>tfw no Hibike girls harem
feels bad man
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A fellow patrician I see. Hibike girls are delicious
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don't you dare make Kumiko part of your harem. Kumiko is for strict monogamy.
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Kumiko is a footslut.
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I don't even know what that means. But would you pls stop calling her any names with "slut" in it? Except "non-slut". Thanks.
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I like you, fellow Kumiko poster.
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he and anyone else can call her whatever we want wuss...
she's everyones pass her around cumslut. go cry moar you weak single mom raised beta
I lost my kumiko folder, help me anons
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Yes they are. They are absolutely lovely.
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of course. originalisono
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What kind of Kumiko would you like? I have 54 of them.
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All kumikos, but my favourite one was of her in a t shirt with "I am Boss" written on it.
>in a t shirt with "I am Boss" written on it.
hmm, I don't even know that one.
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Why is she so perfect lads?
I'm literally crying right now because I know she will never be real.
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I found it
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>Page 8
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>Page 9
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>tfw no Natsuki gf
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This Anime is really boring unless you are into music.
Litterally just worse K-ON!
>tfw no Kumiko housewife
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