All of you fat cunts need to stop complaining women love fat guys, only heterosexual twinks with a high metabolism can be robots.
>tfw physically incapable of having a dad bod
>tfw you will always look like a 14 year old twink
All of you fat cunts need to stop complaining women love fat guys, only heterosexual twinks with a high metabolism can be robots.
>tfw physically incapable of having a dad bod
>tfw you will always look like a 14 year old twink
Other urls found in this thread:
>women say what the really want
lol are you new here?
daddybears are great
>implying the want a fucking underage looking twink
"Dad bods" are still more popular
Literally just lift and eat more bro
dad bods are fucking cancer
This is hilarious, she describes laying on fit dudes she's obvious banging, but using fat guys to take her out on dates and buy her food. alpha fux beta bux
fuck that, abs are by far the hottest feature a guy can have. I'll forgive a tiny dick or short stature for a pair of nice rock-hard abs. fatties are gross and the dad bod meme needs to die.
These girls romanticizing dad bods must have not been with a guy like that. They get so SWEATY and MOIST to the touch it's revolting
>women love fat guy
I love that meme!
>and that's why I'm the perfect lover
she is saying what she wants you just need to understand women only see the most attractive best example of what can be called anything, they say dadbod and you see average to fat body but she really means hairy, large ape pecks, slight belly, beard, being 6+ plus, buff but not defined etc.
I hate that women go for the big bear type of guys now. It looks unhealthy, and you don't even have to put any effort into looking like that. I can't put on fat so I have a choice of being skelly or toned.
>women were platonic idealists all along
Really makes me think
this obsession with sex, blackpill, chads and virgins, women and their tumblr bullshit, has given me cancer.
Then leave newfag
I was fat for a couple years from being 125-135 lbs for most my life to being 200+ and then lost the weight again. When you're fat people notice other qualities about you I think because after I got skinny, girls stopped giving me random compliments
Her assertion does not reflect reality. There have been dozens if not hundreds of serveys and tests already.
Women prefer "ottermode" fit bodies. Not too musclular, but still toned and with a visible "V" shape. Broad shoulders, big biceps, big pectorals, big traps, and small and toned glutes.
I mean, at least you know the compliments you get now are genuine and not just them trying to comment on anything aside from your fatness
Fag when women say this they mean Chad with 9% body fat as opposed to Chad with 6% bodyfat.
They're not talking about obese monsters like me.
>abs are always flexed
Uh yeah, they pretty much are
It was just cool having people judging you on stuff other than looks. I actually got way more matches on tinder when I was fat and they would open with cool shit like asking about my hobbies and stuff. Also some girls I didn't even know would recognize me and wouldn't be afraid to approach and start conversations
I agree, whatever it is about "twink" mode girls just don't like it.
>Taking women on their word
>tfw have a dad bod since I quit working out and shaving
I'm all here ladies come and get me.
The only reason she says this is the same reason some guys just want an average "cute" girl than a blonde stacy with super big tits and ass. You don't feel like your batting outside your league
>what women say
>what women do
What the fuck is a dadbod? This?
This is what women mean when they say dadbod
It's true desu, I love chubby guys
Piss off with your trickery. I've already learned there is no hope for manlets. Wearing a crop top isn't going to change that.