MOST women are bad, though.

You should've just yelled "you're welcome" even if she was a foot away.

Alternatively, "you're welcome, CUNT"

Merging my experience with OP's but
>guy holds door for military dude
>"thank you sir"

>guy holds door for woman
>"oh ew"
Were women a mistakr?

1) Stop fucking holding doors for women. If you see a 'door encounter' with a woman coming avoid it. Delay it. Don't let it happen.

2) Avoid women. Take care of yourself so you can be strong and better not for thots.

3) Avoid women.

4) Avoid women.

5) Avoid. women.

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